Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

today was actually a pretty decent day. go figure. i think i was still glowing from the weekend, to an extent. it was a very good weekend. le sigh. plus i was still feeling very Band because of talking with margaret on thursday night, so i tried to write a song in study hall. aha.
school was school. homework was homework i.e. it's nowhere near being done. in between was a phone call with brock, pancakes for dinner, and a really good session of therapy. part of why it went well, i think, was that it was the first time in FOREVER that i have been there without mom, so talking felt easier. i am terrified to say anything when she's in there, for some reason. also what we talked about today really jumped around, we weren't just stuck on anxiety things like usual. i talked about Incident Of Weekend that i knew mom would've wanted me to mention, even though i almost forgot to aha.
(when i got home yesterday after spending the night at laylee's, mom interrogated me and asked if i behaved. i said "yes!" 50 gazillion times, but she said i looked guilty so i finally told her that people had wine but that i didn't have any. so she gave me more drinking lectures which turned into sex lectures. it was really funny.) i liked how lady told me to handle it from now on, though. sometimes her suggestions make me vomit, but this one i liked and mom did too -- i am supposed to be able to call mom and tell her things like "so and so is drinking, i'm not. but i want to hang out here for a while longer." and if mom is not comfortable she can come and get me from wherever, and eventually she will see that i am trustworthy and making good choices, blah blah blah. since i don't really have that much interest in drinking anyway it doesn't really matter. but whatever. it's more about mom than me. and it would be really cool if i could be more close to her, i think. i mean christ she's going to be around for a while, you know? i should get used to her.
then i, for some reason, mentioned that a bunch of people i know are on medication and/or go to therapy, and brock and i had discussed the other day what it would be like to be presented with the choice of meds, etc. she asked if i thought i needed it, and i said no, but then i did talk about how i get depressed. i am really proud of myself for that, because it's something i haven't talked about at all in there or to anyone at home, and they never notice that kind of shit. plus mom has depression, and it's genetic. lady said really funny thing concerning genetics, as "the gift that keeps on giving" and did this cute laugh. i also made her laugh/squeak today. it was nice, but i don't know what it was about. ha. she also talked about how depression and anxiety (which are both genetic, and which my parents have respectively) go hand in hand. so i'm basically doomed. it's okay. she made me feel a lot more comfortable about the depression thing too. she said i should try to look for patterns in when i get depressed and everything, and that we can talk about them in sessions and fix things. she also said that usually for depression neither just talk therapy or just meds work, and that both are most effective. i thought that was kind of interesting.
i just realized how hysterical it is that i post all this shit about therapy on my blog. i think i'm going to kill myself now.

Monday, December 01, 2003


smashing pumpkins' "tonight, tonight" video is SO damn pretty.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

You should be dating an Aquarius.
20 January - 18 February
Your mate is communicative, thoughtful and caring.
Though he/she can be tactless and rude and
sometimes self-interested, he/she enjoys the
intellectual experience of sex.

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

hahaa shit i guess i answered too much like myself. where am i supposed to find another aquarius? i can't think of anyone anyway. i'm too lazy to take the quiz again though.

listening to: the selby tigers - droid

Thursday, October 02, 2003

i wanted to go ahead and blog before my day is eaten alive with history. damn me for not starting this shit until the night before it's due, like usual.
today is suddenly full of sex. morgan came into the room when i was discovering another 'white stripes' porn movie i'd downloaded accidentally, and came in again later while i was looking at a birth control website. go figure.
also the jazz band played today, including the sex song. it was a nice way to spend time not in jennings and ervin. yayy.
there is more shit i was going to say but i really have to go start my homework haha.

listening to: the moldy peaches - nothing came out
(does anyone have this cd? i need a copy, and i'm sinfully broke.)

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

downloading porn with dave-o!
accidentally downloaded some porn. think i'm probably downloading some more.
that's about it for my day.

Monday, September 29, 2003

what else is in the teaches of peaches? huh? what?

this song was SO in "lost in translation." i was kinda ashamed to know the song from the scene in the exotic dancing club. oh well. peaches is god. no, seriously.
peaches' site
awesome biography
peaches' tits
she's something like the embodiment of sex. she has a picture gallery of crotch shots on her website. the best part is that she's not buying into any of the fucking shit in our culture. no, she's NOT gorgeous. she's androgynous, she's not anorexic, and she tends not to shave her underarms. she performs in almost-undwear with dildos, for god's sake. the other day i saw her name near the top of an "ugliest indie rockers" list. i thought it was incredibly unfair. i'd do her.

listening to: peaches - i don't give a...

Saturday, September 20, 2003

how much fun would it be to have sex in the back row of a movie theatre?

