Friday, July 12, 2002

1. What's your name: alanna
2. What do you wish your name was, instead: alanna's fine. but if i changed it, i would make it something totally weird. like skank zero.
3. How old are you:15
4. Would you ever eat sushi? probably not
5. Would you ever eat sushi off a naked body? why would i want to do that? no.
6. Have you ever considered homosexuality? yes
7. What's your sexual preference? i dont know
8. What were you in a past life? an apple haghal
9. I punch you. Quick, what do you do? lose conciousness
10. When confronted with Britney Spears, you...? suck her bone marrow
11. What's your favorite coffee? i like starbucks fraps
13. Are you my Angel? no
14. Do you consider yourself a poet? not really. i try
15. What do you wanna be when you grow up? i dont know.
16. There's a naked man in your living room. What do you do? call the police
17. How stupid do you think you are? pretty stupid. everyone's stupid.
18. How stupid do other people think you are? incredibly
19. Who do you think you are? i dont know
20. Is the Wonderbra good or bad? bad i guess. i've never owned one
22. What's your favorite fruit? apple
23. Can you feel the love tonight? definitely not
24. On a nude beach, you would...? leave
25. Make up a story with yourself, a bridge, and a rabbit: once upon a time alanna attempted to walk over the bridge but the evil rabbit troll underneath hopped out and snarled and alanna thought it was the monty python rabbit so she screamed and lost conciousness and was eaten alive.
26. What do you think about contemporary art? it depends. how contemorary is contemporary?
27. Do you like being naked? no
28. If we had proof God didn't exist, what would happen? chrisitans would freak out
29. Do you enjoy cheeze whiz? yeah
30. What's your position on virginity? some people know when the time is right. and it's different for everybody. but some people are idiots. i think i could be quite happy being a virgin forever.
31. On civil unions? yep
32. On RuPaul? you go, girl.
33. On mosquito bites? i hate them
34. On old sitcoms? i dont like sitcoms.
35. On Fran Drescher? who
36. Are you left handed or right handed? right
37. Are you smart? i dont know.
38. What's your middle name? rae
39. How many personalities do you have? a zillion
40. How many piercings do you have? two. one in each ear.
41. What was your first word? chocolate
42. Are you superstitious? it depends
43. Do you read your horoscope? if i'm bored, and it's right there.
44. Do you believe in that stuff? i dont know. it depends.
45. Can you do a cartwheel? no. i suck.
46. Do you have contact lenses? no. fucking glasses kill me half the time though.
47. Do you have a retainer or braces? braces
48. Can you drive? no
49. Do you snore? i dont know. i've never been able to ask anyone.
50. Do you drool in your sleep? i dont know
51.Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? i either lick them or lick my finger and rub it along the thing.
52. Do you keep a journal? kind of. not really right now.
53. Do you like onions? no
54. Do you like cotton candy? yes
55. What instruments can you play? oboe. recorder hahhah. the xylophone algsdhklg
56. Do you like to dance? it depends on whose company i am keeping
57. Do you like to sing? again, it depends who i'm with. i like to sing in the shower really loudly, but only when no one's home.
58. Are you any good at it? no
59. Do you like to talk on the phone? usually not.
60. Do you like where you live? yeah, but not forever.
61. Are you organized? it depends. some stuff yes. some stuff... not yes.
62. Do you sleep with socks on? no
63. Are you shy? a lot of the time. it depends.
64. Do you talk to yourself? not really.
65. Are you a morning person? no
66. Are you a virgin? yes
67. Are you proud of that? i guess so
68. Do you believe in reincarnation? yes
69. Do you believe in God? it depends
70. Do you believe in ghosts? yes
71. Do you believe in bigfoot? not really. i never thought about it.
72. How old do you wish you were? older
73. What will you name your kid(s)? i dont intend to have kids
75. Have you ever thought you were gonna die? i think so but i cant really remember. is this the same thing as thinking about suicide? i've done that plenty.
76. Where do you wanna go? somewhere
77. Where do you see yourself going? nowhere

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Find your emotion!

Find your emotion!

Which Kiss are You?

Which Kiss Are You?

Where is my Mind?
You're smart, shy, and often nonsensical. You have dreams of being famous, and you're quirky enough that you just might pull them off. Some would call you a genius, others would call you insane, but in reality you're pretty well-adjusted. Take a vacation once in a while- it'll help take your mind off of your troubles.
Which Pixies song are you?

