today was actually really fucking awesome. psats? fuck that! so i only finished like 2 of the sections. if that. i had an awesome day! take that, (mis)guidance bitches. you know i don't even want to TALK about that shit. i don't even care. i realized that i had thrown on a shirt that has a little hole in it, in the chest area. and it being so early, i was too lazy to put on a bra. oh well. i guess i'm a slut now. laylee was in the testing room with me, though. we made eyes. she looked hot.
my wonderful mother, being my wonderful mother, knew that i needed chocolate for the test. she did something similar last year, only last year she found some hershey's kisses in our house someplace. this year, she looked around but couldn't find any, so she packed me a little tupperware full of chocolate chips. they were a huge hit. elise ate them very quickly. probably because she dropped most of them. they made becca very happy. i offered them all around, and i don't understand why some people didn't accept them. there are some things i will never understand.
so there was a little time to hang out and talk to kids a bit before we left. i think a bunch of kids had decided to go to lunch somewhere or something. it would've been fun to go, but it was MY LAYLEE DAY so nothing else mattered. we saw my mom eventually, and we went by bookstar. it was funny because whenever laylee and i used to hang out, we would always default to poplar plaza. i don't really know why. i can't even remember what we are at bookstar for, but they didn't have it. and since laylee and i have no brains, we couldn't think of anywhere for mom to take us, so she just took us home. we sat around trying to think for a bit. gave up. watched some music videos. had to quickly make up our minds, and ended up driving with dad and morgan to rehearsal. we had a 'lovely' experience in the first congo bathrooms before walking to last chance records, where i bought the new distillers, as previously stated. don't even make me talk about the album art.
then we walked around and talked about buying a disposable camera. but laylee thought it would be a waste of money, that she needed to be saving, because the pictures wouldn't be good enough and then she wouldn't want to develop them and something and so on. which was too bad, because the day was SO beautiful and there were SO many little lovely things to photograph. and i had grabbed the video camera, but for some reason we just didn't use it in replacement. we should have, because it would've been better than nothing. but we're nuts. anyway we ended up at pie in the sky, and we each got a slice of pizza and shared a milkshake. laylee, did i pay you back for my half of that milkshake? i can't remember. but anyway, when laylee was paying she turned and asked me who was paying for it. so the owner, lou, knew we were sharing it, and made enough for both of us on purpose. it was the absolute sweetest thing. he brought us two cups and everything. plus it was an absolutely gorgeous, frothful milkshake. mmm. okay. we sat outside in the wonderfulness. there was a man from new york on a bike, in a black and white striped shirt. he was nice. he caught some of my trash when it blew away off the table. we saw him riding around later, too. i hope he had as good a day in midtown as ours.
laylee and i are the same person. we discussed this over lunch. we would live together so damned well. we need to get married. but it was decided that if we dated, we would just be sitting around going "what do YOU want to do" at every moment. i love laylee more than anything. she put her hand in my shirt and told me how perfect my shoulders are. how nobody else trips like me. how my ugly-ass knees are cute. etc etc etc. see! i couldn't be around anyone else for forever. and right now i think she is the only person who really wants to be around me.
after lunch, we went into legba where they were having a used records sale, and laylee bought 3 moody blues albums for kevin, which made him very happy. it was sweet. i got a poster for my family, and a free magazine thing. man that reminds me. what happened to those? oh i think i left them in laylee's bag. laylee, give them back. give them back to me, or i'll-- malephasent?! how do you spell that shit anyway? okay. i would feel bad if we went into legba and didn't buy anything because it's always empty. so i like to buy there, even though i had just gotten something at last chance, so i didn't have the money to get another cd. plus i nearly ended up wasting a bunch of money, because i accidentally left my distillers cd IN legba, and didn't realize it for a couple hours. haha whats wrong with me.
we got out of there eventually, and walked down cooper for a couple blocks. outside the old last chance, we stopped for a minute, just talking and dancing around. these cute little boys walked by, and we said hello. i don't know why i'm mentioning them, because we said hello to a lot of people. but i liked these little boys. they kept turning around to look at us after they passed. so we realized we were standing next to the thing that used to be train tracks over cooper? (it's the one that they tried to make pretty, by putting that disgusting public art of the buildings over it. i wish somebody would grafitti those damn things.) well, the tracks are still there, but the part that goes over the street is fenced off, probably with good reason. i had always wanted to go up, though, so we ran across the street, left our jackets lying on the ground, and climbed up the hill for a looksie. we found that the old tracks are still there, but are completely covered up with plants and fallen trees. it was interesting, so we followed them for a little ways. there was also a little hill over the other side of the tracks. one place in particular looked less high up, or less steep, or something than the rest of the way. we sort of peered over it for a bit. then laylee was like "i'm just going to go down a little ways." so of course we ended up sliding down the side of the hill/cliff. i left the camera and all our stuff up at the top, and we didn't even think about how we'd get back up. that was completely beside the point. so we walked back towards the way we'd come, and looked at the grafitti. makes you wish you'd brought your own spray paint. i wish i was cool enough to draw a mushroom and write 'LSD' over it. or "i heart the beastie boys." too bad i'm not. it was very great fun tramping through the everything. it felt like going through the woods in georgia, only you could hear all these cars going by. very strange. you'd never think this little area of immense green-ity existed behind some train tracks, you know? it was so nice. there was another place where the hill was less steep, and i climbed back up to find this absolutely GREAT little hiding place. it was like a little cave that these bushes made... i wish we'd taken pictures of all these things. when laylee caught up, we sat in it for a minute. it was so nice. then she decided to try to get back up to the railroad tracks from the groundie ground because the bushes we were sitting under were so thick. she climbed up on these cement blocks that block the little hideaway from the street, while i slid under and through some bushes to get back up to the thingie thing. she said that her view was nice, so we went and sat on the edge of the blocks and watched cars and people go by. i said hello to a woman who was walking across the street, but she just gave me a not-nice look. and aside from that, none of hte other pedestrians noticed us. or maybe they were too used to kids doing that, but I'VE never actually seen anyone sitting up there before. we just sat up there for a good while. kevin called a couple times, and i lay there while laylee talked to him. what a beautiful day too. after a while we got nervous that people were going to take our jackets. it wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but laylee has no winter clothes, and that jacket wasn't even hers to begin with. so we started back, and i went to get the camera and things. a man walked by and asked laylee if those were our jackets. it was funny. he said he was going to take them, and he watched us psuedo-slide down the hill. it made it slightly awkward. but everything was still there and whatnot. and my distillers cd was still in legba when we went back there. it gives me faith in the good people of midtown.
man i really hope i'm not ruining this moment by writing about it. i just thought of that. fuck me. laylee, make me delete this if it does.
but we were COMPLETELY covered with seeds when we got out. i had at least 4 different kinds of sticky seeds on me. they were really nice, so i didn't take them off. i put quite a few new rips in my skirt, too. i was too excited, i think. i ran all around and things were catching everywhere, but i didn't care. oh well, as long as it still fits around my waist i am cool. there will be no skirt left before i stop wearing it.
we didn't really go where we were going after that, so we just sort of hung out at this corner for a while. the one next to that fucking creepy frog. ew. we ended up turning the corner and walking on the street that isn't cooper, simply because we didn't remember what was down there. i think it was just houses. but we saw that jay kid. we pretended to wait for a bus that wasn't coming, because it was a speed limit sign, not a bus stop sign. it was good.
so we got back on cooper and saw another train bridge. we contemplated how one would go about getting up to it, but decided that we shouldn't do it because it would ruin the adventure-ness of the first one, so we walked past it down to peabody park or whatever it's called, and swang on the swings. i love swings with laylee. then some fucking awful southern kids came, and we died. it was okay, because i continued to sing loudly and be an ass. we realized that it was almost 3:30 and brock's art class ended at 4, so we should make plans to do something quick with him and kevin, before laylee and kevin went to see kill bill at 5. since kevin was supposed to pick up laylee and i at 4, everything would be lovely. i was worried about calling brock on his cell phone, because what if he hadn't turned it off and it rang in the middle of class, and the teacher gave him the evil eye, etc, etc. i don't really know what the atmosphere in that kind of class is like. but i called him anyway, thinking i could just leave him a voicemail message or something. but he fucking picked up. as it turns out, he had walked out of class to call me, and had just got off the phone with my parent. how funny is that? i love the boy. swoon. anyway, he the plan was dubbed good, and i was in a wonderful beautiful mood so i was being very loud and laughity. i don't think he enjoyed it too much. people need to tell me when to shut up, sometimes. i wonder if i would.
after a while of swinging and listening to the annoying southern girls, we decided that yes indeed it WOULD be worth it to go up to the train tracks. plus there was a really nice little path up from the park, and all. so we climbed up it and i filmed laylee walking around on the tracks a little bit. it was cool because there was actually a train up on one of the tracks, and it was strange to think that we were on tracks that are actually USED and everything. we ventured out onto the part of the tracks that goes over the street, and we could actually see cars under our feet. it was insane. there was one hole between 2 tracks that was bigger than the other ones, and something insane made me completely unafraid, and i wanted to sit in it. but laylee was practical and wouldn't let me. looking back, i was completely nuts. imagine being the car going under the pass thing and seeing up some girl's skirt. christ, have some dignity. anyway we made it to the other side, where we sat next to some beautiful caution tape and discussed how some pictures we would have taken if we had had a camera. i had left jerry and all our shit on the other side of the bridge, and it didn't really feel appropriate to go back for a video camera, when we really wanted a regular one. but it would've been so nice. maybe we'll go back one day... at one point those awful girls followed us, climbed up on the train, and promptly left. like they were trying to be the adventure and it wasn't working out for htem. well fuck that. it was really funny because when they were leaving the park, they saw us up on the tracks across the street. ahahaha. laylee said one of them waved. a little while after we lost sight of them, they all screamed at the same time. laylee made a great comment about how they probably almost got hit by a car because they didn't know how to walk around midtown right. BWAHAHAH stupid creepy bitches. eventually kevin drove by (under?) and we waved and he grinned. what a beautiful grin. i love the mountain man. he climbed up also, but we had to leave because kevin had been later than we expected and brock was waiting for us. i feel really bad about telling brock that kevin would get him and not telling kevin that we ewre getting brock. anyway, by the time we'd picked up brock, it was too late to do anything before the movie, so brock and i just got dropped off at my house and that was that.
brock looked so very art in all black and very fall and beautiful. we hung out at my house. we sat outside for a while, and he put people's phone numbers into his new phone and we talked and etc. we came in, and he got online to talk to lauren d. i went back to the bathroom, and i started to hear this buzzing. i figured there was a fly racketing around my room, so i stopped walking to find it. the noise stopped. i started to walk again, and the buzzing came back. then i got this reallly weird notion that it was coming from me, so i took off my skirt as carefully as i could whilst going nuts, and this absolutely MASSIVE bumblee crawled out. i ran around the room pantless and screamed until mom came and got rid of it. it was quite exciting, though. i guess it was attracted to all my seeds? mom thought it had crawled in and gone to sleep. how nuts. i couldn't even feel it.
then brock did my hair. it was gorgeous. we also tried to call a few people but they were all busy. so of course we just ended up at sonic. sigh. we made a lot of friends there, though. there were these kids in their car who were very obviously watching us. i don't blame them or anything, it's really easy/fun to watch whoever is eating outside at sonic. but we played it up, and it was too much fun. we performed the best time ever, with hugely gestured hand movements in our conversations. at one point, we just randomly turned to their stupid fucking car and gwilked at them. it was amazingly great. brock waved as they were leaving, but they didn't wave back. asses.
my server had pink hair. she was awesome. i need to work at sonic.
two girls in a car across the damned parking lot were calling to us, and so we walked over. they thought that my yellow skirt was a spongebob skirt. i told them it was not, but that my new goal in life was to get one. they still thought the skirt was cute, and asked where i got it. i LOVED being able to say "oh my aunt made this when she was in high school." i felt awesome. i bet they were just being polite, though.
brock got a sundae thing, and is insane. he gave me the fucking ice cream off the top of it, and wiped the whipped cream off the rest. he is fucking nuts. but i was more than grateful for the ice cream. woowoo. shit i had a lot of ice cream yesterday! i had that milkshake, half of brock's sundae, and some chocolate later at home. god i'm such a pig! that has got to stop.
we came home, to find mom downloading "wuthering heights" by kate bush, which was supposedly my first favorite rock song. so mom had to play it for brock of course. it is way too high for me to sing. plus i think i lost some of my vocal chords a couple weeks ago when i was sick.. it's really too bad. but i love knowing that ms. bush wrote the song when she was 14, and recorded it when she was 16. how fucking awesome is that?! and thinking that since then, she's been making records. god what a great life. too bad i'm cursed with no musical talent, because if i had some, i would be all over shit. you know. with a band. and albums. and talent. le sigh.
so mom and dad played some more songs for brock, and then i played some music videos for everyone, because they are my passion lately. it was fun. then we put on this movie called "mystery train" which was set and filmed in memphis. it wasn't very good, though. brock had to leave in the middle, unfortunately. it's too bad that he has to leave so early on Nights... even earlier than when i would've been taken home when elise used to be the eternal ride. but it's always okay, because the Night has started earlier. it's really strange to think that a lot of last year's saturday nights didn't even begin until like 7 or something. how nuts.
20 minutes or something after brock had left, mom out of nowhere said "i don't know why brock puts up with you. you're so mean." we hadn't been talking about brock, and i hadn't been doing anything mean. in fact, we had just been sitting there watching the movie since he walked out the door. it was really strange, and thinking that it was true made me feel really shitty. especially because of part of a conversation we'd had earlier, after we called people and no one was home. brock was saying he felt like he didn't know anybody, and that of course i didn't count. i think the last few weekends he has been really restless with this routine we've picked up of just hanging out at my house and sometimes taking in a movie. i mean i know he's been enjoying himself at least a little, because for one thing he keeps coming back. but we're severely in need of a car. and then i think, when brock can drive will i still even be in the picture? and if i am, will that just be because i don't count as anybody, and he doesn't think he'll have anyone else to be with? i don't know. but i don't know why he does put up with me, sine i really am so mean and all that. i don't know. i really need to learn to be nicer. the other day after school i was depressed and wondering who i have become. i mean, i have always been critical and everything, but mostly never just dead-on mean, and making jokes at other people's expense. that was never who i was, because i have always been the person on the other end. and then i look at some things i say, or some things i laugh at, and get really upset with myself. so i want that to stop. and i want to be less stupid with my family, and i want to be less mean in general. and i want to talk less. yes. brock says i dominate conversations, and i need not to. please kill me when i do these things. shit. guys. look at me rambling. do you realize this post has taken me like an 53 fucking hours to write? no seriously it took like 2. god damn it. and after so much fucking writing, i didn't even end on a positive note. fuck this shit.
me and laylee are going to get married and live together and not die. that is, unless she hates me eternally for letting her see kill bill... fuck that, it's going to be good. there will be no joint suicide. there will be only pretty.
listening to: the distillers - for tonight you're only here to know
Saturday, October 18, 2003
listening to the new distillers album. i was really enjoying this song and it felt all great and whatnot until i looked at the title and realized she's screaming "TELL ME SOMETHING. WILL I DIE WILL I DIE ON A ROPE?" and something about bleeding from the neck.
the whole album is a little like this... i want to read the lyrics, because normally brody is clever and i like them. but i feel like if i do that with this album, i won't like the songs anymore. how shitty is that. i'm very put out. someone else come do it for me and tell me whether it is okay to read them of not.
listening to: the distillers - die on a rope
the whole album is a little like this... i want to read the lyrics, because normally brody is clever and i like them. but i feel like if i do that with this album, i won't like the songs anymore. how shitty is that. i'm very put out. someone else come do it for me and tell me whether it is okay to read them of not.
listening to: the distillers - die on a rope
Friday, October 17, 2003
saw kill bill with brock tonight.
can't remember much about today. only it was fastish, and i did better on my math test than i thought i had. woo.
psats tomorrow. am supposed to hang with one miss laylee, but i don't know any details. therefore i might just be at school for like 5 hours waiting for something to happen, and it won't be happening.
can't remember much about today. only it was fastish, and i did better on my math test than i thought i had. woo.
psats tomorrow. am supposed to hang with one miss laylee, but i don't know any details. therefore i might just be at school for like 5 hours waiting for something to happen, and it won't be happening.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
hey guys didn't i tell you this would happen? on my night of very little homework, i am still up at midnight and nowhere near done with my homework?
hell yeah.
listening to: twinkie - dead (awesome pixies cover)
hell yeah.
listening to: twinkie - dead (awesome pixies cover)
i'm such a loser for sitting here downloading AFI videos.
well i'm sorry. i like to sit here and analyze the look of videos, and "girl's not grey" is particularly fun. they do some nuts editting stuff, and there are some very nice visuals. it's also very ROCK which i always love. some cool parts to the video of quick converse-clad feet flying over the drumset... it's very nice. it makes me want to have a band and/or make music videos. no, seriously, i'm a sucker for like. every single music video ever created. okay maybe it just feels like that right now because i keep watching ones i like.
help me out, and recommend some good videos for me to download/watch:
well i'm sorry. i like to sit here and analyze the look of videos, and "girl's not grey" is particularly fun. they do some nuts editting stuff, and there are some very nice visuals. it's also very ROCK which i always love. some cool parts to the video of quick converse-clad feet flying over the drumset... it's very nice. it makes me want to have a band and/or make music videos. no, seriously, i'm a sucker for like. every single music video ever created. okay maybe it just feels like that right now because i keep watching ones i like.
