Tuesday, September 16, 2003

caribou... REPENT! REPENT!

today is ick day. i am avoiding homework, but what else is new? visited one danny weiss this afternoon. for a fucking hour. bastard othrodontist thinks he is too good for me. i'll show him who's boss. who's got the money around here.
one day i'll bite that fucker's hand off.
bad news is that i still have another fucking tooth to come in. what a bitch. i have like 3 teeth anyway, come the fuck on. how much can i ask?
good news is that he kept talking about my braces maybe coming off one day. (this time he estimated that i'd get them off when i turn 36! yes! last time it was 50... i'm so excited.)

i have lots of bullshit to do tonight, lots of projects due this week. eww. well at least it's tuesday, not monday. i plan to Day on thurs this week, so if anyone of you kiddies would like to come along, please feel free. i want to make a party out of it. and if thursday is shit, we can go for tomorrow. just get me out of here for a little while. i should go do some shit, i guess. (you know i never will. okay. not never, unless 5am is the end of the world.)

listening to: pixies - vamos
(as stated previously, i CANNOT stop listening to the pixies. because you know. that maid maria, she is real okay.)

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