Friday, July 18, 2003

i had a pretty nice day. woke up to being grounded, and read my quota of angela's ashes. i'm really enjoying it, i barely notice time or pages going by when i read it. before i start, i circle the page i have to finish and then suddenly (not really suddenly. there's time.) i'm there! it's lovely. i'm really really really liking it, too. did i say that? anyway. so i read my quota, and then i worked on country spacecraft and talked to brandon. at some point elise called and asked if i could come to open-mic, and i was like "well i'm grounded, but i'll ask anyway." but mom let me go HAHA so i guess i'm not grounded. pretty funny, if you think about it. i love my mother. so then suddenly elise, brock, and katherine were here. elise printed some of her poems out, and i ate my cheeseburger, and dad+mom talked myths with brock. i read "little fur family" to him, and he said i should read to him more often. he was a very good boy, and he paid attention and looked at the pretty pictures. i liked it. i should read to him more often. and anyway we left eventually. open-mic vibe was really really really weird tonight, because all these white station graduates were there.... they just happened to be there, i guess, because the little groups weren't communicating with each other. but each of them was noisy as hell, and they talked ALL over poems, and my soul was maimed. michael (yes, back from spain. ugh) opened with this huge 1o-year speech about that people shouldn't spend forever up at the mike and everything. it was really weird because most of the regulars weren't even there. he was basically talking to brock and elise. he hasn't even been there lately, and HE of all people has the nerve to tell people not to read too many poems? YEAH, MR. NEIL DIAMOND. YA FOOKIN GOBSHITE! KISS MY ARSE. and he RAMBLED for sixty fucking years, and it was awful. then he read a poem, and i would've been paying more attention if he had shut the fuck up hours before, but he DIDN'T so i hated the poem. oh well, it serves him right. elise read less than usual... too bad. but she was lovely as usual. neither katherine, brock, zoë, morgan, or myself had brought anything to read, so we just sat around. elizabeth, meg, margaret, and tarah came after a while. they're lovely as always. tarah read, and i love her. people talked all over my favorite one though and i was very upset. elise's friend laura from bridgebuilders read a poem that i really liked, and i want to invite her to DOY. i'm surprised she isn't on there yet, what with elise being able to sorta recite her poems already. amber popped in for a few minutes, and did an improv which was lovely as always. this one was funny. i'm glad that meg, margaret, and tarah got to hear her. this new woman played a folky song, and i really liked what i heard of hte lyrics. she said it was about rapunzel and medusa falling in love with the same man, and i thought it was really clever. there was this one absolutely amazing verse with all these allusions to stone... it was just great. (medusa turns people to stone, and rapunzel lives in a stone tower. it was just great.) and this very slammy guy whose name i have forgotten (but it's on brock's blog) performed a poem, and he was great. ana read one, morgan fox read a couple. tilden (who had unfortuneately missed michael's speech) and this new guy each read for a really, really long time. and they read back to back. they literally cleared the room. but it was a really nice night, all in all. i love being able to have this in my week. i was very very very sad with becca and laylee missing, but i think that even if becca had been there to play, it would've been different and strange with all of the crazy white station kids there and everything. i'm completely rambling. that's okay. now i'm just hanging out and i'm REALLY hungry so i might go to bed. i forget how i do this in the summer all the time, but my cure for late-night hunger is sleep. always. oh yeah, and when i got home i talked to brandon for a few hours, because he's really easy to talk to and everything. but how's this for a great way to end your day:
robitussin am: in your presence, i could feel . . . power
robitussin am: maybe it was confidence or strength or somehting
robitussin am: but it had power behind it
robitussin am: which i found intimidating
robitussin am: but i also immediately grew a respect and love for you
robitussin am: but you wouldn't talk to me
aLittleStarlight: i didnt mean to not talk to you
robitussin am: no worries. i actually wanted to photograph you more than anything, but i ran out of film
robitussin am: you're beautiful and physically threatening

woowwwwwww. i've never heard "threatening" before. i like that. and "beautiful" is a new one. nobody's ever said it like that. and if i ever hear it again, it will be the same shock. i just feel really deeply complimented right now. and maybe not even because i feel like exactly what he said, but the fact that somebody happened to have those completely sincere thoughts about me makes me feel like an okay person. and plus look what tarah said:
FalLynnStar: your so professional. i dont know. but i LIIKE it

how are those for contradictary? oh well, i like it that people see me different ways, and i'm HAPPY, and in a lovely mood.

