please note the beautiful picture of the recently built SOS building. it's across the street from sonic. in that image, you should be seeing midtown foods, the antique place, and (across the street) the smart mart, the laundromat, a real sky. that kind of thing. i guess they don't want to admit that they built their new thingie in a pretty ugly place so they had to put big fake clouds/sky on it to make it look godly. and i don't seem to remember the road being so black and the grass being so green. come to think, IS there any grass there? i will have to go take a real picture of it tomorrow for you guys. someone remind me.
Friday, July 19, 2002
my sins: they only belong to me
this evening, while dad and i were watching pete and pete, right after i finished eating my spaghetti with clam sauce and i was about to get some organic apple juice, the doorbell rang. dad answered the door as i quickly tried to quickly rid myself of spaghetti with clam sauce smell. (i don't know if it worked, but i was tasting it for a huge portion of the evening. i wish i had gotten some apple juice earlier.) elise was dressed crazy great because it was dress up day at theatre camp or something. (i REALLY wish i'd brought the camera with me, but i'd thought we were going to be dancing.) her initial outfit was normal enough (shorts, tie-dye tank top) but she had on this great scarf thing and someone had colored her short, bleached hair with a pink crayola marker and given her crazy dark eye makeup. kevin asked where the dog was, meaning irie, meaning she's on vacation, sorry to disappoint him. so we went to the infamous shell in overton park, but the thing we had been planning to go to was cancelled due to rain. (it wasn't raining then, but it had been earlier.) so we drove around for a while. kevin tried to pawn me. eventually, when we ended up back at overton park and laughed at old people playing golf, we decided to go to peabody place, because elise wanted to dance and she figured we could dance next to the bowling in jillian's. so we got there and first we went to hot topic where i was repeatedly terrified and i repeatedly annoyed elise and kevin, with my dislike for everything (which i also did in the car, with choice of music. i wouldnt have complained about some things but elise is wonderful and she actually asked and she knows i dont like john mayer. even though kevin did seem to enjoy my noise of terror at that superman song). elise asked the hot topic people why they didn't have sex pistols shirts and the guy tried to sell her a punk rock magazine that they didn't actually have. she ended up buying pixie wings and put them on immediately. as she said later, we must have been quite the threesome parading around peabody place. elise looked was telling everyone who commented on her outfit that she was a faery. crowds already part because of kevin's big, red, white-boy fro. and then of course me, kind of trailing along most of the time. but it was really nice. i didn't feel unincluded or anything, which i think is something that can EASILY happen when a couple and a friend all go out someplace together. at jillian's, elise and i walked to the lower floor and looked at the bowling. nobody was dancing, so we found kevin who was exhausting himself playing .. some game. elise did her monologe for me, which was great, but i probably shouldve asked her another time because she couldnt get COMPLETELY into it, seeing as we were in public. meaning, she couldn't start screaming like she was supposed to. let's see. we went into tower. we looked at magazines. there was this japanese magazine called cutie or something and whenever we looked at it, kevin and i started singing minimoni. except that all i could do was "minimoni telephone" and "ding ding ding" and he knew REAL WORDS and elise went crazy. elise and kevin tried to read some japanese thing about cowboy bebop and i read the le tigre article in the magazine i already bought (aehioaghe). the music in the store was giving me a really bad headache. we looked at posters (amazing how many were scantily-clad/nude women!) around that point we figured it was time to leave. elise went into this chocolate store while kevin and i marvelled at this gigantimous stuffed bear that was sitting on this bench outside the store, wearing this little shirt that said "give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt." we were just discovering that it was chained to the bench when this security guard came up and started talking to us and telling us that like. some 10-year-old boy had donated the bear and the bench and said that he wanted to see them whenever he came back. that some 3-year-old boy named him Peabody Boy. that some man had offered $10 million for the bear and they wouldnt sell. so elise and kevin and i started to leave, you know, go to the escalators, and he CAME WITH US and that scared me. well you know. i guess it was just annoying, but i dont think it bothered kevin and elise (of course). we were leaving the parking garage and we discovered that it had been raining, hard, and it was lightning everywhere. kevin's dad called to find out if we had gotten caught in the rain, which we obviously hadn't. they were just about to drop me off back at home (my head was killing me) when we decided to go to sonic instead! bliss! sonic! wondrous! kevin treated elise and i, which was very nice and i love him. elise had a fudge sundae, kevin had an m&m blast, and i had an oreo blast. to put it bluntly, it was a fucking great time. i think there was something in the ice cream because we all got REALLY hyper and we were laughing at everything. at one point, when elise finished her sundae, she wanted to put the trash on that little desk thing thats under the ordering thing. so kevin rolled down the window and he was trying to put it on there and he dropped it and elise and i laughed really loudly for a long time kevin was unsuccessfully attempting to get the cup and put it back on the thingie. needless to
say, the whole place was looking at us. including this group of christian youth, from across the street at the Service Over Self place. when they were leaving, they were all staring at us funny so elise started screaming (the windows were rolled down unfortuneately) but they probably heard her anyway. the whole thing was really funny, i can't even tell you. unfortuneatly, we had to go home eventually. so we did. it was raining. but apparently right after they dropped me off here, right next to the cuban restaurant that used to be captain d's, some guy tried to merge INTO kevin, who swerved and ran over the curb but managed to keep the car and its passengers intact. bravo.
please note the beautiful picture of the recently built SOS building. it's across the street from sonic. in that image, you should be seeing midtown foods, the antique place, and (across the street) the smart mart, the laundromat, a real sky. that kind of thing. i guess they don't want to admit that they built their new thingie in a pretty ugly place so they had to put big fake clouds/sky on it to make it look godly. and i don't seem to remember the road being so black and the grass being so green. come to think, IS there any grass there? i will have to go take a real picture of it tomorrow for you guys. someone remind me.
please note the beautiful picture of the recently built SOS building. it's across the street from sonic. in that image, you should be seeing midtown foods, the antique place, and (across the street) the smart mart, the laundromat, a real sky. that kind of thing. i guess they don't want to admit that they built their new thingie in a pretty ugly place so they had to put big fake clouds/sky on it to make it look godly. and i don't seem to remember the road being so black and the grass being so green. come to think, IS there any grass there? i will have to go take a real picture of it tomorrow for you guys. someone remind me.