help me out, and recommend some good videos for me to download/watch:
oh, dad bitched at the school and they are letting me take psats at white station's nasty ass on saturday. katherine told me that this other kid paid for his YESTERDAY, so i told mom, and they made them let me take it. i guess that is good. it's good simply because mom is now in a great mood, and i will get to hang out with laylee after the test. plus i really love this interpol album suddenly. holy shit it's fucking amazing. this is no joke. seriously, i will burn this for someone. it's not something you need to dip your toes in and test out... you need to just dive into the whole thing. i guess because it's a lot to take in. i don't know.
also, becca couldn't come over and record like we'd planned because her parents are fucking nuts. how depressing. maybe this weekend... sigh.
also, becca couldn't come over and record like we'd planned because her parents are fucking nuts. how depressing. maybe this weekend... sigh.
got to be some more change in my life
it's up to me now . turn on the bright lights
i can't understand why i have to be so mood swing. after school today, first off, i was annoyed because i don't think i did very well on a math test. for some reason, about halfway through it, about halfway through the class, i flipped out that i had like 10 more seconds to go, time-wise. then i rushed through the next part of the test, and i just don't know. oh well. so i was annoyed. then i sort of found this really amazing mood. i also found kevin and laylee, and there was beautiful hugging. i love seeing them at the end of the day. laylee is so great. i love getting kevin hugs, too. because i don't usually. so it made me very very happy. then i went to my locker, and brock met me there. i hugged him because i was feeling very full of love and wanting hugs and beautiful things. he wasn't very into it. oh well. then robin came over, and we walked out together, and i really liked talking to her because she was in a good mood. i told her that mr. munter called be 'robin goodwin' today, which was really fucking funny. he doesn't know the two of us apart. ahaah. anyway. we got outside, and christine stopped brock to talk. i left because there was something else i wanted to say to robin, but she had walked off somewhere else by then. so i just stood with allison, katherine, and alice for a few minutes until i had the overwhelming need to just lie on the stupid brick wall thingie. the breeze was really wonderful. everyone was really nice and everything, and asked me why was i lying down? i don't know. was i tired? no. was i sick? no. was i okay? no.
it was really nice of htem to be concerned, but not having any real answers just pissed me off and bothered me more. i don't know what's wrong with me. i was just falling down right down. brock came back all happy from talking to christine. he tickled my shoulder a little. it made me wish i was love and rockets. things made me wish a lot of things. it didn't help that sarah was late picking me up today, so everyone left and i just lay there. sarah didn't come until after 3, which means i didn't get home until 3:20. i hate that i spent the better part of an hour really unhappy for no apparent reason. fuck this shit. all i want to do is keep listening to this album, drink my damn diet coke, edit with katherine, record with becca, and exist with laylee.
listening to: interpol - PDA
it's up to me now . turn on the bright lights
i can't understand why i have to be so mood swing. after school today, first off, i was annoyed because i don't think i did very well on a math test. for some reason, about halfway through it, about halfway through the class, i flipped out that i had like 10 more seconds to go, time-wise. then i rushed through the next part of the test, and i just don't know. oh well. so i was annoyed. then i sort of found this really amazing mood. i also found kevin and laylee, and there was beautiful hugging. i love seeing them at the end of the day. laylee is so great. i love getting kevin hugs, too. because i don't usually. so it made me very very happy. then i went to my locker, and brock met me there. i hugged him because i was feeling very full of love and wanting hugs and beautiful things. he wasn't very into it. oh well. then robin came over, and we walked out together, and i really liked talking to her because she was in a good mood. i told her that mr. munter called be 'robin goodwin' today, which was really fucking funny. he doesn't know the two of us apart. ahaah. anyway. we got outside, and christine stopped brock to talk. i left because there was something else i wanted to say to robin, but she had walked off somewhere else by then. so i just stood with allison, katherine, and alice for a few minutes until i had the overwhelming need to just lie on the stupid brick wall thingie. the breeze was really wonderful. everyone was really nice and everything, and asked me why was i lying down? i don't know. was i tired? no. was i sick? no. was i okay? no.
it was really nice of htem to be concerned, but not having any real answers just pissed me off and bothered me more. i don't know what's wrong with me. i was just falling down right down. brock came back all happy from talking to christine. he tickled my shoulder a little. it made me wish i was love and rockets. things made me wish a lot of things. it didn't help that sarah was late picking me up today, so everyone left and i just lay there. sarah didn't come until after 3, which means i didn't get home until 3:20. i hate that i spent the better part of an hour really unhappy for no apparent reason. fuck this shit. all i want to do is keep listening to this album, drink my damn diet coke, edit with katherine, record with becca, and exist with laylee.
listening to: interpol - PDA
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
i love my afternoon shower. it's the time of the day where i really just stop and think about shit. i think so long my fingers prune. raisin. mmm i want some milk duds now. okay.
just now i was thinking about how ridiculous therapy is. practically everyone i know is seeing or should see a psychiatrist. except for robin, because robin doesn't have problems. but then if she DID see a therapist, they would probably tell her she was detached and unemotional or something. (this is just from my perspective. maybe robin is dying inside, why would i know? it's an example, anyway.) basically everyone has issues, so we go to therapy to get them fixed? well what the fuck. if everyone should be in there, then what do we bother going for? who is the perfect person that i am supposed to be modelling myself after? it's really pissing me off. so i have no internal drive. there's probably such a thing as too much internal drive, right? well maybe not, but i'm still making a point. so right now i'm mad at therapy.
also. you know how there's supposed to be this one thing for every person to realize is their THING and they are supposed to do that forever? i can't figure out what mine is, and it's driving me nuts. i can see myself editting and doing movies in the future, but i don't feel like i was dropped onto this rock to do it, really. the only thing i have real enthusiasm for is music... and not even enough to learn to play. (oboe doesn't count. and anyway i hadn't held one for a year until today. wow, how nuts was that? and i was like "WHY CAN'T I PLAY THE LOW E!?" what a dumbass, i had the damn octave key down. tsk tsk. but man oboe is pretty. it sounds "nasal and weird." shit it makes me wish i was playing again.)
anyway. so, as a listener of music, my career choices include:
record producer? haha. very likely.
do you guys remember that commercial with the stuff.... i think it was for a cd burner or a discman or something. but the guy burns his cd and gets to listen to it all day while he drives around at the airport and tries to save the birds from being hit by airplanes. i could do that job.
just now i was thinking about how ridiculous therapy is. practically everyone i know is seeing or should see a psychiatrist. except for robin, because robin doesn't have problems. but then if she DID see a therapist, they would probably tell her she was detached and unemotional or something. (this is just from my perspective. maybe robin is dying inside, why would i know? it's an example, anyway.) basically everyone has issues, so we go to therapy to get them fixed? well what the fuck. if everyone should be in there, then what do we bother going for? who is the perfect person that i am supposed to be modelling myself after? it's really pissing me off. so i have no internal drive. there's probably such a thing as too much internal drive, right? well maybe not, but i'm still making a point. so right now i'm mad at therapy.
also. you know how there's supposed to be this one thing for every person to realize is their THING and they are supposed to do that forever? i can't figure out what mine is, and it's driving me nuts. i can see myself editting and doing movies in the future, but i don't feel like i was dropped onto this rock to do it, really. the only thing i have real enthusiasm for is music... and not even enough to learn to play. (oboe doesn't count. and anyway i hadn't held one for a year until today. wow, how nuts was that? and i was like "WHY CAN'T I PLAY THE LOW E!?" what a dumbass, i had the damn octave key down. tsk tsk. but man oboe is pretty. it sounds "nasal and weird." shit it makes me wish i was playing again.)
anyway. so, as a listener of music, my career choices include:
record producer? haha. very likely.
do you guys remember that commercial with the stuff.... i think it was for a cd burner or a discman or something. but the guy burns his cd and gets to listen to it all day while he drives around at the airport and tries to save the birds from being hit by airplanes. i could do that job.
katherine is supposed to be on her way over to edit, as we speak. YAYY i'm so excited. i hope mom doesn't get mad...
today was okay. pro bono club with mr. munter. the club video was funny. they played portishead, hooray. laylee loved all over me and rubbed my hip. i love her. i miss her. she wants to hang out after psats. i hope it works out, considering i will either be at central or at home while everyone else is at white station. i'm afraid there will be post-psats fun that i will miss. poo. ahahah i'm not even worried about the actual thing, go figure. i need to die.
i was so apathetic today, it wasn't even funny. i didn't do a damn thing. being more productive than normal last night just drained me, i think. i DID, however, start to think about my pixies covers cd. yes, it's true. i have been downloading pixies covers for over a year and i think it might be time to actually make the album. i'm very excited. woowoo. wish me luck.
listening to: portishead - sour times
today was okay. pro bono club with mr. munter. the club video was funny. they played portishead, hooray. laylee loved all over me and rubbed my hip. i love her. i miss her. she wants to hang out after psats. i hope it works out, considering i will either be at central or at home while everyone else is at white station. i'm afraid there will be post-psats fun that i will miss. poo. ahahah i'm not even worried about the actual thing, go figure. i need to die.
i was so apathetic today, it wasn't even funny. i didn't do a damn thing. being more productive than normal last night just drained me, i think. i DID, however, start to think about my pixies covers cd. yes, it's true. i have been downloading pixies covers for over a year and i think it might be time to actually make the album. i'm very excited. woowoo. wish me luck.
listening to: portishead - sour times
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
whatta fuck is this?! headache too? no fucking way.
why is it that on ibuprofen bottles, they put the directions and the dosage shit very far down on the little flap that you have to peel off the damn bottle? is that supposed to make you actually read more of the information on the package while you're trying to find it, or do they want us to overdose? i love pills.
why is it that on ibuprofen bottles, they put the directions and the dosage shit very far down on the little flap that you have to peel off the damn bottle? is that supposed to make you actually read more of the information on the package while you're trying to find it, or do they want us to overdose? i love pills.
this is insane and unfair. i'm fucking TIRED. i've been tired for a little while now, and i'm very put out. i guess this is what happens after not getting enough sleep for a couple weeks... seriously, until now, i have not been tired at all. god damn it. oh well.
something funny happened but i can't remember what.
i got to talk to brandon for a good bit, and it was really nice. i avoided history like a mutha. hey, brandon. look at this, i'm posting like crazy.
i don't know what's going on. everything feels weird today. get me out of here?
something funny happened but i can't remember what.
i got to talk to brandon for a good bit, and it was really nice. i avoided history like a mutha. hey, brandon. look at this, i'm posting like crazy.
i don't know what's going on. everything feels weird today. get me out of here?
oh i forgot to say this earlier but it is too funny for words. HAHA. see?
wexler's ap english class has turned into sunday school. it's fucking funny. we have to analyze all these jesus poems, and they make NO sense to me at all, not being christian or religious in any way at all. it's pretty funny. allison was like "see it's about jesus and the judgement day." and i was like "WHAT THE FUCK IS JUDGEMENT DAY!? WHAT THE FUCK IS JESUS!?" it's pretty bad. but funny.
wexler brought her dog into the building after school today. she's fucking nuts. that bible ho.
wexler's ap english class has turned into sunday school. it's fucking funny. we have to analyze all these jesus poems, and they make NO sense to me at all, not being christian or religious in any way at all. it's pretty funny. allison was like "see it's about jesus and the judgement day." and i was like "WHAT THE FUCK IS JUDGEMENT DAY!? WHAT THE FUCK IS JESUS!?" it's pretty bad. but funny.
wexler brought her dog into the building after school today. she's fucking nuts. that bible ho.
i hate it when someone is really dependent on something or another person that practically their entire being revolves around it. it's like they're constantly looking to this other person for comfort or support or the okay, and everything. i can't think of any good examples without naming names, which i don't want to do. and don't get me wrong, i'm guilty of the same thing. i think everyone does it, but it's just not as obvious with some people. maybe they think about it rather than unleash it on someone else, which is so entirely selfish anyway. i guess i am back to the same thing i was complaining about last night. i hate listening to someone bitch about the same damned thing day after day after day... they're still dwelling on it, and it's their own fault. move the fuck on. it is NEVER that big of a deal, especially when you're in high school. this little period of our lives means next to nothing in the long-run. (no wonder i do so shitty in school.) even if they're not bitching persay, it feels so pathetic that one person can revolve around another person/concept like that. i don't know. but you people have to clue me in on what my major one is so that i won't talk about it as much. because i hate that shit.
i can't believe jenny and brock are off learning to drive without me. what the fuck is wrong with me? laylee where are you? i am going to be bumming till i die. i'm going to die begging for a ride, paper cup in hand.
i can't believe jenny and brock are off learning to drive without me. what the fuck is wrong with me? laylee where are you? i am going to be bumming till i die. i'm going to die begging for a ride, paper cup in hand.
have you guys ever watched those special mata buses load? people usally just get annoyed at them for blocking up a lane and taking forever to get out of the way. today we were at a red light next to one, while this old woman was being lifted into the bus on that little platform thing. the driver guy who was helping her noticed me watching him and smiled. it was very nice.
mom got off work late, so by the time we got to central, there was basically no one there. so now she's just even more upset. perfect.
i'm trying to read the sun also rises and remember what the hell else i am supposed to be doing with my existence. go figure.
listening to: switchblade kittens - ode to harry potter
(again, morgan is playing this in the other room. how cute.)
mom got off work late, so by the time we got to central, there was basically no one there. so now she's just even more upset. perfect.
i'm trying to read the sun also rises and remember what the hell else i am supposed to be doing with my existence. go figure.
listening to: switchblade kittens - ode to harry potter
(again, morgan is playing this in the other room. how cute.)
read that damned book
burn cds for brock
package for brandon
record with becca
edit with katherine
film film film anything that exists
eat cheese
learn to drive
rock it to the moon
read that damned book
burn cds for brock
package for brandon
record with becca
edit with katherine
film film film anything that exists
eat cheese
learn to drive
rock it to the moon
today was better than i expected it to be. as i was walking into the building this morning, brock attacked me, and we stood and watched the rain for a long time. it was nice. alice talked to us for a little while, too. i like alice. i would like to know her better and get to see her once in a while.
i had a craving for edam cheese all day long, which has not yet been satiated because i'm waiting to go take a shower first... i don't know why.
therapy last night was not as bad as i thought it would be, either. it was still pretty bad, though. now i have these goal things that are supposed to make me responsible. i am in trouble with mom because i somehow missed the deadline for psat signups. i know, i know. it's really dumb. i knew people were paying and everything, i just figured there would be a huge production of "THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY" and i'd do it then. but there wasn't. damn. now i have to take it at central, which means mom is mad at white station, and REALLY REALLY mad at me. she thinks that it's a sign i don't give a damn about school and college. she was like "well, you can just get a job and pay for it yourself if you care about it." and i'm already in her un-good graces. it's not cool.
which means that i'm definitely not going to be able to see peaches tonight... oh well, i can still ask. (dream.) but even if she said yes, who the fuck is coming with me?! you motherfuckers need to get on top of this. okay.
oh yeah, in thinking about crazy shit with my parents, i remembered that on saturday i was annoyed at dad and he got all upset and then he tried to turn it fucking moist or something. "we never talk anymore, we used to get along, blah blah blah" so i just sat there and didn't say anything, and then i left. i can't explain it. everybody thinks i'm really mean to him, which i guess i am. but he really gets on my nerves. he doesn't remember anything i say, or anything he says to me, so there's no point in talking to him at all. he has no understanding of privacy or anything at all. i swear to god, when brock and robin were over, he was listening (and RESPONDING, which is worse) to our conversation the ENTIRE night, no matter what part of the house he was in. sometimes we couldn't really hear him, so i just ignord the muffled shouts. but it really pissed me off. obviously.
and now i'm feeling really rotten. (the sun also rises. aha. yes. test on thursday and i got the book last night. genius me.)
so i will go take my shower, and eat some cheese, and take some pain-killers, and actually attempt to start my homework before 8pm. woosh!
i had a craving for edam cheese all day long, which has not yet been satiated because i'm waiting to go take a shower first... i don't know why.
therapy last night was not as bad as i thought it would be, either. it was still pretty bad, though. now i have these goal things that are supposed to make me responsible. i am in trouble with mom because i somehow missed the deadline for psat signups. i know, i know. it's really dumb. i knew people were paying and everything, i just figured there would be a huge production of "THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY" and i'd do it then. but there wasn't. damn. now i have to take it at central, which means mom is mad at white station, and REALLY REALLY mad at me. she thinks that it's a sign i don't give a damn about school and college. she was like "well, you can just get a job and pay for it yourself if you care about it." and i'm already in her un-good graces. it's not cool.
which means that i'm definitely not going to be able to see peaches tonight... oh well, i can still ask. (dream.) but even if she said yes, who the fuck is coming with me?! you motherfuckers need to get on top of this. okay.
oh yeah, in thinking about crazy shit with my parents, i remembered that on saturday i was annoyed at dad and he got all upset and then he tried to turn it fucking moist or something. "we never talk anymore, we used to get along, blah blah blah" so i just sat there and didn't say anything, and then i left. i can't explain it. everybody thinks i'm really mean to him, which i guess i am. but he really gets on my nerves. he doesn't remember anything i say, or anything he says to me, so there's no point in talking to him at all. he has no understanding of privacy or anything at all. i swear to god, when brock and robin were over, he was listening (and RESPONDING, which is worse) to our conversation the ENTIRE night, no matter what part of the house he was in. sometimes we couldn't really hear him, so i just ignord the muffled shouts. but it really pissed me off. obviously.
and now i'm feeling really rotten. (the sun also rises. aha. yes. test on thursday and i got the book last night. genius me.)
so i will go take my shower, and eat some cheese, and take some pain-killers, and actually attempt to start my homework before 8pm. woosh!
oh yeah, becca's show date is being moved... change your plans for friday night.
fuck today.
i fucking hate bitching. shut the fuck up, people.
fuck today.
i fucking hate bitching. shut the fuck up, people.