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

just can't leave that dog alone

last night, laylee and i went to bookstar. we looked at the mammoth book of erotica or whatever, but it was really terrifying. we looked at other photography books, like this one with photographs all of women (some of them were famous and some of them were just normal people). it was pretty cool, but we didn't like the pictures of the government women because they looked so posed. then we walked to turtle's and looked at CDs we couldn't buy. actually, i had $10 so i could have bought something used but i didn't really see much of anything. laylee remembered that she had to return her movies to blockbuster that night, so she called her brother on her cell but he wouldn't take them. we called kevin to see if we could attack him, and elise answered his cell phone.
elise: where are you?
me: turtle's.
elise: turtle's music? do we know where that is? ....ok don't move. you can breathe, but don't move.
and so a few minutes later, she and kevin and robin goodwin showed up. we hung out at turlte's for a little while longer, before piling into kevin's car and going to my house. (the ride in the back seat was very intimate, as i was squished between laylee and robin.) at my house, i just ran in to tell my dad who i was with and that he didn't have to pick me up, and i grabbed the camera. we decided to go to java cabana, which turned out to be closed, so we just walked around cooper-young, and then further down cooper. i got some good footage, but some of it is REALLY dark since they didn't want me to use the night shot the whole time. i filmed a lot of the backs of kevin, elise, laylee, and robin as i walked behind them. we got some nice conversation footage. some dancing. elise jumping on kevin's back. pretending to pet the cats through the glass at house of mews. the monkees walk. elise filmed the cute guy who works at black lodge (video store). the weirdest part of the evening was when we were standing in this empty parking lot place, on cooper. the place that's filled with children's games at the cooper-young festival. (yes, i pretended that i was on the moon bounce thing.) and uh. there were three people walking by and elise yelled "can we interview you?" and they were like "sure" and they came over and elise told them we didn't really have any questions. after a couple seconds i realized that one of them was morgan, from the our own voice production of the play "spurt of blood." i was trying to think of a quote i could say from the play that would show i knew who he was but the only thing i could think of was "SHOW ME YOUR TITS" and that wouldn't have been very appropriate. you know, though, i always end up seeing morgan everywhere. like once he was at my school for some reason. and i see him at bus stops sometimes, and outside blockbuster. once i saw him at otherlands (where he apparently works) and i said, "hi, morgan!" because i forgot he didn't know me. he was kinda like "...hi?" because my dad and my sister were the ones in a play with him, not me. i forgot i guess. anyway, the other guy said that they were watching entries for a film festival thing and elise asked what movies they were about to watch. they said they didn't know the titles, but they'd just watched one called romeo and juliet revisited. and if you didn't know. that's the movie katherine, brittany, morgan, and i made for katherine and i's english extra credit assignment. katherine entered it in the film festival for god knows what reason, but i had nothing to do with it. that just about killed me of embarassment. it was very very very weird. it was a wild and wacky night.

Nabikichan086: hell, i didnt think you'd be this crazy when i first met you

Monday, October 29, 2001

you remember Lusty Laylee?
ii usd that today
someone said i was a porn star

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

Laylee2000: 'girl goddess #9'..... actually that's pretty offensive. the book isn't even really about sex. that's so annoying
Laylee2000: whjat.the.fuck.
Laylee2000: ahahhaah
Laylee2000: you were disappointed cuz ud idnt get to read ur crazy lesbian sex boooks? SHEESH
Laylee2000: :)
Biting Flame: akghalkhaalksdhgasldkhlakshghlsad
Laylee2000: MUAHhahahahah
Biting Flame: imood recommended it to me because i said i was raunchy
Biting Flame: LOLOLOL
Laylee2000: i dont knwo what that book is although i remember you liked it in like 6thg rade
Laylee2000: oh my my my my MY
Laylee2000: ahjaaaaj
Biting Flame: ahahaahahahahahaha
Biting Flame: i was kidding
Biting Flame: but whatever
Laylee2000: ahahahahah
Laylee2000: you werent :) you reeally wanted to read a crazy lesbian sex book! admit it! AdMTI IT DAMMTI
Biting Flame: agklhsdlahhahahahhhhaahaahahalfmao
Laylee2000: whoa
omg ghaghahh. i changed my imood and they recommended me 'girl goddess #9'..... actually that's pretty offensive. the book isn't even really about sex. that's so annoying. imood eats my soul and they didnt have the word wretched the other day.

