Wednesday, August 01, 2001

JC84559: hi
Renay Bly: hahahahaha
JC84559: hm?
Renay Bly: Lana and I were busting some phatty rhymes last night
Renay Bly: hahahaha
JC84559: you wish you had skills as ill as mine
Renay Bly: no... we were making fun of you, idiot
JC84559: yea but you still dont have have the skill is me, and the reason ur dissin me is cuz you aint feeling me
Renay Bly: and your skills aren't "ill".... "ill" is what your so-called "skills" make me
JC84559: lol
Renay Bly: yea... I don't wanna feel you
Renay Bly: that's gross
Renay Bly: how old are you anyway?
JC84559: brb
Renay Bly: way to change the subject
JC84559: hold on eminem is on mtv
Renay Bly: ::gag gag gag gag::
Renay Bly: ::busts a fuckin cap in Eminem's ass::
Renay Bly: ::gag gag gag::
JC84559: alright
JC84559: whatever eminem fucking roolz without him all that would be around is pop shit
Renay Bly: pop "shit" is hell of a lot better than "rap" shit
JC84559: whatever
Renay Bly: and uh... where would Em be without Dre?
JC84559: i just wanna see britney spears and nsync every 33.3 seconds
Renay Bly: pshhhhh
Renay Bly: that's what I thought
Renay Bly: you're a teeny bopper deep down aren't you?
JC84559: right...
Renay Bly: this is your rough exterior that you show to the whole world. You're just a sucker for those N*Syncer's aren't ya?
Renay Bly: you just won't admit it
Renay Bly: I'm onto you, buddy
JC84559: ill admit this
JC84559: britney spears is hot
JC84559: but her music sucks
Renay Bly: they call you JC, cuz you wanna be just like JC from N*Sync... awww... that is PRECIOUS
JC84559: no they call me jc cuz its like my initnals
Renay Bly: riiiiiiiight
Renay Bly: he's your hero isn't he?
Renay Bly: that is just too damn cute
JC84559: lol
Renay Bly: you dress up like him in your room don't you?
Renay Bly: and sing their songs
JC84559: yeah
Renay Bly: in the mirror
JC84559: every 3 months i shave my hair
Renay Bly: and try to copy his fly moves
JC84559: put on my nsync cds
JC84559: and get down
JC84559: ive seen that pop video or whatever there jus tryin to rap
Renay Bly: I wouldn't know
Renay Bly: and I don't care either
Renay Bly: but I think you'll like my profile... read it
JC84559 signed off at 10:30:40 PM.
JC84559 signed on at 10:33:11 PM.
JC84559: damn computer
Renay Bly: :-D

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