Monday, October 13, 2003
doy is acting nuts. i don't know what's up, but i think it's blogger's problem? damn it. i hate it when things act nuts.
last night, brock come over and we had some sonic quisine. brock refused to look at my reese's blast. it's too bad, that shit is the best. we were like "we have to DO something tonight!!!" but it is so much harder than it sounds, shit. we walked back home and i made him watch "much finer" and the awesome yeah yeah yeahs "maps" video. we read some blogs, talked to brandon. then we were like "SHIT WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" we thought it would be really cool to see alice, because we never get to hang out with her. but we don't have her phone number. we called margaret, but she didn't pick up her cellie. and then we sat there for a while and thought about who we knew. jenny and elizabeth are/were in atlanta, and brock forgot HAHA. so we called ROBIN. it was awesome. we went and picked her up, and the three of us basically sat around my house and ate pizza. geez how boring are we? oh well. brock's mom came to pick him up at 10 something and we all stood around and talked abotu pets for a really long time. (brock's mom said robin is cute and has nice teeth. jesus, what does she say about me?! "gawd, brock why do you associate with that ugly, bad-teeth girl?") then robin's mom came and we did the same thing. it was relaly funny. it was a nice night, though. robin had fun watching old movie clips i have on my computer, of us just hanging out at school and stuff. she said we should start to film a lot more, like we used to. that would be nice. but i need more tapes. i should've showed her that stuff from last weekend HAHAH. that was hella funny.
today is blegh sunday-esque day. i really hate sundays. i dance in misery. hahahahhahaha. no, really, i sit around and think about everything i am supposed to be doing (i.e. homework) and then end up thinking about everything i wish i was doing (i.e. hanging out with kids) and end up with this absolutely disgusting medium of just sitting around doing nothing. it's sad.
katherine was supposed to come over and edit again today, but she can't because she doesn't have enough work done... i hate our lives.
listening to: the yeah yeah yeahs - maps
(morgan is listening to it in the other room... i think i have gotten her hooked. i am the best older sister.)
last night, brock come over and we had some sonic quisine. brock refused to look at my reese's blast. it's too bad, that shit is the best. we were like "we have to DO something tonight!!!" but it is so much harder than it sounds, shit. we walked back home and i made him watch "much finer" and the awesome yeah yeah yeahs "maps" video. we read some blogs, talked to brandon. then we were like "SHIT WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" we thought it would be really cool to see alice, because we never get to hang out with her. but we don't have her phone number. we called margaret, but she didn't pick up her cellie. and then we sat there for a while and thought about who we knew. jenny and elizabeth are/were in atlanta, and brock forgot HAHA. so we called ROBIN. it was awesome. we went and picked her up, and the three of us basically sat around my house and ate pizza. geez how boring are we? oh well. brock's mom came to pick him up at 10 something and we all stood around and talked abotu pets for a really long time. (brock's mom said robin is cute and has nice teeth. jesus, what does she say about me?! "gawd, brock why do you associate with that ugly, bad-teeth girl?") then robin's mom came and we did the same thing. it was relaly funny. it was a nice night, though. robin had fun watching old movie clips i have on my computer, of us just hanging out at school and stuff. she said we should start to film a lot more, like we used to. that would be nice. but i need more tapes. i should've showed her that stuff from last weekend HAHAH. that was hella funny.
today is blegh sunday-esque day. i really hate sundays. i dance in misery. hahahahhahaha. no, really, i sit around and think about everything i am supposed to be doing (i.e. homework) and then end up thinking about everything i wish i was doing (i.e. hanging out with kids) and end up with this absolutely disgusting medium of just sitting around doing nothing. it's sad.
katherine was supposed to come over and edit again today, but she can't because she doesn't have enough work done... i hate our lives.
listening to: the yeah yeah yeahs - maps
(morgan is listening to it in the other room... i think i have gotten her hooked. i am the best older sister.)
this is so strange.... i never, ever, ever, ever, ever cry, right?
but the last couple sundays, the strangest things have made me pseduo-cry... i just watched the video for "haunted by a stranger" by mogwai and my eyes are wet. last sunday, i nearly fell apart while listening to "limbo" by throwing muses. weird that art has more of an effect on me than anything personal. i don't know what the fuck is up. but jesus christ, that is one sad video.
now i just feel pathetic.
but the last couple sundays, the strangest things have made me pseduo-cry... i just watched the video for "haunted by a stranger" by mogwai and my eyes are wet. last sunday, i nearly fell apart while listening to "limbo" by throwing muses. weird that art has more of an effect on me than anything personal. i don't know what the fuck is up. but jesus christ, that is one sad video.
now i just feel pathetic.
Sunday, October 12, 2003
listening to: the rapture - echoes
listening to: the rapture - echoes
god damnit, i nearly fell asleep on the couch at midnight, then i planned to go to bed an hour and a half ago, and WHAT THE HELL AM I STILL DOING HERE? god damn! look at my sick life. sitting here and downloading music. no care in the world for being sued.
listening to: the national - fashion coat
listening to: the national - fashion coat
damn i forgot to post today. laylee is out of town in new york, and without her, i have no motivation, since she is the only person who reads this blog. okay, i know for a fact that i am not allowed to say that, after the ted blog situation. i wonder if i have a cult following. how hella funny would that be!
anyway. katherine came over tonight and we got sooooo much done on the "much finer" video. it's really that we've been working on it for a full year. she was here from like 4:30 to 10:30, and we got 1 minute and 2 seconds of the video done. wow that sounds really really bad written out. well, we did have a really short dinner break. and we didn't actually start editting until like 5.
... okay so it is as bad as it sounds. shut the fuck up. much fin3r ownz j00. i am SOOO excited about it. god damn. in fact, i think you kids(s) should get a special preview, simply for being the faithful reader(s) of mine blog fortress. please give suggestion(s). CHECK THAT SHIT.
god i love little blog circles. i love how everyone reads everyone else's blog, sort of. sometimes it seems like the people who post the most/best are the least likely to read other kids' blogs regularly. i guess that just shows who has the good life, and who is the stalker. i like my role. i made all kinds of buttons for some kids' blogs today. it was fun. well they were only for some people on doy who have had blogs but no buttons. oh well it was exciting. even more exciting was when katherine came over in the middle of it and tried to teach me how to play the beifuss song. i have never played a string instrument before though, if you don't count when i TRIED to play guitar in the fourth grade. other than that, i'm a woodwinds gal. too bad strings control me like marionettes. my heart is stuck in a cello somewhere, this is no lie. those bitches have more power over me than anything. it's unfair that i can't seem to play them. oh well, maybe i am destined for the drums like katherine wants me to be. katie said that she can't see me playing drums, though, because i'd have to be STUCK IN THE BACK and SITTING DOWN the whole damn show. maybe i could copy the violent femmes' drummer guy. he just has a couple snares, front and center, and he stands there and plays them, unless he's running around wildly. maybe he doesn't do that all the time. after all, gordon gano did have a broken foot, so he couldn't be the stage entertainment for hte evening. and what a lovely evening. i won't go into it because then i'd ahve to talk about what a damn great day it was and how it was really 2 days rolled into one long long beautiful day because elise and i accidentally stayed up all night... too bad i wasn't blogging when that shit happened. oh well, i wrote a journal entry.
man i love hte yeah yeah yeahs. i made morgan watched 2 music videos and their performance on conan today, and she actually enjoyed them. wow morgan, i am impressed with your mad taste. what sister is cooler than this one? oh yeah after i blogged last night i watched subterranean on mtv2 which is like. the only show i like. and only some of it is good. too bad. there was a really nice little streak of videos... chemical brothers (shut up, the video is really cool), the new yeah yeah yeahs, the new RAVEONETTES, libertines, ima robot, etc. it was pretty fucking awesome. i wrote down names even though the ones i liked, i already knew the band. go figure. shit all i do is talk about music. i am shutting up.
oh yeah i talked on the phone to brock about his day, which was the next best thing to actually seeing him. there's always tomorrow.
anyone up for sneaking into peaches with me on tuesday? i know i already asked... but come on, guys. this is sick.
i want comments about the video. do it:
listening to: The Liars - Mr. Your on Fire Mr.
anyway. katherine came over tonight and we got sooooo much done on the "much finer" video. it's really that we've been working on it for a full year. she was here from like 4:30 to 10:30, and we got 1 minute and 2 seconds of the video done. wow that sounds really really bad written out. well, we did have a really short dinner break. and we didn't actually start editting until like 5.
... okay so it is as bad as it sounds. shut the fuck up. much fin3r ownz j00. i am SOOO excited about it. god damn. in fact, i think you kids(s) should get a special preview, simply for being the faithful reader(s) of mine blog fortress. please give suggestion(s). CHECK THAT SHIT.
god i love little blog circles. i love how everyone reads everyone else's blog, sort of. sometimes it seems like the people who post the most/best are the least likely to read other kids' blogs regularly. i guess that just shows who has the good life, and who is the stalker. i like my role. i made all kinds of buttons for some kids' blogs today. it was fun. well they were only for some people on doy who have had blogs but no buttons. oh well it was exciting. even more exciting was when katherine came over in the middle of it and tried to teach me how to play the beifuss song. i have never played a string instrument before though, if you don't count when i TRIED to play guitar in the fourth grade. other than that, i'm a woodwinds gal. too bad strings control me like marionettes. my heart is stuck in a cello somewhere, this is no lie. those bitches have more power over me than anything. it's unfair that i can't seem to play them. oh well, maybe i am destined for the drums like katherine wants me to be. katie said that she can't see me playing drums, though, because i'd have to be STUCK IN THE BACK and SITTING DOWN the whole damn show. maybe i could copy the violent femmes' drummer guy. he just has a couple snares, front and center, and he stands there and plays them, unless he's running around wildly. maybe he doesn't do that all the time. after all, gordon gano did have a broken foot, so he couldn't be the stage entertainment for hte evening. and what a lovely evening. i won't go into it because then i'd ahve to talk about what a damn great day it was and how it was really 2 days rolled into one long long beautiful day because elise and i accidentally stayed up all night... too bad i wasn't blogging when that shit happened. oh well, i wrote a journal entry.
man i love hte yeah yeah yeahs. i made morgan watched 2 music videos and their performance on conan today, and she actually enjoyed them. wow morgan, i am impressed with your mad taste. what sister is cooler than this one? oh yeah after i blogged last night i watched subterranean on mtv2 which is like. the only show i like. and only some of it is good. too bad. there was a really nice little streak of videos... chemical brothers (shut up, the video is really cool), the new yeah yeah yeahs, the new RAVEONETTES, libertines, ima robot, etc. it was pretty fucking awesome. i wrote down names even though the ones i liked, i already knew the band. go figure. shit all i do is talk about music. i am shutting up.
oh yeah i talked on the phone to brock about his day, which was the next best thing to actually seeing him. there's always tomorrow.
anyone up for sneaking into peaches with me on tuesday? i know i already asked... but come on, guys. this is sick.
i want comments about the video. do it:
listening to: The Liars - Mr. Your on Fire Mr.
Saturday, October 11, 2003
a couple weekends ago, katherine, brock, elizabeth, and i had a lovely time filming and kite-flying at shelby farms. we are thinking of turning it into a short movie. it would be very very nice and happy.
plus katherine is coming over later today. we hope to edit more of "much finer" and start work on another silly parody movie, but who knows? we might also be editting the kite thing. whatever happens, it'll be great of course.
last weekend i showed "untouchable face" to my friend katie. it was surprising and amazing how much of the real story she got out of the video. she saw some things that it took me forever to see, when the stuff was actually happening. so yay for movies and the power of film. ahaha.
also, the site is now at this address which i'm sure is not helpful at all since you are already there. oh well. there it is.
plus katherine is coming over later today. we hope to edit more of "much finer" and start work on another silly parody movie, but who knows? we might also be editting the kite thing. whatever happens, it'll be great of course.
last weekend i showed "untouchable face" to my friend katie. it was surprising and amazing how much of the real story she got out of the video. she saw some things that it took me forever to see, when the stuff was actually happening. so yay for movies and the power of film. ahaha.
also, the site is now at this address which i'm sure is not helpful at all since you are already there. oh well. there it is.
Friday, October 10, 2003
my day was SO much better than i'd thought it would be. chemistry test wasn't bad, ap essay wasn't too bad, and surprise surprise the dbq essay was nowhere near as bad as i had thought it'd be. amazing! also, i did my algae and latin homework in homeroom and study hall. both of them were checked, what a strange coincidence. lalala. also, the 5th period english class had our lunch again and absolutely yay for that. laylee cuddled me and gave me her sandwich. i stole 25 cents from sallis and bought a hot chocolate sucker from that nice kid. he is very nice.
i can't think of anything else interesting that happened at school. today's post-school was very nice. brock and i talked to alice a lot, and sarah actually ended up taking her home. thank you, sarah! you always have to deal with my mobs. brock and i came home and hung out for a while. we decided to go to the spacebats show tonight, but only after cd shopping and dinner at harry's detour. the dinner was really nice, but it was so nice that we forgot to leave and we were there forever. the otherlands lady said that the spacebats were playing at 8, but when we got there at 8:30, after dinner, there was barely anyone there and no one was playing yet. so we abandoned that and went cd shopping. it takes me forever to decide anything so i just went with the default -- new frank black album! show me your tears came out in early september. it's pretty good, but so far i don't like it as much as his teenager of the year solo album, and of course not nearly as much as any pixies work. but it's fun. i have this and 2 other cds with him and the catholics, though this is the first i've bought for myself in that category. so i'm glad. and i love buying cds when they first come out. it makes me feel nice. to be able to say, "yeah i was a fan during that era" or something. to have artists that i will honestly go out and get all their albums, even when i haven't heard any of the new songs. i don't know. i like that. it's constant, and yet very surprising all the time. i love music so much. anyway. brock bought squirrel nut zippers and andy stochansky's solo cd. i hope he likes them, he's probably listening to one right now. he went home a while ago, very shortly after we got home. cd shopping made us go music-crazy. he wrote a huge list of bands he wants to hear taht i'm supposed to burn cds of for him, but his mom came before we had finished burning the second one. i'm excited though. i love music. sighhh.
i also bought the new issue of rolling stone, which is the special 'women who rock' one. i wish it was really a SPECIAL issue, like they put aside one specifically for that. i mean, practically all music media is about men. and if it's about women, it's about sex appeal and shit. so i am ashamed to say i own this. but missy elliott is on the cover, what could i do? no, seriously there is a really really great sleater-kinney article in here. it's really really good, except for they did a little discography chart for the band... and gave all hands on the bad one 2 stars and called the hot rock "dense, dark, totally depressing." which i don't agree with. NOT totally. jeeesus. come the fuck on. and what was that about all hands?! no way. i can't believe they gave call the doctor the best rating. oh well, i'm over it because sleater-kinney is fucking adorable. especially carrie. oh god i'm melting over here.
i hope spacebats was fun, but i don't really mind at all that we missed it. i've seen like 4 shows, and i'm sure they don't have any new material since last time. brock hadn't seen them before, and i'm only disappointed by the fact that we didn't get to see any kids tonight. and even that didn't bother me, just remembering that it's a THREE-DAY WEEKEND, and that i had an awesome time with just brock, like always. we're two siamese lobsters in a shoe.
listening to: frank black and the catholics - horrible day
(how ironic. HAHAH. this song is really good though! "it's a beautiful day. no, it's a horrible day." that sounds like me, but backwards?)
i can't think of anything else interesting that happened at school. today's post-school was very nice. brock and i talked to alice a lot, and sarah actually ended up taking her home. thank you, sarah! you always have to deal with my mobs. brock and i came home and hung out for a while. we decided to go to the spacebats show tonight, but only after cd shopping and dinner at harry's detour. the dinner was really nice, but it was so nice that we forgot to leave and we were there forever. the otherlands lady said that the spacebats were playing at 8, but when we got there at 8:30, after dinner, there was barely anyone there and no one was playing yet. so we abandoned that and went cd shopping. it takes me forever to decide anything so i just went with the default -- new frank black album! show me your tears came out in early september. it's pretty good, but so far i don't like it as much as his teenager of the year solo album, and of course not nearly as much as any pixies work. but it's fun. i have this and 2 other cds with him and the catholics, though this is the first i've bought for myself in that category. so i'm glad. and i love buying cds when they first come out. it makes me feel nice. to be able to say, "yeah i was a fan during that era" or something. to have artists that i will honestly go out and get all their albums, even when i haven't heard any of the new songs. i don't know. i like that. it's constant, and yet very surprising all the time. i love music so much. anyway. brock bought squirrel nut zippers and andy stochansky's solo cd. i hope he likes them, he's probably listening to one right now. he went home a while ago, very shortly after we got home. cd shopping made us go music-crazy. he wrote a huge list of bands he wants to hear taht i'm supposed to burn cds of for him, but his mom came before we had finished burning the second one. i'm excited though. i love music. sighhh.
i also bought the new issue of rolling stone, which is the special 'women who rock' one. i wish it was really a SPECIAL issue, like they put aside one specifically for that. i mean, practically all music media is about men. and if it's about women, it's about sex appeal and shit. so i am ashamed to say i own this. but missy elliott is on the cover, what could i do? no, seriously there is a really really great sleater-kinney article in here. it's really really good, except for they did a little discography chart for the band... and gave all hands on the bad one 2 stars and called the hot rock "dense, dark, totally depressing." which i don't agree with. NOT totally. jeeesus. come the fuck on. and what was that about all hands?! no way. i can't believe they gave call the doctor the best rating. oh well, i'm over it because sleater-kinney is fucking adorable. especially carrie. oh god i'm melting over here.
i hope spacebats was fun, but i don't really mind at all that we missed it. i've seen like 4 shows, and i'm sure they don't have any new material since last time. brock hadn't seen them before, and i'm only disappointed by the fact that we didn't get to see any kids tonight. and even that didn't bother me, just remembering that it's a THREE-DAY WEEKEND, and that i had an awesome time with just brock, like always. we're two siamese lobsters in a shoe.
listening to: frank black and the catholics - horrible day
(how ironic. HAHAH. this song is really good though! "it's a beautiful day. no, it's a horrible day." that sounds like me, but backwards?)
kristin hersh solo tour -- closest date is november 14 in bloomington, indiana... too bad.
last night i accidentally dozed off doing my history homework. luckily it was a somewhat light sleep, since i had the light on and everything i guess. and i wasn't prepared for sleep which effects it, i think. anyway. i had THE most beautiful dream. it was night time and everything was rainy and becca was at my house. she had the back door open, and called me over. i looked outside and there were these two gorgeous flamingoes parading through my backyard. they had this sort of pale glow in the middle of the night and the rain. oh it was beautiful. then i (thank god) woke up at 4am, did my history outline, and went back to sleep. morgan woke me up and got me pants and gave me candy earlier this morning. she is the sweetest thing.
today is going to be awful, but i found my favorite bra. woo!
today is going to be awful, but i found my favorite bra. woo!