Sunday, July 07, 2002

nickandjerel: i couldnt imagine having a comdom without a tshirt
katherine dohan on uniforms:
kat09987: i think ill wear sweater vests to school next year, over my snazzy white polo shirt

Saturday, July 06, 2002

Laylee2000: and i bought 2 superfuzzy black piloows today
Laylee2000: like your dog. only in pillow form

Friday, July 05, 2002

i'm a naughty girl.
again i can't stop thinking about suicide.
about the perfect timing.
about who will find me first and i can see their faces.
i know they'd get over it.
i have planned sixteen different set-ups.
but i still don't have that kind of courage
and i'm already disappointing them enough.
no, it's not your fault
that the subject has even come up in my head again.
it's me.
my need for someone.
it doesn't even matter
that you brought forth a few tears
hidden for so long.
or that you think it's funny
how upset i get
over something that you can't see.
don't worry though.
right now i'm too tired to be dangerous.
good night.
you won't remember anything tomorrow.

Which Willy Wonka character are you?

made by

Thursday, June 27, 2002

JiveBassist: i knew from the start that you and laylee both loved the mad bunnie humpin

Saturday, June 22, 2002

elise's phone number is 754-7650
brittany's new number is 662-893-3342
GleeRainstar: my parents are such tyrants
GleeRainstar: they're telling me i have to wear a bra to tai chi or i can't go

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

What Pattern Are You?

Which Rock Chick Are You?

Which John Cusack Are You?

Take the Which They Might Be Giants member are you? Quiz!

I am the Cheshire Cat!

You're the epitome of insane. Either you're very smart, or you're too damn stupid. The world is your playground, and everything -- and everyone -- in it is a toy for you to play with. People should be scared of you, but because you're so affable, they aren't. Tough for them.

How Gay Are YOU?

How Gay Are YOU?

You've got a lot to say, and you'll talk until it's all out, and for

some reason, no one tries to shut you up. I guess you actually

make sense most of the time. Almost everyone likes you, and

it's not just because you're cheap. Haha. Cheap as in thrifty, of

course. You get a bit depressed now and then, but who doesn't?

You seem to have a little anger built up inside, but who doesn't?

You like to stare at people through their bedroom window while

they're changing, but who doesn't? You sick bastard.
Which Smashing Pumpkins album are you?

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

i'm so confused. i'm furious with nick and very sad.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

I was captive
in a speeding man-made oven
We were roasting
cooking toasty
well done in our seats
Sun full of fierce fire
burning through our skins
boiling all our blood and
bringing beads of sweet to sighing foreheads
She sang out
giving me chills
under my skin
and I was less and more
and I was so cold

Thursday, May 09, 2002

i rode home through the rain
under an umbrella made of a tree
and let me just tell you:
never use a tree for an umbrella
if you want to stay dry,
but if you want the water
in your hair and over your eyes
filtered through the leaves
and sliding dored to your mouth.
when i got home i was so cold
it was love
i refused to be made dry

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

You are Heavy Metal!

Angry, sad, and disillusioned, you are Heavy Metal. You are the embodiment of the darkness of the human heart. Your main themes are sadness, anger, and hopelessness. You are frequently misunderstood by others and many link you to devil worship. However, those willing to look through the shell of darkness and anger find you to be very intelligant, poetic, and artistic. Too bad your inclination to look for the beauty in darkness and your general attitude of frustration with humanity as a whole tends to send most people running for the nearest exit. But despite that, you wouldn't have it any other way.

Take the what music genre are you quiz by PsychosisX!

Sunday, April 21, 2002

i know that you are gone but i can not stop and i do not stop. all i can do is say it and pretend you are here to hear. things are stupid. why are things stupid? i used to think suicide was so selfish and jesus that can't matter. it's too bad i'm not brave in that way. and it's supposed to be brave not to but how can it be when there is no life to show for it? how can one pretend to live and call it bravery holding them back? so suicide is looking more and more reasonable as opposed to my big fat nothing life these days which is going nowhere. yes i am that selfish. i figure i should get hit by some big truck next time i step outside. i need something real to cling to. i must be hard to please and easy to please and indecisive and opinionated and i make no sense and i have no self. i can not find any me in this body to save my skin. things are stupid. you can not tell me why things are stupid. isn't it perfect that depression should be genetic? i'll go insane, you just wait. i'll have some bizarre mental condition. so i used to want that. i used to be so scared of cancer and all at once think i had it and be sort of relieved and excited. i guess i was that attention-starved. yes i am that selfish. i only want to be seen as me and maybe you will find her for me right before i bite it. i only want not to be taken for granted. but i think it's hard for you to take me for granted when i have no identity and i have no originality and i have nothing to take. i think i can't be human as princess heart-of-stone. as miss manipulation. as she who derives pleasure from your annoyance. i can't be human if i can never cry. i know you are gone but i can not stop.

