Wednesday, August 01, 2001

RenayBly: you're little JC friend is annoyingly gross
RenayBly: >.<
RenayBly: thats sick
Biting Flame: asldgkhasalkds omg what did he do
Biting Flame: we really should keep him in a cage

The1JC696969: so...
The1JC696969: i got the spider
Renay Bly: bahahaha
Renay Bly: are you sure?
The1JC696969: yeah
The1JC696969: he was in my shower
The1JC696969: so i got some toliet paper and killed him
Renay Bly: it'll probably crawl under the covers and bite you tonight
The1JC696969: and then pissed on the toliet paper
The1JC696969: then flushed it
Renay Bly: that is FAR more than I need to know, thanks
The1JC696969: lol
The1JC696969: as i was pissing i was cursing at the spider
The1JC696969: lol
Renay Bly: shut the hell up
Renay Bly: that's disguisting
The1JC696969: what is
Renay Bly: I don't want to hear about what you piss on!
The1JC696969: o ok
Renay Bly: or what you SAY while doing it!
The1JC696969: lol

Biting Flame: GAHH eww
RenayBly: I knooooooow
Biting Flame: thats disgusting

The1JC696969: whats up
The1JC696969: yo
Biting Flame: what the hell did you do to bly
The1JC696969: nothing
Biting Flame: well you probably shouldnt speak to her again
The1JC696969: why
Biting Flame: ..... dont worry about it

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