Thursday, October 09, 2003
just got off the phone with brock. i was doing pretty well with my history shit. i was the little engine that could. mostly because i had a goal: "when i finish this part, i am going to call brock and ask him what we're doing tomorrow!" so i did that, and we ended up listening to the whole throwing muses album over the phone. i really need to get some focus and get a life. talking to brock is always brilliant. i hate that he doesn't have a computer and his blog anymore, but the fact that it means we end up on the phone for huge portions of hte night makes me really happy. i just wish there was something productive i could pretend to do while we talked. like tonight, we listened to limbo, i babbled and recited my favorite lines, and he drew sketches for art. we also did some nice talking, of course. i love that boy. quoth katherine, "oh god. you are so lovely together." i need to stop calling him 'that boy' and shit though because i think 'boy' bothers him. it makes me wish he was violent.
today i had a stupid history test after school that i had to take because i didn't participate in the class discussion over hte chapter. i'm really ret@rd*d. i just hate how sickly stupid it is that i have this huge inability to talk like that. i don't know why. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. i should be able to scream, you know?
but laylee sent me a happy love sucker via margaret, as good luck and encouragement and laylee love in sucker form. it made my day ten times better. plus katherine w cut margaret's hair and it's very cute. i hope she likes it.
i think me and katherine d are gonna be up all night. and isn't it nice?
today i had a stupid history test after school that i had to take because i didn't participate in the class discussion over hte chapter. i'm really ret@rd*d. i just hate how sickly stupid it is that i have this huge inability to talk like that. i don't know why. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. i should be able to scream, you know?
but laylee sent me a happy love sucker via margaret, as good luck and encouragement and laylee love in sucker form. it made my day ten times better. plus katherine w cut margaret's hair and it's very cute. i hope she likes it.
i think me and katherine d are gonna be up all night. and isn't it nice?
me: man my mom is making me look at colleges
me: this is scary
margaret: just scream "U of M" and walk away
HAHAHA. i love that girl.
no, right now i am living in this beautiful fantasy and me and everyone are all going to go to antioch and oberlin in ohio. yes. you heard me. go watch those damn image slideshows at the antioch site, and you'll understand. oh my god. and bonfire madigan is SO playing there on halloween. so they have good shows. i'm melting.
man this is so cheap and cute, it breaks my heart.
i just like looking at this antioch site because it feels like somewhere i'd actually enjoy, something i could actually do, instead of my huge terrifying-ness and intimidation every time somebody mentions college. so good.
me: this is scary
margaret: just scream "U of M" and walk away
HAHAHA. i love that girl.
no, right now i am living in this beautiful fantasy and me and everyone are all going to go to antioch and oberlin in ohio. yes. you heard me. go watch those damn image slideshows at the antioch site, and you'll understand. oh my god. and bonfire madigan is SO playing there on halloween. so they have good shows. i'm melting.
man this is so cheap and cute, it breaks my heart.
i just like looking at this antioch site because it feels like somewhere i'd actually enjoy, something i could actually do, instead of my huge terrifying-ness and intimidation every time somebody mentions college. so good.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
i'm supposed to be at macaroni grill, eating a caesar salad or something, with the latin kids. oh well. who the fuck wants to go to macaroni grill with the latin kids, and eat a damn caesar salad or something? and make stupid latin jokes and draw on the table? not me.
i really like my brandon cds so far.
anyway i'm proud of myself for having already started my homework this evening. i have done english and half of math. go alanna go! usually i am sitting on my ass about now wondering where my toes have gone.
i really like my brandon cds so far.
anyway i'm proud of myself for having already started my homework this evening. i have done english and half of math. go alanna go! usually i am sitting on my ass about now wondering where my toes have gone.
aww katie just called me from her car, driving home from work. we had a nice little 2 minutes and 16 second conversation. how sweet is that? i love katie.
YAYYY I FINALLY GOT BRANDON'S CDS! he got mine like a week ago, and they were a week late. FINALLY i have received:
stereopathetic soul manure by beck
tigermilk by belle and sebastian
babysitters on acid by lunachicks
between here and there by the rx bandits
hahah what a strange little mix of cds. anyway, that's made my day lots better. and running through the sprinklers with brock after school.
the day was okay, simply because it wasn't yesterday. and shit wasn't falling out of the sky. i can't think of anything else exciting, except that i'm hungry so i'm going to go take a shower.
stereopathetic soul manure by beck
tigermilk by belle and sebastian
babysitters on acid by lunachicks
between here and there by the rx bandits
hahah what a strange little mix of cds. anyway, that's made my day lots better. and running through the sprinklers with brock after school.
the day was okay, simply because it wasn't yesterday. and shit wasn't falling out of the sky. i can't think of anything else exciting, except that i'm hungry so i'm going to go take a shower.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
thanks to becky's blog for this one:
i am really quite enjoying this. i'm putting in big posts from a bunch of blogs into here, and i'm sure that this takes away some of the fun for you other bored kids, but for those of you who are too lazy... here you go. and it's still fun to go do it yourself anyway.
they tell me i'm female. they usally get me wrong for these things, how odd. robin, zoe, christie, tarah, and ted link are also female. sallis, katherine, and becca are male.
brock is male with spellcheck, female with typoes.
too much fun for me to have.
i am really quite enjoying this. i'm putting in big posts from a bunch of blogs into here, and i'm sure that this takes away some of the fun for you other bored kids, but for those of you who are too lazy... here you go. and it's still fun to go do it yourself anyway.
they tell me i'm female. they usally get me wrong for these things, how odd. robin, zoe, christie, tarah, and ted link are also female. sallis, katherine, and becca are male.
brock is male with spellcheck, female with typoes.
too much fun for me to have.
bad news: becca can't come over tomorrow
good news: she is going to be at tim's!! bahhh!! i hope all goes well.
middle news: she is coming to record on thursday instead.
shit-ass news: i have a history test thing to do on thursday afternoon, and i hate ms. ervin with passion death.
good news: she is going to be at tim's!! bahhh!! i hope all goes well.
middle news: she is coming to record on thursday instead.
shit-ass news: i have a history test thing to do on thursday afternoon, and i hate ms. ervin with passion death.
brock called just as i was about to start my homework, around 7:30 or so. he had decided not to do any more of his work, so we talked until about 9:45. he made my day ten years better. i love that boy. and that is all.
i just came to blog and realized i shouldn't be.
quick today:
it sucked.
i didn't talk in the history discussion, and now i have to do a written test after school on thursday. i would've rather done that to begin with.
i got really depressed after that.
there were a couple good things that happened. allison was in our lunch today, so that was hilarious as always. brock, katherine, and i stayed after school watching "glory" for history extra credit. brock kept playing with the carpet and asking why we were there. katherine and i laughed at the cheesy shots and the terrible score. it's amazing how bad movies are.
also i wrote a not-really-a-poem sorta thing. i haven't written a real poem since sept 17, which, ironically, was the date of our LAST in-class history discussion thingie, which i also did not talk during. however, while that one was written after i died repeatedly and was all about that, this one is not. i wrote it in chemistry this morning, and it's shitty. oh well. i need to shut up and go do my homework.
becca is coming over to record tomorrow!!!
quick today:
it sucked.
i didn't talk in the history discussion, and now i have to do a written test after school on thursday. i would've rather done that to begin with.
i got really depressed after that.
there were a couple good things that happened. allison was in our lunch today, so that was hilarious as always. brock, katherine, and i stayed after school watching "glory" for history extra credit. brock kept playing with the carpet and asking why we were there. katherine and i laughed at the cheesy shots and the terrible score. it's amazing how bad movies are.
also i wrote a not-really-a-poem sorta thing. i haven't written a real poem since sept 17, which, ironically, was the date of our LAST in-class history discussion thingie, which i also did not talk during. however, while that one was written after i died repeatedly and was all about that, this one is not. i wrote it in chemistry this morning, and it's shitty. oh well. i need to shut up and go do my homework.
becca is coming over to record tomorrow!!!
Monday, October 06, 2003
i thought therapy was going to be hell today, and it WASN'T. yayyyy. it went a lot better than i expected, and i actually said some shit that was on my mind, like getting depressed yesterday. i don't know if she understood this one thing i said, which was really important to me that she understand, but it was near the end and mom was in there so i couldn't fix it. either she didn't understand, or she killed my meaning in life. HAHA. how funny would that be?
but she did mention again that she talks to me like one of her adult clients, as opposed to one of her other teenaged ones. and she makes me feel better about some things, so i feel like it's worthwhile that i'm still going. today she said "you're going to hate me when this is all over" which i loved. and every time we have to make another appointment she asks if i want to keep coming back, which is very nice. i make the appointments myself, not like with orthodontists or somebody. i don't know. it's going okay.
listening to: "the big lebowski" on comedy central
but she did mention again that she talks to me like one of her adult clients, as opposed to one of her other teenaged ones. and she makes me feel better about some things, so i feel like it's worthwhile that i'm still going. today she said "you're going to hate me when this is all over" which i loved. and every time we have to make another appointment she asks if i want to keep coming back, which is very nice. i make the appointments myself, not like with orthodontists or somebody. i don't know. it's going okay.
listening to: "the big lebowski" on comedy central
Sunday, October 05, 2003
yesterday i actually made something of a decent attempt to clean my room. it was insane. you can see the floor. and there's sheets on the bed, too. well, i know I'M impressed.
katie came over just after 4:30, right after i got out of the shower. it was pretty nice timing. i was all wet when we hugged, though hahaha. we sat around for a while and i didn't really know what to say at first. we looked at movie showings, and eventually made plans to see a 7:30 showing of "school of rock" with brock and his brother wesley. unfortunately, brock had gotten sick, so he couldn't come hang out otherwise like i had wanted. so mom dropped off me and katie at last chance, where i got the purple tape by the pixies, and she got interpol due to my recommendation. i'm really glad she liked it because otherwise i would've felt guilty. also, she gave me a tegan and sara album that she didn't like, but i haven't gotten around to listening to it yet. plus i don't know where i've put it. it's probably still on the floor under the newspapers. then we went and ate at pie in the sky. mmmm. i had a beautiful root beer and managed it all the way through the movie, and home again. bravo alanna. i also called katherine and invited her and leah to the movie, because i knew katherine had wanted to see it. i wasn't actually sure i was going to like it, but it was the only thing i wanted to see at paradiso, which is next to brock's house and therefore easier for him to get a ride to.
so katie and i got there first, because my dad must be early for everything. plus he had ordered our tickets online, so we didn't even have to stand in line. instead, we played around like tourists next to the fountain. damn the fact that there's a fountain and fake balconies in that movie theatre. then brock and wesley got there, and ordered food and whatnot. somehow in between there, brock lost his and wesley's tickets and he had to buy some more. i really don't know how that happened. he probably dropped them into his huge ACID beverage and they melted. go figure.
we were somewhat late by the time we got into the theatre. i guess me and katie should've gone ahead and saved seats, because the only place with six seats together was the third row. they got there eventually, and it was really fun getting to wave to them across the theatre and whatnot.
anyway i was very surprised that i liked the movie so much. i usually hate jack black, and it seemed like a dumb concept anyway. but i, yes, i am now every other critic of this movie, liked it, even though i shouldn't have. as everyone has said, it's a formulaic silly little flick that you're not supposed to like but you DO and it's AWESOME and FUN and i recommend it. one of the best parts is that they actually know what they're talking about. there was not one place on the soundtrack that induced me to cringing -- lots of ramones, the clash, and even JONATHAN FUCKING RICHMAN!! (oh you KNOW i danced in my seat. and brock sang with me. it was beautiful, you KNOW it.) not one artist's name was mentioned that made me go "what?! noooo that kid is shit!" in fact, i loved reading the stickers and whatnot all over the movie. finding little names like PATTI SMITH and LUNACHICKS just made me too happy for words. it really wasn't fair.
ANYWAY. after the movie we stood around and talked for a bit. i sang and air-guitared violent femmes all the way outside, and probably got some nasty looks. ah well. i enjoyed myself. mom and dad picked me up and katie, and we went home and listened to our new cds and watched music videos i have downloaded. i showed katie "get up" and "untouchable face" which i think she liked. it was uncanny how much of the real story she got out of elise's video. wow, i was impressed. i guess either we did a good editting job, or katie just had some kind of insight. i don't know, but it was pretty amazing. so we ended up just kind of chillin and talking until 4am or so. it was very very very nice. i love katie.
we woke up and had donuts. mmmmmm. we also watched this absolutely nuts-oid movie called "the hole" which was chinese, if i remember right. it was part of this series of movies that chinese filmmakers did about what the year 2000 was going to be like. in this one, there was this insane epidemic which turned people into human roaches. absolutely nuts. it was longer than it needed to be, i think. but every shot really took its time... like you'd sit there and watch the guy lie there in his underwear for like 3 minutes. it was an interesting movie, at any rate, and the last shot was really really beautiful. so i'm glad we saw it.
then we hung out some more. et cetera. katie went home. i did homework. got depressed. you know the drill. except for the last part of sunday, it was a pretty damn nice weekend.
katie came over just after 4:30, right after i got out of the shower. it was pretty nice timing. i was all wet when we hugged, though hahaha. we sat around for a while and i didn't really know what to say at first. we looked at movie showings, and eventually made plans to see a 7:30 showing of "school of rock" with brock and his brother wesley. unfortunately, brock had gotten sick, so he couldn't come hang out otherwise like i had wanted. so mom dropped off me and katie at last chance, where i got the purple tape by the pixies, and she got interpol due to my recommendation. i'm really glad she liked it because otherwise i would've felt guilty. also, she gave me a tegan and sara album that she didn't like, but i haven't gotten around to listening to it yet. plus i don't know where i've put it. it's probably still on the floor under the newspapers. then we went and ate at pie in the sky. mmmm. i had a beautiful root beer and managed it all the way through the movie, and home again. bravo alanna. i also called katherine and invited her and leah to the movie, because i knew katherine had wanted to see it. i wasn't actually sure i was going to like it, but it was the only thing i wanted to see at paradiso, which is next to brock's house and therefore easier for him to get a ride to.
so katie and i got there first, because my dad must be early for everything. plus he had ordered our tickets online, so we didn't even have to stand in line. instead, we played around like tourists next to the fountain. damn the fact that there's a fountain and fake balconies in that movie theatre. then brock and wesley got there, and ordered food and whatnot. somehow in between there, brock lost his and wesley's tickets and he had to buy some more. i really don't know how that happened. he probably dropped them into his huge ACID beverage and they melted. go figure.
we were somewhat late by the time we got into the theatre. i guess me and katie should've gone ahead and saved seats, because the only place with six seats together was the third row. they got there eventually, and it was really fun getting to wave to them across the theatre and whatnot.
anyway i was very surprised that i liked the movie so much. i usually hate jack black, and it seemed like a dumb concept anyway. but i, yes, i am now every other critic of this movie, liked it, even though i shouldn't have. as everyone has said, it's a formulaic silly little flick that you're not supposed to like but you DO and it's AWESOME and FUN and i recommend it. one of the best parts is that they actually know what they're talking about. there was not one place on the soundtrack that induced me to cringing -- lots of ramones, the clash, and even JONATHAN FUCKING RICHMAN!! (oh you KNOW i danced in my seat. and brock sang with me. it was beautiful, you KNOW it.) not one artist's name was mentioned that made me go "what?! noooo that kid is shit!" in fact, i loved reading the stickers and whatnot all over the movie. finding little names like PATTI SMITH and LUNACHICKS just made me too happy for words. it really wasn't fair.