Friday, April 19, 2002

if i am full of only pure water i will not be mean and i will not be mean. i'll slip inside your head so easy, you might never notice and you might never know how amazing and fragile i could be. you can feed me forever with only pure water. i could be your dream. i could not be me and if only i could so easily be just what you need, i could cure you of every little thing. i could silently torture myself and you would never see. you'll be far too busy making pure water and never caring about me since i am only using you for this venial excuse, the murder i commit will not even matter to anyone but you. you who will only miss your dream. i am never me.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

which "monty python and the holy grail" character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen

i can put you in my pocket
before i go out to play
i get my church dress all messy
covered with dirt and sun drops
i can keep you safe
though my hands are pink and blistered
and my nails are not that clean
you might just forgive me
i take you from my pocket
before i plant you in the sky
you get my church mess all dressy
and i don't even mind
i can keep you safe in here
though you'll have to save yourself

Sunday, April 14, 2002

aMereStatistic: you should be my first real kiss lana, that would be happy for me anyway

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

quoth brittany's blog, "alanna is the crazy/cute/rock dancing girlie"
strangely enough I don't consider myself a crazy cute rock dancing girlie

Friday, March 29, 2002

You are Rowlf!
You don't draw attention to yourself much, preferring to keep your cool and stay in the background

Monday, March 18, 2002

aMereStatistic: god
aMereStatistic: shit kills me
aMereStatistic: shit kills you
aMereStatistic: I hate everyting

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

how are you, lonely blog? do you miss me yet?

Thursday, February 28, 2002


Sunday, February 24, 2002

i've got multiple alliances

i have been ordered to remove 'obscene language' from my blog by my parents. because the internet 'is in public' and i'm not supposed to talk that way in public when they're around. but jesus they're not SUPPOSED to be around. they're not SUPPOSED to read my blog. YOU HEAR THAT? GO AWAY. you're not welcome.
anyway i doubt they are ever going to read that lol. i have changed the url for the blog. yes AGAIN. i figure that they got the new link from morgan's blog.... anyway i am only telling select souls. wahahaha how elite.
i hate sunday

Friday, February 22, 2002

Jean Grey
I'm Jean Grey
What X-Men Character are You?

Which British Band Are You?

*Take This Test!*


come to me ready and rude, bring me angel food

i am annoyed at whoever (Bill Ellis) wrote this article about the indigo girls in the 'playbook' section of memphis's newspaper, the commercial appeal. (they're playing here tomorrow night) i was reading along with only slight complaints at this guy's recognized female artists. he's trying to make a point that women write better music when theyre older i guess. i liked the part about "and here's hoping patti smith, if not yoko ono, makes records well into her 90s." and i read on and i was not bothered until the following statement: "the twosome [indigo girls] not only sired offspring from Ani DiFranco and just about every emerging artist on Sarah McLachlan's Lilith Fair......" .... what a dumbass. don't hire a stupid man to do the work of a musically intelligent anybody. ANYONE who knows ani difranco's work knows she made her first album when she was 18. EIGHTEEN! and since she was obviously not such a wondrous guitarist right off the bat, she had to have been playing before that. the point being. she was a musician long before the indigo girls first album came out with its massive commercial success. i can't list every artist on the lilith fair tour so i can't say about that but you know not all the music is the big acoustic guitar sound. BIF was on that tour and that should tell you something. oh and i have utterly nothing against the indigo girls. they rule as far as i can tell. but damn you, bill ellis, stupid man extrordinare! go read the damn article.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

What is YOUR Highschool label?

I'm Ludo!

I am Ludo! People just don't understand me. I'm a sweetheart who loves making friends - even with rocks, but I seem like a monster. Once people get to know the real me, they just can't help but love me.

