1. What's your name: alanna
2. What do you wish your name was, instead: alanna's fine. but if i changed it, i would make it something totally weird. like skank zero.
3. How old are you:15
4. Would you ever eat sushi? probably not
5. Would you ever eat sushi off a naked body? why would i want to do that? no.
6. Have you ever considered homosexuality? yes
7. What's your sexual preference? i dont know
8. What were you in a past life? an apple haghal
9. I punch you. Quick, what do you do? lose conciousness
10. When confronted with Britney Spears, you...? suck her bone marrow
11. What's your favorite coffee? i like starbucks fraps
13. Are you my Angel? no
14. Do you consider yourself a poet? not really. i try
15. What do you wanna be when you grow up? i dont know.
16. There's a naked man in your living room. What do you do? call the police
17. How stupid do you think you are? pretty stupid. everyone's stupid.
18. How stupid do other people think you are? incredibly
19. Who do you think you are? i dont know
20. Is the Wonderbra good or bad? bad i guess. i've never owned one
22. What's your favorite fruit? apple
23. Can you feel the love tonight? definitely not
24. On a nude beach, you would...? leave
25. Make up a story with yourself, a bridge, and a rabbit: once upon a time alanna attempted to walk over the bridge but the evil rabbit troll underneath hopped out and snarled and alanna thought it was the monty python rabbit so she screamed and lost conciousness and was eaten alive.
26. What do you think about contemporary art? it depends. how contemorary is contemporary?
27. Do you like being naked? no
28. If we had proof God didn't exist, what would happen? chrisitans would freak out
29. Do you enjoy cheeze whiz? yeah
30. What's your position on virginity? some people know when the time is right. and it's different for everybody. but some people are idiots. i think i could be quite happy being a virgin forever.
31. On civil unions? yep
32. On RuPaul? you go, girl.
33. On mosquito bites? i hate them
34. On old sitcoms? i dont like sitcoms.
35. On Fran Drescher? who
36. Are you left handed or right handed? right
37. Are you smart? i dont know.
38. What's your middle name? rae
39. How many personalities do you have? a zillion
40. How many piercings do you have? two. one in each ear.
41. What was your first word? chocolate
42. Are you superstitious? it depends
43. Do you read your horoscope? if i'm bored, and it's right there.
44. Do you believe in that stuff? i dont know. it depends.
45. Can you do a cartwheel? no. i suck.
46. Do you have contact lenses? no. fucking glasses kill me half the time though.
47. Do you have a retainer or braces? braces
48. Can you drive? no
49. Do you snore? i dont know. i've never been able to ask anyone.
50. Do you drool in your sleep? i dont know
51.Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? i either lick them or lick my finger and rub it along the thing.
52. Do you keep a journal? kind of. not really right now.
53. Do you like onions? no
54. Do you like cotton candy? yes
55. What instruments can you play? oboe. recorder hahhah. the xylophone algsdhklg
56. Do you like to dance? it depends on whose company i am keeping
57. Do you like to sing? again, it depends who i'm with. i like to sing in the shower really loudly, but only when no one's home.
58. Are you any good at it? no
59. Do you like to talk on the phone? usually not.
60. Do you like where you live? yeah, but not forever.
61. Are you organized? it depends. some stuff yes. some stuff... not yes.
62. Do you sleep with socks on? no
63. Are you shy? a lot of the time. it depends.
64. Do you talk to yourself? not really.
65. Are you a morning person? no
66. Are you a virgin? yes
67. Are you proud of that? i guess so
68. Do you believe in reincarnation? yes
69. Do you believe in God? it depends
70. Do you believe in ghosts? yes
71. Do you believe in bigfoot? not really. i never thought about it.
72. How old do you wish you were? older
73. What will you name your kid(s)? i dont intend to have kids
75. Have you ever thought you were gonna die? i think so but i cant really remember. is this the same thing as thinking about suicide? i've done that plenty.
76. Where do you wanna go? somewhere
77. Where do you see yourself going? nowhere
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