ANYWAY. after the movie we stood around and talked for a bit. i sang and air-guitared violent femmes all the way outside, and probably got some nasty looks. ah well. i enjoyed myself. mom and dad picked me up and katie, and we went home and listened to our new cds and watched music videos i have downloaded. i showed katie "get up" and "untouchable face" which i think she liked. it was uncanny how much of the real story she got out of elise's video. wow, i was impressed. i guess either we did a good editting job, or katie just had some kind of insight. i don't know, but it was pretty amazing. so we ended up just kind of chillin and talking until 4am or so. it was very very very nice. i love katie.
we woke up and had donuts. mmmmmm. we also watched this absolutely nuts-oid movie called "the hole" which was chinese, if i remember right. it was part of this series of movies that chinese filmmakers did about what the year 2000 was going to be like. in this one, there was this insane epidemic which turned people into human roaches. absolutely nuts. it was longer than it needed to be, i think. but every shot really took its time... like you'd sit there and watch the guy lie there in his underwear for like 3 minutes. it was an interesting movie, at any rate, and the last shot was really really beautiful. so i'm glad we saw it.
then we hung out some more. et cetera. katie went home. i did homework. got depressed. you know the drill. except for the last part of sunday, it was a pretty damn nice weekend.
reading everyone's blog today has depressed me. now i'm thinking about hippos in holes. i don't really have anything else to say right now, but i will definitely blog about what a good weekend i had when i am feeling better. and i need to do some homework anyway.
guys, please be happy for me. someone give me some love.
guys, please be happy for me. someone give me some love.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
sorry i didn't blog yesterday, kiddies.
just found a pretty awesome layouts site. it's hosted on the same place that i got this layout, but it's actually a searchable database of lots of different webdesigners. pretty fucking cool, and the layouts aren't half bad. the only problem is that (from what i have seen so far) they're all done in diaryland codes, so if you are a blogger kid, you have to mess with the html more than you might like to. i can help you out though, don't hesitate to ask. wootie woot.
yesterdayyyy i had an evil oral presentation in history. i don't really know how it went, but whitney said i sounded like i knew what i was talking about, and ms. ervin hugged me?? it was fucking nuts. she went at me full-frontal, and i hugged back. i can't even imagine what it looked like. but aside from that, yesterday was pretty nice. the presentation wasn't even that bad.
we also had a pep ralley. i sat next to brock until he left, and also laylee and becca. sitting next to them was funny because we basically just watched seniors that they liked. my friend whitney is a cheerleader ho ho ho and she is hilarious. especially during the pom pom routine, she was EXTREMELY over the top and "cheerleader! woowoo!" and she kept making "EAT DIRT" jokes at me and doing the cow dance. very funny to me.
after school, some kids were supposed to go hang out at lauren henry's house, but we had to go to my house and get the camera first. then lauren's mom drove lauren, lauren's sister sally, alice, brock, allison, and me to el mezcal. i had forgotten my money at home hahahah and just got water. i wasn't that hungry, anyway. i really need to learn to eat. i had had only one cracker all day and didn't eat anything else until like 8:30.
then we went to lauren h's house, and we filmed lots of silly silly things. allison and i sang dictator, but it was definitely not one of our best takes. allison had a guitar for some reason, which was funny, and she added a sort of repeated "go eat some fucking yogurt" thing that happened 3 or so times. but we haven't sang it for a really long time, so the lines were kinda off. i was NOT at my highest energy level, having gone to bed at like 3, and then 1 or so every other night of the week. so i need to learn to sleep, too. but it was great. maybe soon there will be some pictures up on the little random picture thing from there. who knows. it was a really nice night, though. even with my lack of energy, allison and i had a race as two of our favorite parody characters, the blankinship and the dragonkitty respectively. i am not sure who won. but after the race bit, we had something of a fight... i split allison's jeans and her lip. it was really hardcore, but i feel awful about it.
we also watched this old tape of katie robbins' 8th grade birthday party, which was hilarious. all the girls looked exactly the same, and the guys all looked tiny. there was an orgy, and it was hilarious. we also watched allison's tape of an ancient dance recital in which a girl collapses on another girl's head, and it's fucking funny. we ran around the backyard as power rangers and also reenacted the famous whitney's fall from the famous roof. (wow i have talked about 3 whitneys today, this is insane.)
inside, we danced around to this crazy techno-ass songs and it was hella funny. we also did this dance thing of allison's which was too much fun.g whahahe.
everyone had planned on going to the football game, but brock and i got picked up by my mom before that. i really wasn't in the mood, and a football game is no place to hang out with people, to me. surrounded by people you hate. shudder. plus, the battery on my camera was dead by then, and i didn't want to be at the game with no way of filming katherine and the drumline.
brock and i tried to call a few people, but none of them picked up. and everyone else was at the football game ahahaha. it was kind of ironic, i guess. wanting to hang out with people, instead of go to the game, and then that's where everyone else was. ah well. that's life. i'm still glad we didn't go, though. instead, we went to starbucks where a guy had fallen asleep in the drive-thru. it was really funny. i'm glad it was funny because otherwise it would've been bad, if something had happened to him in the driveway and he'd passed out. but he had just dozed off hahaha. mom went and woke him up, she's so nice. also ironic that right now she's talking to me about why she feels terrible as a mother, and how i'm RURNT.
ran into billy while walking to starbucks. luckily we didn't have to talk or anything because we were going opposite directions.
i ended up not even getting anything at starbucks. i figured if we were going to backyard burger to get something to eat, the coffee would clash. i'm so silly. but i'm glad, because i got a CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE at bb. i love those motherfuckers. then we went by black lodge and rented three movies. when we got home, i showed mom the "here comes your man" video while brock was on the phone with his mom. she kept saying "i love this band! i wish i'd known about them in the 80s! this is a great video!" which made me really happy. imagine if she HAD known about them in the 80s, and i was raised on the pixies. imagine if i had seen them live, as a bouncing babe. man, my whole life would be different. i bet i'd have a band by now.
brock found my report card on the coffee table, and i felt fucking ret@rd*d and ashamed. we put on "pink flamingoes" which only mom had seen before. it was really different from what she remembered, and she said later that she was really emmbarrassed to have rented it for us. i like the fact that they only had one shot for every seen. but that's about it. brock left the room to blog, and mom and i took off that movie and put on "say anything" because john cusack is god. morgan and dad came home from rehearsal, and morgan left like 20 seconds later to spend the night at foot's. then brock's mom came to pick him up. at that point all my energy just swam out into the universe. i nearly fell asleep on the couch. i liked listening to "say anything" though, so i stayed in there. and i intended to go get on the computer, too. at one point i realized mom had gone to bed, and dad had replaced her on the couch next to me. he is THE loudest eater, and was eating these chips really really loudly, so i couldn't hear the movie anymore. i told him 4 times to quit eating so loudly. he didn't.
dad: where are you going?
me: TO BED!!!
it was depressing, but i was really tired anyway, and i really need the sleep. pretty funny that friday was the only night this week i went to bed at a decent hour (11pm).
woke up this morning and was sort of staring at the sun on the bed, when mom brought me the phone. yayy it was katie! she is coming over at 5 to spend the night. i'm really excited. again, anybody have suggestions for something exciting to do?
i also planned to cd-shop with brock today. and the invitation for anybody who would like to hang out with me and katie is still very open.
i need to go to driving school.
here's a shout-out to Anonymous. don't know who you are, and don't really care to.
listening to: a Jane Siberry album my mom is playing in the kitchen
just found a pretty awesome layouts site. it's hosted on the same place that i got this layout, but it's actually a searchable database of lots of different webdesigners. pretty fucking cool, and the layouts aren't half bad. the only problem is that (from what i have seen so far) they're all done in diaryland codes, so if you are a blogger kid, you have to mess with the html more than you might like to. i can help you out though, don't hesitate to ask. wootie woot.
yesterdayyyy i had an evil oral presentation in history. i don't really know how it went, but whitney said i sounded like i knew what i was talking about, and ms. ervin hugged me?? it was fucking nuts. she went at me full-frontal, and i hugged back. i can't even imagine what it looked like. but aside from that, yesterday was pretty nice. the presentation wasn't even that bad.
we also had a pep ralley. i sat next to brock until he left, and also laylee and becca. sitting next to them was funny because we basically just watched seniors that they liked. my friend whitney is a cheerleader ho ho ho and she is hilarious. especially during the pom pom routine, she was EXTREMELY over the top and "cheerleader! woowoo!" and she kept making "EAT DIRT" jokes at me and doing the cow dance. very funny to me.
after school, some kids were supposed to go hang out at lauren henry's house, but we had to go to my house and get the camera first. then lauren's mom drove lauren, lauren's sister sally, alice, brock, allison, and me to el mezcal. i had forgotten my money at home hahahah and just got water. i wasn't that hungry, anyway. i really need to learn to eat. i had had only one cracker all day and didn't eat anything else until like 8:30.
then we went to lauren h's house, and we filmed lots of silly silly things. allison and i sang dictator, but it was definitely not one of our best takes. allison had a guitar for some reason, which was funny, and she added a sort of repeated "go eat some fucking yogurt" thing that happened 3 or so times. but we haven't sang it for a really long time, so the lines were kinda off. i was NOT at my highest energy level, having gone to bed at like 3, and then 1 or so every other night of the week. so i need to learn to sleep, too. but it was great. maybe soon there will be some pictures up on the little random picture thing from there. who knows. it was a really nice night, though. even with my lack of energy, allison and i had a race as two of our favorite parody characters, the blankinship and the dragonkitty respectively. i am not sure who won. but after the race bit, we had something of a fight... i split allison's jeans and her lip. it was really hardcore, but i feel awful about it.
we also watched this old tape of katie robbins' 8th grade birthday party, which was hilarious. all the girls looked exactly the same, and the guys all looked tiny. there was an orgy, and it was hilarious. we also watched allison's tape of an ancient dance recital in which a girl collapses on another girl's head, and it's fucking funny. we ran around the backyard as power rangers and also reenacted the famous whitney's fall from the famous roof. (wow i have talked about 3 whitneys today, this is insane.)
inside, we danced around to this crazy techno-ass songs and it was hella funny. we also did this dance thing of allison's which was too much fun.g whahahe.
everyone had planned on going to the football game, but brock and i got picked up by my mom before that. i really wasn't in the mood, and a football game is no place to hang out with people, to me. surrounded by people you hate. shudder. plus, the battery on my camera was dead by then, and i didn't want to be at the game with no way of filming katherine and the drumline.
brock and i tried to call a few people, but none of them picked up. and everyone else was at the football game ahahaha. it was kind of ironic, i guess. wanting to hang out with people, instead of go to the game, and then that's where everyone else was. ah well. that's life. i'm still glad we didn't go, though. instead, we went to starbucks where a guy had fallen asleep in the drive-thru. it was really funny. i'm glad it was funny because otherwise it would've been bad, if something had happened to him in the driveway and he'd passed out. but he had just dozed off hahaha. mom went and woke him up, she's so nice. also ironic that right now she's talking to me about why she feels terrible as a mother, and how i'm RURNT.
ran into billy while walking to starbucks. luckily we didn't have to talk or anything because we were going opposite directions.
i ended up not even getting anything at starbucks. i figured if we were going to backyard burger to get something to eat, the coffee would clash. i'm so silly. but i'm glad, because i got a CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE at bb. i love those motherfuckers. then we went by black lodge and rented three movies. when we got home, i showed mom the "here comes your man" video while brock was on the phone with his mom. she kept saying "i love this band! i wish i'd known about them in the 80s! this is a great video!" which made me really happy. imagine if she HAD known about them in the 80s, and i was raised on the pixies. imagine if i had seen them live, as a bouncing babe. man, my whole life would be different. i bet i'd have a band by now.
brock found my report card on the coffee table, and i felt fucking ret@rd*d and ashamed. we put on "pink flamingoes" which only mom had seen before. it was really different from what she remembered, and she said later that she was really emmbarrassed to have rented it for us. i like the fact that they only had one shot for every seen. but that's about it. brock left the room to blog, and mom and i took off that movie and put on "say anything" because john cusack is god. morgan and dad came home from rehearsal, and morgan left like 20 seconds later to spend the night at foot's. then brock's mom came to pick him up. at that point all my energy just swam out into the universe. i nearly fell asleep on the couch. i liked listening to "say anything" though, so i stayed in there. and i intended to go get on the computer, too. at one point i realized mom had gone to bed, and dad had replaced her on the couch next to me. he is THE loudest eater, and was eating these chips really really loudly, so i couldn't hear the movie anymore. i told him 4 times to quit eating so loudly. he didn't.
dad: where are you going?
me: TO BED!!!
it was depressing, but i was really tired anyway, and i really need the sleep. pretty funny that friday was the only night this week i went to bed at a decent hour (11pm).
woke up this morning and was sort of staring at the sun on the bed, when mom brought me the phone. yayy it was katie! she is coming over at 5 to spend the night. i'm really excited. again, anybody have suggestions for something exciting to do?
i also planned to cd-shop with brock today. and the invitation for anybody who would like to hang out with me and katie is still very open.
i need to go to driving school.
here's a shout-out to Anonymous. don't know who you are, and don't really care to.
listening to: a Jane Siberry album my mom is playing in the kitchen
Thursday, October 02, 2003
anyone up for rasputina in arkansas/alabama? i am not sure yet which one it is, because they typed the state name as 'AK' which could be a typo for AL or a mistake for AR.
i hope it's arkansas, because that city is closer. dear god how i'd love to see them.
lucky brandon. they are going to new orleans on halloween. that piece of shit better go.
i hope it's arkansas, because that city is closer. dear god how i'd love to see them.
lucky brandon. they are going to new orleans on halloween. that piece of shit better go.
oh my god. fuck missy elliott, "here comes your man" by the pixies is my new all-time favorite music video. the whole thing is entirely campy and hilarious. they wear bright colors and have this stupid little set and these stupid camera angles and these stupid effects. it's the best thing i've ever seen.
the absolute clencher:
as with everything else, pixies blow every other music video out of the water. lip-synching? forget about that shit. no, they don't JUST not do it. they parody the entire stupid lip-synching concept.
frank black sits there and pretends to play his little guitar and hangs his mouth wide open. and that's it, except for closing it at the end of a line.
same deal with kim (yes that was a pun. god i'm clever.)
everyone go download this video. it's the best thing i've ever experienced.
the absolute clencher:
as with everything else, pixies blow every other music video out of the water. lip-synching? forget about that shit. no, they don't JUST not do it. they parody the entire stupid lip-synching concept.
frank black sits there and pretends to play his little guitar and hangs his mouth wide open. and that's it, except for closing it at the end of a line.
same deal with kim (yes that was a pun. god i'm clever.)
everyone go download this video. it's the best thing i've ever experienced.
oral presentations can suck it.
ms. ervin is the world's motherfucker.
ms. ervin is the world's motherfucker.
why i love mine mater:
(two insightful conversations)
mom: are you and elise getting along?
me: i don't know
mom: that means you're not
me: okay
mom: i'm irritated with elise.
me: why?
mom: for not getting along with my little precious
mom: one day you will find out that cinderella is NOT your name, and you don't belong in a trash can
me: *silently deafening laughter*
mom: that's right. profound words you will remember all your life. i impart my wisdom and all you can do is laugh.