Take the "Which Labyrinth character are you most like?" quiz by smarmy

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Whole Brain Dominant
leaning to the right

You like flexible structure. You use your deep insight and logic to solve problems. You enjoy experiencing many new things. You have at least one area of expertice that allows you to demonstrate your creativity.

test yourself at

Take the MONSTER RANCHER test at!

this quiz was fun to take but i have no idea what it is about. HA.
aLittleStarlight:yeah yeah yeah. well you suck.
im sorry
? wait. no im not. i didnt do anythign
hahah i loe oyu alanna

slide down your reciever, sprint across the wire

i stayed home sick today. it's kind of funny because i don't feel all that bad, but no one woke me up to go to school this morning and it was like 10 when i woke myself up. i had an insane dream where we had to leave our village because someone was going to like squish it or something and they weren't going to tell us because they thought it would be too much of a hassle so someone found out (i think it was my mom?) and we all evacuated (the families, and all these birds) to this wal-mart that was like 2730598230958259038 miles away. through this forest path thing and over a field. and then i guess we discovered that we hadn't brought our pets or something? i don't know. i just sort of filled that in. because the next thing i can remember is that we were sending out messages or something or waiting for our pets to come. ...... right so after a long period of time in the wal-mart, one night we went outside because someone had spotted something or whatever and we looked and we saw that a couple of dogs had come out of this forest and run down a hill that was like a mile PAST the wal-mart and they'd figured it out or something and had come out and were turning around. and you could SEE that one of them was bonnie and one was irie (the dogs of my family) and they were bounding along all happy and then all of a sudden this HUGE stream of dogs just runs out of the forest and down the hill and towards the wal-mart and everyone's like crying all happy because the dogs found their way to wal-mart and weren't squished in the village. and i think i woke up shortly after that, after everyone was reunited with their dog, but i remember that some people were watching out for the little trail of cats to come. and i half-woke up and i was thinking about how ridiculous a little trail of cats would be. like how they wouldnt be able to organize themselves and how they would walk along for like two minutes and they all lie down for a nap break. because dogs are yuppy like that and they're 'faithful' or whatever and the cats would just be taking their goddamn time. anyway it was very strange.

aLittleStarlight:lol really
lol yeah
i'm not surprised

Monday, February 18, 2002

I am bad. So bad. I absolutely hate people and animals. In fact, I probably sacrifice them. No one likes me, but of course it isn't my fault. I should just go back to New York because I am a corrupt Jesus.

Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz

[well this is wonderfully inaccurate. aghsdhag. i would have rather gotten 'george christ' like nick and morgan. but nooooo. and sarah rushakoff got this one too! jesus. this must be really inaccurate.]

Which Rocky character are you?

HAHAHAHAHAH. oh you guys, sorry i haven't blogged about how the play turned out. i had this huge-ass one on friday but i tried to post it and it broke. so that's sad and i'm not up to resaying it yet.

Thursday, February 14, 2002


Tuesday, February 12, 2002

i dont ever really understand all the things we say
this massively massively sucks. i am going to FAIL like a three pound bean.

Friday, February 08, 2002

metal heart, you're not worth a thing

i bought ghost world on dvd and i am very happy. i am also not very happy because we had a stupid pep rally today. and i think i killed katherine, as i kept complaining at her and i had to sit with her because you know we have to play the stupid cymbals since oboes are too dignified for marching music and its not even like they give us a nod. we're the BAND. we dont MATTER. jesus christ on a cracker. anyway. aside from being completely ignored (which is probably for the best, as i didnt want to be recogized. but still! there are people in the band who like to be mentioned) the cheerleaders eat my soul obviously and i was complaing at katherine and she went insane but i didnt complain as much as last time (or as loudly) because mr. snell was riiiight behind me the whole time and anyway katherine has friends who are cheerleaders and you know she's like 'THEYRE SO NICE AND THEYRE ALWAYS HAPPY!! YOU DONT KNOW THEM' and i'm like 'THOSE ARE EXACTLY WAHT IT HOUGHT THEY WERE LIKE. I HATE THOSE KIND OF PEOPLE' and i died and we all died and after they did their stupid stuff, they introduced some sport types and then the stupid cheerleaders came back (the ones who werent freshmen) with their big stupid glittery outfits and their big stupid colorful unmatching bras displayed to all and you know how terribly profane the stupid dance/cheer/stupidities are anyway and uhm. anyway what REALLY bothered me was that after their stupid routine like eight girls from ROTC came marching out and made these two little lines AND THEY INTRODUCED THE STUPID CHEERLEADERS A SECOND TIME ONLY THAT THEY HAD ESCORTS AND THE ROTC PEOPLE LIKE SALUTED AT THEM AND DID LITTLE THINGIES OH MY GOD THAT BOTHERED ME and you know they did that at the LAST stupid pep rally and apparently they do it at EVERY pep rally. alskghhsdalhkasdg!! oh that killed me. cripes. we must have huge pep rallies with t he stupid 2000 people at this god-ridden school. and we're forced to go and it's awful. i hate HATE HATE my school with a passion. anyway.
i hope to do something with katie and brittany and laylee this weekend. so you guys we neeeed to make plans and you have to come over and watch ghost world. yay. get in touch with me, peoples. bye bye.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