Thursday, August 02, 2001

Biting Flame: i had a funkyass sex dream last night
Biting Flame: o.O and i think i was a man
Biting Flame: and then a lot of people were robots...... i think?
Biting Flame: i dont remember
Biting Flame: it was like a goddamn nightmare though
Biting Flame: i never have real dreams
Atea Diosa: no more
Atea Diosa: god alanna
Atea Diosa: you've been lying to me all this time
Atea Diosa: *Cries*
Biting Flame: O_O

[Laylee2000: sounds like a fuckin orgy man
Laylee2000: hahahahhaahahhahaha
Laylee2000: :D
Laylee2000: :) lana has robot orgies in her dreeeeeams when shes a maaaaan
Laylee2000: ahahahahah whoa thats sum messed up shit....
Laylee2000: :P]

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Not really an SN: but first let's cyber sex
Not really an SN: I'm touching your leg
Not really an SN: k I'm done

BlinkChik441: we know you liked that cyber sex try w/nick
BlinkChik441: dont hide it
BlinkChik441: Cyyyyyber sexxx
BlinkChik441: haahaha
Not really an SN: ha ha ha good idea
Not really an SN: uh
Atea Diosa: LOL
Shogun0fTheDark: i know
Not really an SN: I'm touching your leg now
BlinkChik441: hahahahah
BlinkChik441: AHAHAHHA
Shogun0fTheDark: O_O oh mah gawd
Atea Diosa: dammit jerel
Not really an SN: O_O
BlinkChik441: are you cartman?!
BlinkChik441: i am SO making an sn CartmansLover76
Not really an SN: so basically me and Jerel are experimenting with oral sex
*lagging* Biting Flame: YOU FUCKERS
Not really an SN: damnit yesterday I turned it to 49 and howard stern was on
Atea Diosa: can i get a tattoo
Shogun0fTheDark: dog likein walk god yo im a
Shogun0fTheDark: YOU'RE GOD NICK
Shogun0fTheDark: HOLY SHIT
Not really an SN: I sure do get along well with easily impressed females
Shogun0fTheDark: far too easilly
Not really an SN: I know
Not really an SN: almost as if there
Not really an SN: easily impressed
Biting Flame: gahhh
Shogun0fTheDark: ...
Not really an SN: yay lana
Shogun0fTheDark: fuck you nick
BlinkChik441: what zechs is a WOMAN!?!
Shogun0fTheDark: yes...
Shogun0fTheDark: damn
Not really an SN: you dumb bitch with enhanced oral sex
Shogun0fTheDark: what took you so fucking long
Not really an SN: I mean
Not really an SN: yes
Atea Diosa: hlhHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA she sure has a weirdass female voice then
Shogun0fTheDark: wow brittany you're right AHAHAHAHAHA
Not really an SN: ::somehow discusses Marx and Bakunin's relationship in the first international or some shit::
Atea Diosa: Lol fuck your making fun of me
Not really an SN: no he isn't
Shogun0fTheDark: then why did you lol
Not really an SN: he's actually like
Not really an SN: I dunno
Not really an SN: I can't make that funny
Shogun0fTheDark: yeah its how i show my admiration
Not really an SN: nevermind these people are easily impressed
Shogun0fTheDark: fuck you
Not really an SN: so
Not really an SN: BOOBS
Shogun0fTheDark: exactly
Not really an SN: so Jerel, you wanna go have some oral sex later or what?
*huge pause* Not really an SN: ...
Not really an SN: wow the chat sure stopped fast
Shogun0fTheDark: ...
Shogun0fTheDark: cmon man we went like five times yesterday
BlinkChik441: *enhanced oral pleasure*
Atea Diosa: cinnamoooooon
Not really an SN: so basically me and jerel have oral sex all day
Not really an SN: just so every body knows
Atea Diosa: oral..... pleasure?
Not really an SN: no brit
Not really an SN: it's really painful
Not really an SN: I don't think we're doing it right
BlinkChik441: hahahhhhh E A:LKFJ:SLDKFJ:SDLF
Not really an SN: note how I no longer have shame
Shogun0fTheDark: way ahead of you
Shogun0fTheDark: or...
Shogun0fTheDark: something
Not really an SN: ::brings up Bakunin somehow::
BlinkChik441: assss fuckersssssssssss
BlinkChik441: Ready, Set, FUCK!
Not really an SN: :-/
BlinkChik441: good book....oh wait it was ready set SEX w/e hahaha
Biting Flame: it was like...
Biting Flame: noo
Biting Flame: READY SEX GO
Not really an SN: sure has a lot of books on fucking
Not really an SN: that's the best bookstore ever
Not really an SN: for all your fucking/drugs/anarchist needs
Atea Diosa: LOL
BlinkChik441: READY FUCK GO
BlinkChik441: i liked that, im smart!
BlinkChik441: i wanan be the sex advisor muahah NOT THAT UGLY ASS CHIK ON THE SHOW!!!!!
Not really an SN: poor ulgy ass chick
BlinkChik441: no im kidding.....ill let alanna steal that position
Not really an SN: fsadhsdfh
Not really an SN: damn right
Not really an SN: ::porn music shit plays::