(two insightful conversations)
mom: are you and elise getting along?
me: i don't know
mom: that means you're not
me: okay
mom: i'm irritated with elise.
me: why?
mom: for not getting along with my little precious
mom: one day you will find out that cinderella is NOT your name, and you don't belong in a trash can
me: *silently deafening laughter*
mom: that's right. profound words you will remember all your life. i impart my wisdom and all you can do is laugh.
i wanted to go ahead and blog before my day is eaten alive with history. damn me for not starting this shit until the night before it's due, like usual.
today is suddenly full of sex. morgan came into the room when i was discovering another 'white stripes' porn movie i'd downloaded accidentally, and came in again later while i was looking at a birth control website. go figure.
also the jazz band played today, including the sex song. it was a nice way to spend time not in jennings and ervin. yayy.
there is more shit i was going to say but i really have to go start my homework haha.
listening to: the moldy peaches - nothing came out
(does anyone have this cd? i need a copy, and i'm sinfully broke.)
today is suddenly full of sex. morgan came into the room when i was discovering another 'white stripes' porn movie i'd downloaded accidentally, and came in again later while i was looking at a birth control website. go figure.
also the jazz band played today, including the sex song. it was a nice way to spend time not in jennings and ervin. yayy.
there is more shit i was going to say but i really have to go start my homework haha.
listening to: the moldy peaches - nothing came out
(does anyone have this cd? i need a copy, and i'm sinfully broke.)
too bad the evil baskin robbins woman put nuts on it. now i am spitting nuts right and left.
listening to: sleater-kinney - more than a feeling
too bad the evil baskin robbins woman put nuts on it. now i am spitting nuts right and left.
listening to: sleater-kinney - more than a feeling
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
i have really been neglecting the blog today, and i should be neglecting it even more right now. damn blogger already deleted half of my post already. i am supposed to be working on history right now, and i sort of am, half-assedly. while eating ice cream. and wearing my mother's/father's old plaid robe. mmm.
today was report card day. i hate my grades like i hate myself. they really need to get better, but i'm too stupid to fix them. the only grade that really disappointed me was ap english. the whole thing was mostly brought down by one stupid assignment i didn't do. so it's humanly impossible for alanna stewart to write and makes notes and highlight in books, so what?! no reason for me to have a 70 test average, i'll tell you that. and the tex wex also, apparently, takes off points for being absent. at white station, we spartans learn that our grades are much more important than our own wellbeing, much less the health of our fellow students. i hate my existence. i hate even more that my schedule is NOT that hard. some kids are taking 5 APs this year. i am taking 2 aps, 2 classes that most kids took last year, 1 deafeningly easy language class that i still can't make an A in, and a motherfucking study hall. and i complain. someone shoot me.
we also had clubs today. i went with laylee, becca, robin, and jenny to munter's club, junior states of america. i don't think we are going to go back. it's all debate and horrifying. ted and alone boy were there. aahaha. i was very glad to see that they didn't know each other and weren't sitting together.
brock and i had a huge fight at lunch. i think i pissed him off a lot. i don't know how to stop something when it needs to be over like 6 days ago.
laylee and kevin laughed at me after school, and kevin had a beautiful smoothy pig marble. i love those kids. becca and i had a looooong wonderful hug. it was very nice. allison, brock, and i had an orgy, but i was just an intrusion. brock lets lauren dunn give him really really long hugs. they look really nice. i'm jealous.
elise IMed me to ask me a history question and it had to ask me if i wanted to accept the message. it was strange. after that plus a huge pause, i told her i liked her last poem. mostly i said it because i had been thinking about it. there were parts of it that actually reminded me of myself, and i basically wanted her to either admit it was about me, or reassure me that it was about one of her new friends. as it turns out, she did write it for me. it is nice to know that i'm not just fucking paranoid or something. but yeah it was sort of weird seeing her view of this whole situation like that. i mean it's not like we would've talked about it, because of said situation. oh well. i'm happy, and i'm sure elise is too.
called brock to ask him again what the math homework was. i've done that every night this week, and at LEAST once last week. poor kid. and as previously stated, god knows it's impossible for me and brock to exist and not talk for 230957 years. which is what we did. i feel really bad because i distracted him from his homework, and he didn't get to work on his oral presentation tonight. guilt guilt guilt. but, as always, talking to brock on the phone made my night way better. that and listening to the first throwing muses album and mint chocolate chip ice cream and this nice robe just take the cake. all the way to the traffic light, where they threw it at the policemen, passing by on horses.
mom came in to tell me to do homework. that is, she picked up the cat and sat next to me on the futon and picked the cat for fleas.
mom: who are you talking to?
me: brock
mom: how did he do on his report card?
me: do you want to ask him?
so brock and mom had a lovely conversation, in which mom asked brock about his classes and promised twice that she "won't tell alanna!" and that she's worried about me because i'm fucking dumb. so dumb she blogs at 11:30pm, with piles of homework left to spit on! beautiful life. oh yeah, my yellow underwear are now purple in some places because of all that permanent marker that has been on my stomach+ area for the past couple days. how fucking funny is that? i want to hang that shit on my wall.
who the fuck is dartmouth vs. woodward?
listening to: whatever is wafting out of morgan's room. she listens to music really really loud when she's going to bed... awwww she's listening to becca! how cute. so THAT'S where my cd went.
today was report card day. i hate my grades like i hate myself. they really need to get better, but i'm too stupid to fix them. the only grade that really disappointed me was ap english. the whole thing was mostly brought down by one stupid assignment i didn't do. so it's humanly impossible for alanna stewart to write and makes notes and highlight in books, so what?! no reason for me to have a 70 test average, i'll tell you that. and the tex wex also, apparently, takes off points for being absent. at white station, we spartans learn that our grades are much more important than our own wellbeing, much less the health of our fellow students. i hate my existence. i hate even more that my schedule is NOT that hard. some kids are taking 5 APs this year. i am taking 2 aps, 2 classes that most kids took last year, 1 deafeningly easy language class that i still can't make an A in, and a motherfucking study hall. and i complain. someone shoot me.
we also had clubs today. i went with laylee, becca, robin, and jenny to munter's club, junior states of america. i don't think we are going to go back. it's all debate and horrifying. ted and alone boy were there. aahaha. i was very glad to see that they didn't know each other and weren't sitting together.
brock and i had a huge fight at lunch. i think i pissed him off a lot. i don't know how to stop something when it needs to be over like 6 days ago.
laylee and kevin laughed at me after school, and kevin had a beautiful smoothy pig marble. i love those kids. becca and i had a looooong wonderful hug. it was very nice. allison, brock, and i had an orgy, but i was just an intrusion. brock lets lauren dunn give him really really long hugs. they look really nice. i'm jealous.
elise IMed me to ask me a history question and it had to ask me if i wanted to accept the message. it was strange. after that plus a huge pause, i told her i liked her last poem. mostly i said it because i had been thinking about it. there were parts of it that actually reminded me of myself, and i basically wanted her to either admit it was about me, or reassure me that it was about one of her new friends. as it turns out, she did write it for me. it is nice to know that i'm not just fucking paranoid or something. but yeah it was sort of weird seeing her view of this whole situation like that. i mean it's not like we would've talked about it, because of said situation. oh well. i'm happy, and i'm sure elise is too.
called brock to ask him again what the math homework was. i've done that every night this week, and at LEAST once last week. poor kid. and as previously stated, god knows it's impossible for me and brock to exist and not talk for 230957 years. which is what we did. i feel really bad because i distracted him from his homework, and he didn't get to work on his oral presentation tonight. guilt guilt guilt. but, as always, talking to brock on the phone made my night way better. that and listening to the first throwing muses album and mint chocolate chip ice cream and this nice robe just take the cake. all the way to the traffic light, where they threw it at the policemen, passing by on horses.
mom came in to tell me to do homework. that is, she picked up the cat and sat next to me on the futon and picked the cat for fleas.
mom: who are you talking to?
me: brock
mom: how did he do on his report card?
me: do you want to ask him?
so brock and mom had a lovely conversation, in which mom asked brock about his classes and promised twice that she "won't tell alanna!" and that she's worried about me because i'm fucking dumb. so dumb she blogs at 11:30pm, with piles of homework left to spit on! beautiful life. oh yeah, my yellow underwear are now purple in some places because of all that permanent marker that has been on my stomach+ area for the past couple days. how fucking funny is that? i want to hang that shit on my wall.
who the fuck is dartmouth vs. woodward?
listening to: whatever is wafting out of morgan's room. she listens to music really really loud when she's going to bed... awwww she's listening to becca! how cute. so THAT'S where my cd went.
downloading porn with dave-o!
accidentally downloaded some porn. think i'm probably downloading some more.
that's about it for my day.
accidentally downloaded some porn. think i'm probably downloading some more.
that's about it for my day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
lauren: i was walking down the street one day
lauren: in my short black skirt and knee high boots
lauren: and this sexy mexy whistled at me
lauren: so i flagged him down with my panties
me: oh very nice
lauren: and i crammed in the truck with all 2000 of them
me: slut
lauren: and we went back to his tent at the trailer home and they took turns bangin me like the screen door they wish they had
lauren: in my short black skirt and knee high boots
lauren: and this sexy mexy whistled at me
lauren: so i flagged him down with my panties
me: oh very nice
lauren: and i crammed in the truck with all 2000 of them
me: slut
lauren: and we went back to his tent at the trailer home and they took turns bangin me like the screen door they wish they had
so elise recently converted her never-updated blog into a "poetry-circle" copycat of DOY, only with her and her friends. some people think that she has just recently felt judged and uncomfortable posting on DOY, that we will give her negative comments. however, i theorize that it's a power trip for her because she writes better than anyone else on the site.
this summer she added me as a member of the site so that i could fix her shit, because it wasn't posting to the ghotli server.
i just checked, and she has deleted me from the Just Dream members list.
man that is hella funny. it makes my day.
listening to: "the blues" show on WKNO
("if you were black for ONE NIGHT on beale street, you'd never wanna be white anymore!")
so elise recently converted her never-updated blog into a "poetry-circle" copycat of DOY, only with her and her friends. some people think that she has just recently felt judged and uncomfortable posting on DOY, that we will give her negative comments. however, i theorize that it's a power trip for her because she writes better than anyone else on the site.
this summer she added me as a member of the site so that i could fix her shit, because it wasn't posting to the ghotli server.
i just checked, and she has deleted me from the Just Dream members list.
man that is hella funny. it makes my day.
listening to: "the blues" show on WKNO
("if you were black for ONE NIGHT on beale street, you'd never wanna be white anymore!")
lalala. doing history junts. hate hate hate life!!! weee!
oh yeah i am supposed to plug for becca's show.
i think she should ask mary to switch the date, because the next morning is psats, so a lot of kiddies won't be allowed/keen to go to a late-night rock show.
cat is in my lap and shedding multitudes.
archimedes on the telle.
oh yeah i am supposed to plug for becca's show.
i think she should ask mary to switch the date, because the next morning is psats, so a lot of kiddies won't be allowed/keen to go to a late-night rock show.
cat is in my lap and shedding multitudes.
archimedes on the telle.
let's get over this . i'm your lovertits
i know i have been talking about peaches a lot. but please guys. do yourself a favor and watch the lovertits video because it is TOO much fun for words.
i was positive today was going to be shit. it really was shit. at some point during the day i was like "man this day is such shit. i better live it up. MAN I'M HAVING THE WORST TIME OF MY LIFE!" and it wasn't really, and in my sarcasm, it became a better day. i pretended to had fun, and then had fun. it was kinda nice. there was this history assignment that katherine mentioned to me at like 11:30 last night, and i realized i must've been absent when it was assigned because i had no idea anything about it. so i freaked out about that and stayed up late doing my algae, which took forever, so that i could do my history during study hall. by study hall, i still hadn't actually figured out what the assignment WAS and so i gave up, doodled, and wrote a punk song.
ms. wexler finally gave me my six weeks average today, and i was not at all pleased. good thing i don't care. i just hope mom doesn't either. we got a seating chart today in latin, which is really weird. also very funny, because no matter where we are placed, there's always going to be someone to talk to. or we end up shouting across the room while poor ms. lafon says "WAWAAA WAWAAA WAWAAA" at her little podium, with the photograph of latin mcdonalds on it. that class is a joke. like today i turned to jenny, who i now sit next to, and said "this class is such shit." and she responded with "that's why we take it!" and i remembered. ahhaah. genius me. anyone who takes latin is a genius, simply for electing themselves into such a pit of hilarious hell.
post-school was very nice today. brock was wandering the annex in his nice sweater. i caught him.
i saw laylee and kevin for the first time since friday. i love those kids. becca and kevin had a kissing contest with my hand. brock and i played thumb-war. technically, he won, but i think i should be the one who gets the metal because i got his thumb down for like 8 counts like 5 separate times. that motherfucker tries to use two hands. we both tend to sing when theres a lull in conversation, and we always feel the same lulls. today we both started singing "hamster baby" by bikini kill at EXACTLY the same time. it was beautiful. i love that song. and we brought back our summer choreography to it, too.
dad yelled at me for taking so long to get to the car. i hope brock isn't still at school waiting for his mother.
katie is going to spend the night this weekend!!!!! i'm so excited. i want you people to meet her, too. man i love katie. i can't wait. i have to think of something exciting for us to do.
listening to: amazing plaid - the snake and its shadow
i was positive today was going to be shit. it really was shit. at some point during the day i was like "man this day is such shit. i better live it up. MAN I'M HAVING THE WORST TIME OF MY LIFE!" and it wasn't really, and in my sarcasm, it became a better day. i pretended to had fun, and then had fun. it was kinda nice. there was this history assignment that katherine mentioned to me at like 11:30 last night, and i realized i must've been absent when it was assigned because i had no idea anything about it. so i freaked out about that and stayed up late doing my algae, which took forever, so that i could do my history during study hall. by study hall, i still hadn't actually figured out what the assignment WAS and so i gave up, doodled, and wrote a punk song.
ms. wexler finally gave me my six weeks average today, and i was not at all pleased. good thing i don't care. i just hope mom doesn't either. we got a seating chart today in latin, which is really weird. also very funny, because no matter where we are placed, there's always going to be someone to talk to. or we end up shouting across the room while poor ms. lafon says "WAWAAA WAWAAA WAWAAA" at her little podium, with the photograph of latin mcdonalds on it. that class is a joke. like today i turned to jenny, who i now sit next to, and said "this class is such shit." and she responded with "that's why we take it!" and i remembered. ahhaah. genius me. anyone who takes latin is a genius, simply for electing themselves into such a pit of hilarious hell.
post-school was very nice today. brock was wandering the annex in his nice sweater. i caught him.
i saw laylee and kevin for the first time since friday. i love those kids. becca and kevin had a kissing contest with my hand. brock and i played thumb-war. technically, he won, but i think i should be the one who gets the metal because i got his thumb down for like 8 counts like 5 separate times. that motherfucker tries to use two hands. we both tend to sing when theres a lull in conversation, and we always feel the same lulls. today we both started singing "hamster baby" by bikini kill at EXACTLY the same time. it was beautiful. i love that song. and we brought back our summer choreography to it, too.
dad yelled at me for taking so long to get to the car. i hope brock isn't still at school waiting for his mother.
katie is going to spend the night this weekend!!!!! i'm so excited. i want you people to meet her, too. man i love katie. i can't wait. i have to think of something exciting for us to do.
listening to: amazing plaid - the snake and its shadow
Monday, September 29, 2003
i'm very very serious about editting the kite day into a short film of some sort, even if it's just a 30 second thing for me to watch and say "what a good day."
also, katherine and i have been talking for months about doing another movie in the same style we did romeo and juliet. we want to pick a play, and write/shoot/edit the parody in one weekend. well, maybe not finish editting. but come on. we deserve it, anyway. if anyone wants to help, please let us know.
also if you have got any movie ideas of your own, GET ON IT!!! TAKE CHARGE!!! WRITE YOUR SCRIPT/STORYBOARD/OUTLINE! CAST! then let somebody know, and we will get the camera over there in 10 seconds flat. serious. we will find you some actors if you need them too. and we will edit. and everything. and please. i want to make a movie.
i'm very very serious about editting the kite day into a short film of some sort, even if it's just a 30 second thing for me to watch and say "what a good day."
also, katherine and i have been talking for months about doing another movie in the same style we did romeo and juliet. we want to pick a play, and write/shoot/edit the parody in one weekend. well, maybe not finish editting. but come on. we deserve it, anyway. if anyone wants to help, please let us know.
also if you have got any movie ideas of your own, GET ON IT!!! TAKE CHARGE!!! WRITE YOUR SCRIPT/STORYBOARD/OUTLINE! CAST! then let somebody know, and we will get the camera over there in 10 seconds flat. serious. we will find you some actors if you need them too. and we will edit. and everything. and please. i want to make a movie.
so last night, during my insomnia, i was listening to elliott smith's album figure 8. whenever i've listened to it before, i've enjoyed it and everything. but dear god. after listening to throwing muses five times and pixies at least once yesterday, it seemed so........ BLAND. and i just thought to myself... why listen to anything if it's not amazing? why should i ever listen to a song that doesn't feel like it could change the world? i only want to listen to songs that never cease to amaze me. otherwise, what is the point?
and it made me really happy. and eventually i fell asleep.
brock called me awhile ago. i was in the shower, though, because while i was doing my history homework, i suddenly realized that my clothes were gone and i had written throwing muses lyrics all over myself in purple sharpie. it's mostly gone, after the shower. my tit still says 'slut' and my stomach has lyrics from "buzz" and my left leg has lyrics from "shark" and etc. it's really funny. the most obvious ones, on my arm and my chest are gone, though. i wonder if they will be at all visible at school tomorrow.
i called brock back when i got out of the shower, and we talked for awhile, and i avoided homework. he misses his computer, of course. he is worried about the ap art saturdays class that he is going to apply for. in the long run, it will be a great thing, but 4 hours every saturday afternoon for 5 months? that's a long time. and that's a lot of time to devote to something. but he's serious, so it's good. plus he's an amazing artist, as previously stated, so that's even better. one of these days i'll film some of his things and put them on the computer and make everyone marvel over their amazingness.
i should probably finish my homework. but right now i love my blog. and frank black. *rape*
listening to: degrassi!?
and it made me really happy. and eventually i fell asleep.
brock called me awhile ago. i was in the shower, though, because while i was doing my history homework, i suddenly realized that my clothes were gone and i had written throwing muses lyrics all over myself in purple sharpie. it's mostly gone, after the shower. my tit still says 'slut' and my stomach has lyrics from "buzz" and my left leg has lyrics from "shark" and etc. it's really funny. the most obvious ones, on my arm and my chest are gone, though. i wonder if they will be at all visible at school tomorrow.
i called brock back when i got out of the shower, and we talked for awhile, and i avoided homework. he misses his computer, of course. he is worried about the ap art saturdays class that he is going to apply for. in the long run, it will be a great thing, but 4 hours every saturday afternoon for 5 months? that's a long time. and that's a lot of time to devote to something. but he's serious, so it's good. plus he's an amazing artist, as previously stated, so that's even better. one of these days i'll film some of his things and put them on the computer and make everyone marvel over their amazingness.
i should probably finish my homework. but right now i love my blog. and frank black. *rape*
listening to: degrassi!?
wow, the lock on my window is broken. that makes me feel EXTREMELY vulnerable... well uh. kids, you are free to come over and come in whenever you want. we'll make a party out of it. it'll be like clarissa. i always wanted that.
oh yeah, i forgot. i wanted to say on here that my cell phone is working again if anyone needs to call it. it's been dead for like a week or something.
also i have therapy again next monday, and i'm supposed to make a "list of my strengths" ??? i was just going to skip that shit, but i've been avoiding it since she asked me to do it on the first day i went. and she's been asking for it ever since. but she did say that i can have people help me with it, and i'm a lazy ass. so. if you want to. HAHA. man.
okay i need to go do some homework. i'm such a lazy piece of shit.