A mere Statistic:the way to a woman's heart is though her chest dumbass
let it snow
WE HAVE A SNOOWWW DAYYYY TODAYYYYY. well yay for that. waahhaa. my poor parents woke up at like 5:30 and mom is now laughing at the newswoman on tv who just got a big piece of snow all over her eye and it's like frozen shut ahahahhga. and dad has to go to WORK because the library SUCKS. and really it's not like anyone should be there but you know kids (with the day off, and all) from that neighborhood (east high school) are going to go play on the computers the whole time. anyway the snow count type creature this is like. four inches+ as it hasnt stopped snowing YET. yeah last night we got home from rehearsal (katherine's mom was driving us home) and we got out of the car and i said 'morgan do you feel that' as there was wet stuff in the air. and morgan said 'look did you SEE that?!' and we thereby determined that there was a little bit of snow in the sky and we waved our arms at it. and then after a little it started sleeting and then that stopped and it started snowing right before we went to bed. and then i don't know what happened after that ahahaghah. maybe it snowed allll night. that's a lovely thought. aren't you guys digging this whole 'real post' groove? yeah i bet. just to annoy you::

I may look funny, but I’m one of the best penguins under the sun! Yes, that’s right, the sun! I can’t stand hanging around in freezing weather, keep it away! I’m a nice sized bird, about medium weight and height. My population is globaly increasing!

Take the What Penguin am I? Quiz by Krysten!

Tuesday, February 05, 2002


Monday, February 04, 2002

I'm an Onion! Sour, spicy, nasty tasting, and the ability to make people cry all come natural to me. I'm really an evil person who's not much of a social butterfly but rather a loner who sits and writhes in my pool of solutide all day, which I love.

Take the Vegetable Quiz by Krysten!

click to take it!British... everybody likes those Brits. You compare with U2 and other famous bands. You're music is very original and different from anything heard on the radio normally. Songs are laid back and relaxed, and you frequently make some pretty weird, er um, original music videos.

well yay. that's nice to know. they had incubus too and that would have been nice as well.

Wowie! You are Tfu Tfu! You're the odd one out, there are few places you fit in. Others don't understand you very well and tend to treat you indifferently and take you for granted. But then again, you don't really give a damn about them anyway.

well i dont blame people.

Sunday, February 03, 2002

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

haghdsahga i have the same one as brittany here. that's amusing.

really now. wow. i took this again and got 'strange little girl' and then i got '1000 oceans' and 'raspberry swirl' and 'cornflake girl' and 'winter' and 'caught a lite sneeze' and 'hey jupiter' and none of these seem very much like me, i think. anyway i like this one:

Saturday, February 02, 2002

Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.

i would be george. i enjoy being george. but brittany is NOT george.

this is probably pretty accurate considering everyone called me 'daria' in gym class last year? HA.
the year before i was 'the russian girl' .... x_x

Wednesday, January 30, 2002

i'm Mayor!aLittleStarlight: [*insert eternal laughter which lasts for longer than the blog here*]
Atea Diosa: ahahah
aLittleStarlight: GUESS WHO THE FUCK I GOT
aLittleStarlight: GAKLSDHGLAA
Atea Diosa: ok so why are you laughing
Atea Diosa: who the mayor?
aLittleStarlight: YES
Atea Diosa: LOL go figure!!!!!!!!

i got a nightmare before christmas watch for christmas you know. we all did because my mom gave everyone one. and tehy were all different and mine had the MAYOR because he rules. and and and i always knew i was the mayor.
they say it's your birthday

well it's my birthday, too! yeah. alsdhahaha i'm so funny. anyway. yes it is my birthday. and i'm about to freaking starve to death.

