Wednesday, June 09, 2004

as you can see, i'm playing around with these new blogger layout things. i'm also checking out the blogger comment system, so flex your wings, wiggle your toes, and let me know what you think of it. eileen's already told me she hates it, so we'll see. the plus about it is that the comments won't be fucking deleted after a month the way they would on the haloscan comments... i still have all the haloscan stuff and i can bring it back really easily, but you guys are the ones who are commenting so let me know which you prefer. also let me know about the layout. i'll probably be messing with it a bit this week. yes.
i saw trainspotting last night.


Sara St. said...

i rather like these comments. so sue me.

Heather N said...

I like them too. They're much easier to deal with.

lordpook said...

why mess with something so perfect? although I do like the idea of comments not being deleted.

the admiral said...

don't like the new look, brett?

Anonymous said...

i don't really like the new layout, then again i've never really liked change. i hope this comment thing works out for you, alanna!

morgiepoo said...

She said at 9:11 on a Wednesday ",We come to your blog to escape the blackness in the cruel, rusted world! This was once a place of beauty and light! Why must you--" before she was killed by the flying monkeys that inhabit dark blogs.

lordpook said...

no i will not let it rock. as a um, well i can't say but lets just say i've got a stake in this and i won't this blackness eat my soul as well. you've taken my crummy layout and made it black and worse. go back to the beaty that once was

Synapse said...

I'm all for the new and radically differing styles. Though this one is particularly somewhat dark and sinister. I like sinister. A perfect tone for the winged monkeys from hell, morgiepoo.

the admiral said...

well that is not at all what i was going for...

Sara St. said...

on another note. this is the same template as mine. hm.

Synapse said...

Please ignore my comments. I have a very odd interpretation.

Cadet Ledet said...

The layout hurts my head. Where's the soothing white?