also i have therapy again next monday, and i'm supposed to make a "list of my strengths" ??? i was just going to skip that shit, but i've been avoiding it since she asked me to do it on the first day i went. and she's been asking for it ever since. but she did say that i can have people help me with it, and i'm a lazy ass. so. if you want to. HAHA. man.
okay i need to go do some homework. i'm such a lazy piece of shit.
okay i'm back from helping morgan and foot with their homework, and freaking out about peaches. i'm ready to blather about my day. and oh yeah, melissa ferrick is coming to the hi-tone tomorrow night... i'd love to go, but it's 18+ and i don't know if i can get in, plus it's a school night, and. it would be a lot of trouble. plus i'm utterly poor. i have negative moneys.
after such a depressing weekend, the day was actually okay. nothing too terrible happened. i somehow survived the history test. for some reason, i was in a really good mood as entered that class. if you talk about how much you DON'T care about something, you start to feel like it a lot a lot. miranda was dreaming of cheesecake, and margaret and i talked about how great "lost in translation" was. that put me in a GREAT mood, along with the fact that mrs. ervin was absent. so the day was pretty much just a breezy little one. after school, i got to talk to becca a little, and i haven't really seen her much lately. i want to hang out with her soon. robin and i had our usual post-school chat. oh yeah, i made allison laugh with more doodles in english. so i guess it was a pretty good day. the best part was out front after school when brock grabbed me and spun me around, out of the blue, into the white. it was really beautiful. i love you, brock. especially since he had to bend over-ish to pick me up ahahahaha. i am so small. but as i've said before, the only thing i like about being small is the fact that i am picked up easily and i got spun around a lot. i got really dizzy this afternoon and i seriously would've fallen over if i wasn't still clinging to brock. lalala. it was very nice. and brock is an amazing artist. he melts me.
we listened to the moldy peaches in sarah's car coming home. it made me really happy.
today is full of peaches.
i'm going to go eat now. today is better than i thought it was.
listening to: tom waits - table top joe
after such a depressing weekend, the day was actually okay. nothing too terrible happened. i somehow survived the history test. for some reason, i was in a really good mood as entered that class. if you talk about how much you DON'T care about something, you start to feel like it a lot a lot. miranda was dreaming of cheesecake, and margaret and i talked about how great "lost in translation" was. that put me in a GREAT mood, along with the fact that mrs. ervin was absent. so the day was pretty much just a breezy little one. after school, i got to talk to becca a little, and i haven't really seen her much lately. i want to hang out with her soon. robin and i had our usual post-school chat. oh yeah, i made allison laugh with more doodles in english. so i guess it was a pretty good day. the best part was out front after school when brock grabbed me and spun me around, out of the blue, into the white. it was really beautiful. i love you, brock. especially since he had to bend over-ish to pick me up ahahahaha. i am so small. but as i've said before, the only thing i like about being small is the fact that i am picked up easily and i got spun around a lot. i got really dizzy this afternoon and i seriously would've fallen over if i wasn't still clinging to brock. lalala. it was very nice. and brock is an amazing artist. he melts me.
we listened to the moldy peaches in sarah's car coming home. it made me really happy.
today is full of peaches.
i'm going to go eat now. today is better than i thought it was.
listening to: tom waits - table top joe
what else is in the teaches of peaches? huh? what?
this song was SO in "lost in translation." i was kinda ashamed to know the song from the scene in the exotic dancing club. oh well. peaches is god. no, seriously.
peaches' site
awesome biography
peaches' tits
she's something like the embodiment of sex. she has a picture gallery of crotch shots on her website. the best part is that she's not buying into any of the fucking shit in our culture. no, she's NOT gorgeous. she's androgynous, she's not anorexic, and she tends not to shave her underarms. she performs in almost-undwear with dildos, for god's sake. the other day i saw her name near the top of an "ugliest indie rockers" list. i thought it was incredibly unfair. i'd do her.
listening to: peaches - i don't give a...
peaches' site
awesome biography
peaches' tits
she's something like the embodiment of sex. she has a picture gallery of crotch shots on her website. the best part is that she's not buying into any of the fucking shit in our culture. no, she's NOT gorgeous. she's androgynous, she's not anorexic, and she tends not to shave her underarms. she performs in almost-undwear with dildos, for god's sake. the other day i saw her name near the top of an "ugliest indie rockers" list. i thought it was incredibly unfair. i'd do her.
listening to: peaches - i don't give a...
Sunday, September 28, 2003
no, seriously. download it or i'll burn you a copy of the cd. just ask.
really. normally, i can't listen to an album, much less a SONG, over and over, but.... this is my exception.
no, seriously. download it or i'll burn you a copy of the cd. just ask.
really. normally, i can't listen to an album, much less a SONG, over and over, but.... this is my exception.
robitussin am: ahahahah i'm drunk
robitussin am: it's sunday night and i'm drunk
is this a running theme or what?
robitussin am: it's sunday night and i'm drunk
is this a running theme or what?
(about her blog)
FalLynnStar: its pretty itssunday, ive been drunk since friday. ok its tuesday, im so fucking high.
i feel a lot better than i did earlier. brock called and cheered me up. we talked about bellybuttons and those plastic kitchens that you have when you're little. i never had an easybake oven. brock was given one as a gift by his 'confused' aunt, but was not allowed to play with it. jesus look at all this psychological baggage. everyone has a lot, if you take the time to remember all that shit. i'm supposed to be working on latin right now. fuck that.
i'm SO GLAD i bought my throwing muses and pixies cds... that was my big event of the weekend, really. i found seasick by imperial teen, the glass intact by sarge, and the hissyfits cd, which are all AMAZING finds, but i wasn't sure i'd love them all. even though i could get the muses or pixies any day, they really really made my weekend better. music is my savior. and now i'm playing yet another great album...
listening to: tracy + the plastics - ain't never gonna die
FalLynnStar: its pretty itssunday, ive been drunk since friday. ok its tuesday, im so fucking high.
i feel a lot better than i did earlier. brock called and cheered me up. we talked about bellybuttons and those plastic kitchens that you have when you're little. i never had an easybake oven. brock was given one as a gift by his 'confused' aunt, but was not allowed to play with it. jesus look at all this psychological baggage. everyone has a lot, if you take the time to remember all that shit. i'm supposed to be working on latin right now. fuck that.
i'm SO GLAD i bought my throwing muses and pixies cds... that was my big event of the weekend, really. i found seasick by imperial teen, the glass intact by sarge, and the hissyfits cd, which are all AMAZING finds, but i wasn't sure i'd love them all. even though i could get the muses or pixies any day, they really really made my weekend better. music is my savior. and now i'm playing yet another great album...
listening to: tracy + the plastics - ain't never gonna die
the following is a poem that brandon wrote when he was really stoned. it's made my day 10 times better, but now that brandon is gone and i have to go back to my room and my latin and my muses, i'm getting depressed again. oh well. maybe this will brighten your day.
Alanna, My Memphis
Elise tells me you've been skipping school
since you heard about John Ritter
and of course I've been meaning to call
but the phone's in the other room
and it's too damn hard to talk
to someone in mourning. Memphis,
you haven't left the mattress
in over a week and it scares
me. Memphis, it's time to brush
your teeth clean and forget.
Alanna, I'm coming back to Tennessee
and I'll meet you halfway,
the middle of your kitchen.
Remind me that I owe you a nap
in the coffee shop and I swear we won't move
till the waitress tries to kick us out
and you'll throw you hands to the ceiling
in protest and I'll hold your head to my breast
so you won't see John Ritter in the window
kissing Elise's open mouth.
Alanna, My Memphis
Elise tells me you've been skipping school
since you heard about John Ritter
and of course I've been meaning to call
but the phone's in the other room
and it's too damn hard to talk
to someone in mourning. Memphis,
you haven't left the mattress
in over a week and it scares
me. Memphis, it's time to brush
your teeth clean and forget.
Alanna, I'm coming back to Tennessee
and I'll meet you halfway,
the middle of your kitchen.
Remind me that I owe you a nap
in the coffee shop and I swear we won't move
till the waitress tries to kick us out
and you'll throw you hands to the ceiling
in protest and I'll hold your head to my breast
so you won't see John Ritter in the window
kissing Elise's open mouth.
well. throwing muses and latin are no cure for depression, i'll tell you that. kristin hersh's voice makes me feel powerful, but the words make me terribly terribly sad. and it doesn't help at all that she's crooning "baby, go back to your womb" which is what i would really like to do right now. i just want to curl up on the windowsill and die. i hate
god i'm in the worst fucking mood.
why am i so angsty this weekend?
why am i so angsty this weekend?
anyone know what the jennings homework is? call me
i'm really excited about all these pixies covers i've downloaded... it's sick. ahha. but i FINALLY got all these mp3s that i've been trying to download for over a year.... so that's pretty exciting to me.
i wanna be in a pixies cover band.
listening to: melon - ed is dead (pixies cover)
i wanna be in a pixies cover band.
listening to: melon - ed is dead (pixies cover)
if we got bored, we'll move to california!
i am feeling much better since my last post. i forgot how angsty i was earlier. tsk, tsk, tsk. shortly after i posted that, i watched "american beauty" while eating havardi and ritz, in between my parents on the couch. i really like that movie. i'm glad i finally saw it.
oh yeah i forgot to talk about the earlier part of my day. well. mostly i sat around. went to see "lost in translation" with my parents and brock, which was a BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL film. i REALLY recommend it, i love it and the music was good. plus i love scarlett johannson and i WISH i had her voice. mom said last saturday taht i sound like her, with my hoarse voice, which, yes, i still have. wow what a beautiful movie though. dad said he really liked the composition of shots in "american beauty" and the cinematography of it, but i was much more impressed with "lost in translation." everything was really striking and beautiful.
after the movie, brock decided he had to go home and do school work... he didn't get much done, though. surprise, surprise. after that i had the angsty/lonely/depressing part of my night. then we watched "american beauty" and everything got much better. that was a really good little film. really good and really human. ANYWAY i need to shut up about movies. and start telling you people, yet again, HOW MUCH I DESPERATELY LOVE FRANK BLACK. DEAR GOD!!! HOW DOES HE DO IT?! HOW!? I AM MARRYING THE MAN.
almost right after the movie ended, brock called me! yayyyy i love brock phone calls. we talked for about an hour and a half, i guess. the call was wonderful, but his computer has been taken away which is depressing. oh well, that will just be further reasoning for beautiful phone calls. now i'm excited. but i already miss his blog. *mourn and roses*
i've been talking to katie since i got off the phone with brock, which is really really nice because she never stays up late, and we haven't had a long conversation in a while. we are making plans to hang out next weekend! i'm really excited. i NEVER see katie. YAYYYY. everyone please come meet her.
oh yeah, i bought come on pilgrim by the pixies and limbo by throwing muses today. wee! i love new cds, and it's been awhile, and I'VE BEEN TIRED!
i wish i had cute feet.
listening to: pixies - isla de encanta
oh yeah i forgot to talk about the earlier part of my day. well. mostly i sat around. went to see "lost in translation" with my parents and brock, which was a BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL film. i REALLY recommend it, i love it and the music was good. plus i love scarlett johannson and i WISH i had her voice. mom said last saturday taht i sound like her, with my hoarse voice, which, yes, i still have. wow what a beautiful movie though. dad said he really liked the composition of shots in "american beauty" and the cinematography of it, but i was much more impressed with "lost in translation." everything was really striking and beautiful.
after the movie, brock decided he had to go home and do school work... he didn't get much done, though. surprise, surprise. after that i had the angsty/lonely/depressing part of my night. then we watched "american beauty" and everything got much better. that was a really good little film. really good and really human. ANYWAY i need to shut up about movies. and start telling you people, yet again, HOW MUCH I DESPERATELY LOVE FRANK BLACK. DEAR GOD!!! HOW DOES HE DO IT?! HOW!? I AM MARRYING THE MAN.
almost right after the movie ended, brock called me! yayyyy i love brock phone calls. we talked for about an hour and a half, i guess. the call was wonderful, but his computer has been taken away which is depressing. oh well, that will just be further reasoning for beautiful phone calls. now i'm excited. but i already miss his blog. *mourn and roses*
i've been talking to katie since i got off the phone with brock, which is really really nice because she never stays up late, and we haven't had a long conversation in a while. we are making plans to hang out next weekend! i'm really excited. i NEVER see katie. YAYYYY. everyone please come meet her.
oh yeah, i bought come on pilgrim by the pixies and limbo by throwing muses today. wee! i love new cds, and it's been awhile, and I'VE BEEN TIRED!
i wish i had cute feet.
listening to: pixies - isla de encanta
Saturday, September 27, 2003
i hate me. there were cute boys at turlte's flipping through the used section next to me. they were talking about pixies while i was looking for pixies. the one with the spongebob shirt asked the one with all the pixies albums which album "where is my mind?" is on and i wanted to answer, but i didn't. then later mom came to tell me to hurry and decide on what cds to buy because she wanted to leave. she saw the pixies on the top of my stack and told me "get that one, you love the pixies" and the pixie boy looked at me. god damn it all. i wish i could talk to people at all. i loved that they were spending their saturday night hanging out at turtle's and spending all their money on used cds. i hate myself.
on the way home, i saw one of my seasoning friends on the pay phone by the smart mart. i think it was him, anyway.
listening to: pixies - i've been tired
on the way home, i saw one of my seasoning friends on the pay phone by the smart mart. i think it was him, anyway.
listening to: pixies - i've been tired
see laylee and becca
give becca key to house so she can record whenever
edit kite video w/kat+
edit/film any movie ever
2001 doy posts thingie
buy stamps for brandon's package
find purse
buy throwing muses cd
another fountain day feat. film
see laylee and becca
give becca key to house so she can record whenever
edit kite video w/kat+
edit/film any movie ever
2001 doy posts thingie
buy stamps for brandon's package
find purse
buy throwing muses cd
another fountain day feat. film
i'm bored and depressed and i want to go to bed but i'm not tired. aopwgihpawgh.
well i'm listening to stereo total's cover of "get down tonight" so i think it's helping. HAHAHH. shit. download this it's funny as hell.
well i'm listening to stereo total's cover of "get down tonight" so i think it's helping. HAHAHH. shit. download this it's funny as hell.
god damn life! well i'll get there. i mostly had a really good day.
school was school. not too bad, really. chemistry is getting really complicated and i'm so lost in there suddenly. we got assigned a research paper in english today but it isn't as intimidating as it would be because there are little dates she set up for us along the way, so it's not just like she's throwing us this huge assignment and saying "bring it in december." if that was what she did... i would've killed myself. and the topics are actually interesting surprise, surprise. i'm thinking about maybe doing beat poets or the one with e.e. cummings in it. or.. well a lot of things. anyway. i need to shut up about school because i hate it. and god knows you people don't want to hear about it. oh only one more thing. i hate that i'm enjoying algebra so far. it's completely against my morals. i remember in 9th grade when i started to UNDERSTAND math finally. i got good grades and then realized that i was enjoying the actual work, even though i tried to repress it. oh well. i guess i can't change that. but what's even more depressing to me, is that i know by the end of this year, i'll HATE math again, because of how shitty this year has been guaranteed to be by everyone i know who took the class last year.
i'm really hungry. brock i don't remember how much dinner was but remind me to pay you back. and i need to pay elizabeth for gas.
after school, i dawdled around with laylee and kevin, and then with robin and russell. then i remembered that elizabeth was my ride home and ran off to find her. she wasn't out front, and i ran to the elementary parking lot. however, she doesn't park there. so i ran into kevin and laylee again, who were also with becca, william, and a couple other kids. william actually offered me a ride home, too! can you imagine the content of that trek? wow it boggles me. eoiwaohgiopiewh. he really liked my voice though. yes, i'm STILL hoarse, how sick is that?! i've decided to never get rid of the voice, so i yelled a lot today. i'm not there yet. apogwihpowaihg i hate skipping ahead. damn me. okay.
well i found elizabeth and jenny eventually. elizabeth didn't know she was supposed to be my ride, although i thought that katherine had sort of asked her for me last night when we made our post-school plans? ah well. the three of us went to jenny's and hung out for a while. it was nice. we talked, and they worked on jenny's birthday present for rocio. i called brock and we talked for a while, because it's humanly impossible for me and brock to have a short phone conversation. this is a proven fact. eventually we realized it was like 4:45, which is when katherine had planned to meet us at shelby farms to fly kites! jenny was about to leave for rocio's party, so unfortunately she could not attend. elizabeth and i picked up brock around 5. we were pretty late getting to shelby farms, but luckily katherine had not been there long either. lauren henry and jackie douglas were supposed to meet us, too, but they never showed. i had a GREAT time. i mostly filmed everyone else doing things, and i hope we get at least one good shot out of the whole thing. i did a lot of art close-ups and whatnot. it was too fun. eventually they made me fly the kite a couple times, but i don't know that i was any good at it. i guess i'll find out once i see the film. the four of us tried to do some square dancing, but it was mostly unsuccessful because my counts were faster than brock's. and we also spun. i LOVE spinning. unfortunately, brock and i never last very long because of his faucets. it's cool, i love them. also, katherine filmed brock swinging me around by the arms twice, but she didn't get our really good time. i actually prefer hug-swinging, which we did once but was also not filmed. just would be so much fun to edit it as a group some time... and make a little short about our Day. how happy.
we got really hungry, and left to go to wendy's and subway. brock had to pay for me again because i've lost my purse somewhere in this hell house. he is way too nice. i told him no, he didn't have to pay for me, but he was going to order a kid's meal for me anyway if i didn't tell him what i wanted. he's too nice to me. anyway. we ate on a median and nearly got ran down by a smiling east-memphis mother. c'est la vie. BABELFISH THAT, MOTHERFUCKERS!