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

i'm lemon flavoured!
agahhasga i knew it.

A mere Statistic: ::eats you::
A mere Statistic: ::in a happy way::
A mere Statistic: lol wtf
A mere Statistic: I'm a watermellon

Sunday, January 27, 2002

you say love is a hell you cannot bear. well then give me mine back and then go there

today started off not-so-great. i went to bed around 5am or so and i was NOT a happy person. when i woke up six hours later, i didnt even realise that i'd woken up. does that say something? the point being that when i remembered that i was awake, i was again an unhappy person. then morgan came and sat there and talked at me and then uhm. well i came to get online and the new aim i had installed had deleted a bunch of my old aim files and it wouldnt even SIGN ON. the computer would break before i could do a thing. it was HORRIBLE. anyway i tried restarting several times but when i did that then the computer would just break more and i think brittany installed some crazy thing on my computer. oh yeah and i finally finally got adobe installed after clearing away hoards of files and burning mp3 cds. anyway. after a while i got an email from nick and suddenly remembered that i had the msn messenger thing so i got on that and talked at him and it was blissful. and then i went to davis-kidd with mom and read something called 'quotable sandman' and then i looked for ghost world (comic) but they didnt have it and i was sad. but i got a chocolate bar. and then we went to bookstar and they had even less stuff so we left again after mom bought morgan a rumi biography for history fair. and now i am talking at nick again. blissful.

but i said yes.
i didnt answer and i just asked what exactly that entailed of and he said 'what? oh. so is that no?' and the whole time he was like. pasting things from the onion in between. and dammit. and then he was just like 'well bye' and he left he fucking left and he hates me and what the fuck about nick and i'm immensely distraught.
jerel just asked me out?
it won't be fair if i hate her, if i ate her, you can go now. leave me with your borneo

ok that place decidedly RULES for eternity. wahaha. so today. uhhh. rehearsal went ok. we ran the whole of act 1! i actually SAW ALL THE SCENES. and i think everyone was actually PRESENT. it was amazing stuff, that. the bag dance. went.... ok? it went as it usually does even though i still dislike it. yes well. anyway after rehearsal i had like two seconds to eat dinner before mr. wilson came and picked me up to babysit his children - holly, rebekah, and david. it went well only that i was there for FOREVER and nearly fell asleep on their couch like a million hours after i'd put them all to bed. but i got paid $40 and that is quite cool. and i had a good time, aside from nearly falling to sleep to death. of course they were late. they said i would be home by 12:30 and they came home at like 1. but it's ok i'm not complaining. i'm disappointed that i didnt get to see laylee and brittany this weekend. but laylee was of course busy the whole time, but i didnt get to talk at her at all anyway. and brittany i didnt get to talk at either as her fucking phone is dead. last night i online-talked at katie (as below post would indicate) and nick for forever and that was lovely. the alphabetical cd thing is not going so well. as you can see by the above quote thingie i'm still on tori amos. only one more of her cds, though, after this one!!

big sexy laylee picture

Friday, January 25, 2002

aLittleStarlight:lets go invade brittanys house
good idea
is she still dead
of course
how evil
i know!
i still say we murder her at tai chi
u dont think she got turned into a cat and ran over by a bus do u
most likely.
how horrid
but would YOU be surprised
didnt he get ignited by a haystack
maybe that was someone else
no one cared to tell me where the pretty girls are - those demi-gods
i'm listening to my SECOND cd on the little thing. and it's tori amos's debut album "little earthquakes" and if you're familiar with her you probably recognize the song. but uhm. i think my curvedspaces account might be working which is why i am posting. so uh. here goes.
i just asked you out -- to the pharmacy, no doubt

this week is fucking fast! or is it just me? i have decided to listen to all my cds. well. aahhaah yes it's a good idea. and i didnt mean that i havent listened to all of them. but. RElisten to them in alphabetical order because you know how it is. you start listening to the same few cds over and over and completely forget that you own them. such as this one (american hi-fi) which you didnt even remember owning in the first place. (because it was $10 at wherehouse and brittany told you to buy it when she was getting dishwalla).
so i'll probably try to blog about some of the things that i'm listening to. you know. the closet ones. and i will tell you how wonderful they are and you can say "crunk" and go download them at audio galaxy or whatever you happen to use.
:::quotes of the day:::
samwise is crunk
mordor is the ghetto
*directed at an orc* what a bitch
legolas aint no poltergiest
saruman be bumpin
JiveBassist:frankie is a booze hound named nancy
JiveBassist: walt disney willed everything he owned to the first man to give birth
JiveBassist: hey hey, looks like mickey's ass is mine

alkghahah and they were all true. well. except the saruman one AHHAAH but it was something along those lines.

