finally bought some new goddamn bras at victoria's secret, and i actually like them. i went with laylee and alice and it was surprisingly unpainful. i also got some thigh high stockings, which i wore with laylee's little black skirt, my doctor who shirt, and the magnificent foot's top hat. we went to whitney camp's house for another pono party, and it was really weird. we were expecting them to either make jokes about our outfits or be really awkward about them, but they didn't really do anything. they were actually really involved in watching the porn, and it wasn't even good. go figure. the rest of us tried to make the best of it by dancing around to avenue d and the pixies, but it didn't really work. oh well. the best part of the night was cuddling with brock and alice on whitney's bed and unbuttoning his vest with our teeth. le sigh. how high school can you get?
we went to sonic for a few minutes before we came home. alice and hunter hung out for a little while, and we listened to some music. i talked to brandon on the phone. i'm going to miss all of you kids when we leave town tomorrow... we come back july 4, but i hope to blog a bit while we're there to keep you posted maybe. stay hott, my loves.
mngdhfhjgfj I would've come, lovely, but my parents made me mow the lawn at night. x_x. I apologize for my absence.
yea, pono was awkward. we hyped up soooo much. our outfits were the most rockin thing there!
i'll miss you while you're gone! have a great big vacation.
hey, the above anonymous was me. alice. in case you couldn't tell. or something.
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