we tried to go through the carwash. i have incredibly bad luck with those things. last time i tried to go through one was with mom literally years ago. we somehow got stuck before we'd even gotten into that piece of shit and scraped up our old van. it was funny as sin, but mom now hates carwashes. so the stupid thing malfunctioned and we died and then it just refused to light up at all. it was really depressing because i'd been so excited. brock and i even got into the very back seat, to watch everything better. oh well. katherine had to be home by 7, so we just left at that point. elizabeth said i moved into the front seat very gracefully. woohoo me is full of grace, yo. i decided that i should start yelling a lot so that my voice never gets unhoarse, which i mentioned earlier. so when we realized that we had caught up to katherine on walnut grove, i had to lean out the window and yell all kinds of sporadic shit at her for like 5 blocks. it was exciting. "whatever happened to pong? i love screaming! the van behind you is watching barney." and my oh my did that mom give me an EVIL EYE. she and her purple van wanted me dead. it was awesome.
so elizabeth just took me and brock -- surprise, surprise -- back to my house. this is our new routine, i guess. we talked about going to see a movie, or a show, or a person, but we ended up just ... sitting around, for the most part. we hung out on my bed, doodled, watched a little tele, destroyed some school assignments, danced around, hosted an orgy, the usual. i feel bad for being so boring. oh well. it's brock's fault for putting himself in my company.
after his mom picked him up and i read his blog post, i went into a terrible state. and now i'm blogging and i am fine again, and i can't remember exactly why i was not happy. thank god it takes me forever to blog hahahaha. fuck me.
listening to: frank black - freedom rock
school was school. not too bad, really. chemistry is getting really complicated and i'm so lost in there suddenly. we got assigned a research paper in english today but it isn't as intimidating as it would be because there are little dates she set up for us along the way, so it's not just like she's throwing us this huge assignment and saying "bring it in december." if that was what she did... i would've killed myself. and the topics are actually interesting surprise, surprise. i'm thinking about maybe doing beat poets or the one with e.e. cummings in it. or.. well a lot of things. anyway. i need to shut up about school because i hate it. and god knows you people don't want to hear about it. oh only one more thing. i hate that i'm enjoying algebra so far. it's completely against my morals. i remember in 9th grade when i started to UNDERSTAND math finally. i got good grades and then realized that i was enjoying the actual work, even though i tried to repress it. oh well. i guess i can't change that. but what's even more depressing to me, is that i know by the end of this year, i'll HATE math again, because of how shitty this year has been guaranteed to be by everyone i know who took the class last year.
i'm really hungry. brock i don't remember how much dinner was but remind me to pay you back. and i need to pay elizabeth for gas.
after school, i dawdled around with laylee and kevin, and then with robin and russell. then i remembered that elizabeth was my ride home and ran off to find her. she wasn't out front, and i ran to the elementary parking lot. however, she doesn't park there. so i ran into kevin and laylee again, who were also with becca, william, and a couple other kids. william actually offered me a ride home, too! can you imagine the content of that trek? wow it boggles me. eoiwaohgiopiewh. he really liked my voice though. yes, i'm STILL hoarse, how sick is that?! i've decided to never get rid of the voice, so i yelled a lot today. i'm not there yet. apogwihpowaihg i hate skipping ahead. damn me. okay.
well i found elizabeth and jenny eventually. elizabeth didn't know she was supposed to be my ride, although i thought that katherine had sort of asked her for me last night when we made our post-school plans? ah well. the three of us went to jenny's and hung out for a while. it was nice. we talked, and they worked on jenny's birthday present for rocio. i called brock and we talked for a while, because it's humanly impossible for me and brock to have a short phone conversation. this is a proven fact. eventually we realized it was like 4:45, which is when katherine had planned to meet us at shelby farms to fly kites! jenny was about to leave for rocio's party, so unfortunately she could not attend. elizabeth and i picked up brock around 5. we were pretty late getting to shelby farms, but luckily katherine had not been there long either. lauren henry and jackie douglas were supposed to meet us, too, but they never showed. i had a GREAT time. i mostly filmed everyone else doing things, and i hope we get at least one good shot out of the whole thing. i did a lot of art close-ups and whatnot. it was too fun. eventually they made me fly the kite a couple times, but i don't know that i was any good at it. i guess i'll find out once i see the film. the four of us tried to do some square dancing, but it was mostly unsuccessful because my counts were faster than brock's. and we also spun. i LOVE spinning. unfortunately, brock and i never last very long because of his faucets. it's cool, i love them. also, katherine filmed brock swinging me around by the arms twice, but she didn't get our really good time. i actually prefer hug-swinging, which we did once but was also not filmed. just would be so much fun to edit it as a group some time... and make a little short about our Day. how happy.
we got really hungry, and left to go to wendy's and subway. brock had to pay for me again because i've lost my purse somewhere in this hell house. he is way too nice. i told him no, he didn't have to pay for me, but he was going to order a kid's meal for me anyway if i didn't tell him what i wanted. he's too nice to me. anyway. we ate on a median and nearly got ran down by a smiling east-memphis mother. c'est la vie. BABELFISH THAT, MOTHERFUCKERS!
we tried to go through the carwash. i have incredibly bad luck with those things. last time i tried to go through one was with mom literally years ago. we somehow got stuck before we'd even gotten into that piece of shit and scraped up our old van. it was funny as sin, but mom now hates carwashes. so the stupid thing malfunctioned and we died and then it just refused to light up at all. it was really depressing because i'd been so excited. brock and i even got into the very back seat, to watch everything better. oh well. katherine had to be home by 7, so we just left at that point. elizabeth said i moved into the front seat very gracefully. woohoo me is full of grace, yo. i decided that i should start yelling a lot so that my voice never gets unhoarse, which i mentioned earlier. so when we realized that we had caught up to katherine on walnut grove, i had to lean out the window and yell all kinds of sporadic shit at her for like 5 blocks. it was exciting. "whatever happened to pong? i love screaming! the van behind you is watching barney." and my oh my did that mom give me an EVIL EYE. she and her purple van wanted me dead. it was awesome.
so elizabeth just took me and brock -- surprise, surprise -- back to my house. this is our new routine, i guess. we talked about going to see a movie, or a show, or a person, but we ended up just ... sitting around, for the most part. we hung out on my bed, doodled, watched a little tele, destroyed some school assignments, danced around, hosted an orgy, the usual. i feel bad for being so boring. oh well. it's brock's fault for putting himself in my company.
after his mom picked him up and i read his blog post, i went into a terrible state. and now i'm blogging and i am fine again, and i can't remember exactly why i was not happy. thank god it takes me forever to blog hahahaha. fuck me.
listening to: frank black - freedom rock
Friday, September 26, 2003
i've been listening to kristin hersh for the past couple days and guess what? i'm falling in love again. her and the pixies. they just do that thing to me. yeah her and the pixie and like 239057 other bands, but come on. who is on my mind? and where is it?
"We could be falling in love, like nobody else
Tonight your dream is safe with me
Tomorrow we wake up in L.A."
listening to: kristin hersh - clay feet
"We could be falling in love, like nobody else
Tonight your dream is safe with me
Tomorrow we wake up in L.A."
listening to: kristin hersh - clay feet
Thursday, September 25, 2003
big morgan asked me to do his show, red pain(t) at our own voice in february. i'm not sure about the time committment, so i haven't said anything to him yet. also i'm not sure that i would be comfortable with how he wants to set up the play... which is that he gives the actors the situation and they(we?) just improv the lines, every single time. i could deal with that if we just workshopped the play like that, but to have to perform it like that every single time? terrifying. i don't know. if you've got any advice, let me know.... oh and if it influences any decisions, i MIGHT be playing alongside william gratz and ted link? or saki's pirate ass? but paul foster, who was going to play one of the lead roles, is definitely out of the picture, according to laylee and becca. morgan also wanted elise to be in the play but i'm pretty positive she can't do it, what with her MUS play and everything. i don't really know how that is going for her, seeing as we haven't really talked in a few weeks... wow how weird to think about that. last time i saw her outside school was... well last week at open-mic, but we didn't talk. and then before that at cooper-young, but again we didn't talk.... and before that i think it was the film festival weekend and jesus that was forever ago. maybe i'm wrong? oh well. how weird to think about, though. and especially strange that i haven't really fully noticed/minded.
listening to: bangs - tiger beat
listening to: bangs - tiger beat
it's time to train your brain!
like a rat in a maze
it's time to train your brain!
like a rat in a maze
this is my new theme song. mom sang it to me while she bugged me about history.
like a rat in a maze
it's time to train your brain!
like a rat in a maze
this is my new theme song. mom sang it to me while she bugged me about history.
well, there is just no more reason to live. as i walked into the den, as the familia was watching fucking FRIENDS, my least favorite show EVER, and i said i wanted to put on a movie, dad said he was going to take the videos back to black lodge finally. of course. and then they wouldn't let me put it on anyway because i haven't finished my incredibly miniscule amount of homework. which i guess i'll actually have to do now. wonderful.
i really have to pee and i'm really hungry so this will probably be a lot shorter than it needs to be.
today actually wasn't that bad. go figure. that always happen when i'm unnecessarily dreading something, and i know i couldn't possibly have spelled that right but i refuse to go back and look at it. i'm trying to think of some Highlights for today, but i really can't think of any. OH wexler's english class got to join our lunch today, becuase of stupid AP Essay thing... so laylee and i ate this bagel that william gave her, and brock gave us each a slice of cheese. it was good. i love laylee. i love her sweater. i love her manpants.
after school, we were loving and this guy chris harassed us to death. it was actually really funny. i should go into details but... i'm starving. so i'll do them later, if someone reminds me. or if i get bored enough. probably no one cares. the only person who cares is Future Me, looking back at old posts and laughing hysterically because no one else did. oh well.
we went to this seminar thing at u of m about witchcraft in europe and then in salem. it was pretty interesting, but it was also for extra credit. my favorite part was one of the professor's funny pants/existence, and sitting on the floor leaning on laylee and melting into her beautiful ness. she's very very comfortable and i love her. i hope i didn't germinate her... but then again maybe she'll also develop a "great great smoker-cartoon voice" in the words of brock. anyway. everyone, have a lovely day.
i'm depressed because no one wants to come to open-mic with me. oh well. i decided to stay home, do homework, and maybe watch american beauty. wish me luck. let's make tomorrow great.
listening to: stereo total - miau miau
today actually wasn't that bad. go figure. that always happen when i'm unnecessarily dreading something, and i know i couldn't possibly have spelled that right but i refuse to go back and look at it. i'm trying to think of some Highlights for today, but i really can't think of any. OH wexler's english class got to join our lunch today, becuase of stupid AP Essay thing... so laylee and i ate this bagel that william gave her, and brock gave us each a slice of cheese. it was good. i love laylee. i love her sweater. i love her manpants.
after school, we were loving and this guy chris harassed us to death. it was actually really funny. i should go into details but... i'm starving. so i'll do them later, if someone reminds me. or if i get bored enough. probably no one cares. the only person who cares is Future Me, looking back at old posts and laughing hysterically because no one else did. oh well.
we went to this seminar thing at u of m about witchcraft in europe and then in salem. it was pretty interesting, but it was also for extra credit. my favorite part was one of the professor's funny pants/existence, and sitting on the floor leaning on laylee and melting into her beautiful ness. she's very very comfortable and i love her. i hope i didn't germinate her... but then again maybe she'll also develop a "great great smoker-cartoon voice" in the words of brock. anyway. everyone, have a lovely day.
i'm depressed because no one wants to come to open-mic with me. oh well. i decided to stay home, do homework, and maybe watch american beauty. wish me luck. let's make tomorrow great.
listening to: stereo total - miau miau
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
i have muted phone-ear from talking to brock for too long. i like it. but i'm also really dizzy and my throat hurts and i'm achy. god damn this sickness. i should probably start my homework. i need to die.
these are bonfire madigan tour dates.... i am trying to figure out what show it would be easiest for me to get to would be. bare with me, people. i'm getting all these times off mapquest based on the distance from my house to just the general city, not the specific venue.
Mon 10/06/03 Los Angeles, CA -- yeah, i'm not calculating cali dates.
Tue 10/21 San Francisco, CA -- because that would just be pathetic
Mon 10/27 Denver CO -- same here
Tue 10/28 Lawrence, KS -- 9 hr 16 min
Wed 10/29 Columbia, MO - 6 hr 37 min
Thu 10/30 Chicago, IL -- 8 hr 45 min
Fri 10/31 Yellow Springs, OH -- 8 hr 58 min
Sat 11/1 Newport, KY -- 7 hr 45 min
Sun 11/2 Cleveland, OH -- 11 hr 44 min
Mon 11/3 Buffalo NY -- hahaha.
Tue 11/4 Northampton, MA -- ditto
Wed 11/5 New York, NY w/ Rasputina
Thu 11/6 New York, NY w/ Rasputina -- dear god i wish.
Fri 11/7 Baltimore -- 14 hr 42 min or DC -- 14 hr 7 min
Sat 11/8 Arlington -- 14 hr 2 min or Charlottesville -- 12 hr 11 min
Sun 11/9 Winston-Salem -- 10 hr 24 min
Mon 11/10 Wilmington -- 14 hr 26 min or Asheville -- 8 hr 6 min
Tue 11/11 Atlanta -- 7 hr 12 min or Athens -- 8 hr 37 min
Wed 11/12 Savannah -- 11 hr 10 min
Thu 11/13 Tampa -- 14 hr 32 min or Gainesville -- 12 hr 36 min
Fri 11/14 New Orleans -- 6 hr 30 min or Baton Rouge -- 6 hr 18 min
Sat 11/15 Houston -- 10 hr 36 min
Sun 11/16 Austin, TX -- 10 hr 38 min
Mon 11/17 El Paso TX -- 17 hr 60 min
Tue 11/18 Phoenix, TX -- 11 hr 60 min
Wed 11/19 San Diego, CA -- hahaha.
i would've deleted the sickeningly far away dates but... i thought someone might care. silly me. so basically, lousiana is looking like the best bet. kentucky would work too because that's a saturday. brock, where are you when i need you? go get your license, ass.
Mon 10/06/03 Los Angeles, CA -- yeah, i'm not calculating cali dates.
Tue 10/21 San Francisco, CA -- because that would just be pathetic
Mon 10/27 Denver CO -- same here
Tue 10/28 Lawrence, KS -- 9 hr 16 min
Wed 10/29 Columbia, MO - 6 hr 37 min
Thu 10/30 Chicago, IL -- 8 hr 45 min
Fri 10/31 Yellow Springs, OH -- 8 hr 58 min
Sat 11/1 Newport, KY -- 7 hr 45 min
Sun 11/2 Cleveland, OH -- 11 hr 44 min
Mon 11/3 Buffalo NY -- hahaha.
Tue 11/4 Northampton, MA -- ditto
Wed 11/5 New York, NY w/ Rasputina
Thu 11/6 New York, NY w/ Rasputina -- dear god i wish.
Fri 11/7 Baltimore -- 14 hr 42 min or DC -- 14 hr 7 min
Sat 11/8 Arlington -- 14 hr 2 min or Charlottesville -- 12 hr 11 min
Sun 11/9 Winston-Salem -- 10 hr 24 min
Mon 11/10 Wilmington -- 14 hr 26 min or Asheville -- 8 hr 6 min
Tue 11/11 Atlanta -- 7 hr 12 min or Athens -- 8 hr 37 min
Wed 11/12 Savannah -- 11 hr 10 min
Thu 11/13 Tampa -- 14 hr 32 min or Gainesville -- 12 hr 36 min
Fri 11/14 New Orleans -- 6 hr 30 min or Baton Rouge -- 6 hr 18 min
Sat 11/15 Houston -- 10 hr 36 min
Sun 11/16 Austin, TX -- 10 hr 38 min
Mon 11/17 El Paso TX -- 17 hr 60 min
Tue 11/18 Phoenix, TX -- 11 hr 60 min
Wed 11/19 San Diego, CA -- hahaha.
i would've deleted the sickeningly far away dates but... i thought someone might care. silly me. so basically, lousiana is looking like the best bet. kentucky would work too because that's a saturday. brock, where are you when i need you? go get your license, ass.
this was just sent to me by my sister's friend eileen, who is also home sick today. how odd. i think she's also in good time speech, the new our own voice show, with foot and morgan and dad and sarah and everyone. i wish i could've been in the play, but it's turning out to be an even bigger time committment than i originally thought, so i'm kind of glad i'm not in it. especially with being sick.
listening to: sleater-kinney - not what you want
this was just sent to me by my sister's friend eileen, who is also home sick today. how odd. i think she's also in good time speech, the new our own voice show, with foot and morgan and dad and sarah and everyone. i wish i could've been in the play, but it's turning out to be an even bigger time committment than i originally thought, so i'm kind of glad i'm not in it. especially with being sick.
listening to: sleater-kinney - not what you want
if you guys couldn't tell, i'm having TONS of fun with the little image to the right. it should be different every time you refresh the page. YAYY. i also really like the grainy quality that they all have, but i didn't do that on purpose. there's 2 images still in there from the original layout, but i don't know that i'll keep them... they're starting to feel really out of place. keep on the lookout for more to come. i'll probably make a million more today. but right now i can't log in to ghotli server for some reason, so... you might not see any new images yet. but YAY for now.
listening to: manitoba - i've lived on a dirt road all my life
listening to: manitoba - i've lived on a dirt road all my life
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