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

i love you, morgan
pelvic thrust
1) What color pants are you wearing right now? purple silkie pj pants
2)What song are you listening to right now? "touch me" from rocky horror
3)What are the last four digits of your phone number? 0299. gorgeous, eh.
4)What was the last thing you ate? uh. i just ate a chip?
5)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no, thank the gods
6)If you were a crayon, what color would you want to be? uh. i always liked cerulean but i would probably be something horrible. like. tickle me pink.
7)Where would you like to go on your Honeymoon? i dont intend to have one. if i did, i'd want to go someplace like india.
8)Do you like snow, sun or rain? rain until it gets shitty.
9)How is the weather right now? a bit cloudy. it rained earlier, i do believe.
10)Who was the last person you talked on the phone with? .... sarah wilson i think.
11)What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? brittany is a fucking genius with this question. ["usually looks and then personality... cause its hard to notice a personality first because when you see someone in the hall and you're like "oh he looks cool" then you're seeing looks first... obviously. "] its asking what the first thing you notice is so its OBVIOUSLY a physical thing. but uhm. i dont know. the only place i really see people at all is in the hal at school. and (as brittany said) there are times when you see somebody who looks cool and generally it just has to do with. uhm. i dont know. maybe its a clothes/hair thing? and then some people have funny little faces that they make.
12)Do U like the person who sent this to you? I HATE YOU, BRITTANY. holy shit the phones ringing. hold on.... alsdgkhahgahahgahgha it was the walgreens pharmacy. of course. who the hell else calls here
13)How are U today? not great not good not bad
14)Your favorite drink? root beer maybe. i liked that organic apple juice stuff.
15)Alcohol? no
16)How do you eat oreos? very well
17)Whats your favorite sport(s)? n/a
18)What makes you happy? ... i dislike this question. and i dislike brittany's answer. ["Aj, new cds, fun new clothes. "] i dont know. what makes anyone happy? just stuff i suppose
19)Whats the next CD you're going to buy? never can tell. but i have like. $15 so i'll probably blow it at cd warehouse this weekend unless i can't find anything *cough cough cough*
20)Birth date? january 30
21)Hair color? deliriously dark brown
22)Eye color? hazel maybe. it's not like i look but mom said they were hazel.
23)Height? 5'.... i dont know. HAHAH. something. 5'2? something short. i hope it is 5'2 because it seems good. and besides i got the idea in my head from somewhere that both liz phair and ani difranco were 5'2 HAHAH i wonder where that came from.
24)Do you wear contacts? no. i should get some. it is hard to dance with glasses. esp mine, as they are always falling off anyway and i am a granny.
25)Siblings and their ages? morgan, 12
26)What school are you attending? white station pit of hell
27)If you could be any animal, what would you be? definitely a cat. i always think about this and this is just the kind of thing that has been put at me for my entire fucking life. i think it might have to do with hearing all the stories about the animals as people or the people who can turn into animals and all that. esp native american legends, that reminds me of things.
28)What do you like to do? uhm. music is good. i like reading. food is ok when i want it to be. today i took a shower.
29)Whats the best advice given to you? ... no one gives me advice as i have no life and therefore need no advice.
30)Have you ever won any special awards? in sixth grade i got 2nd place in the city for my history fair essay("Revolution for the Masses!"). and it was damn good. i wonder if i still have it. probably not. the point being. that was i think the only thing i ever won. then they wanted me to enter it in D.C. but it was too fucking expensive and it's not like i care.d
31)What are your future goals? n/a
32)Favorite music? things of which i like. uh. well this song is good. i like the butchies.
33)Favorite food? ... as if i know. uhm. jesus christ. CIRCUS PEANUTS. jojos HAHAH. doodlebugs
34)Favorite movie? ... holy grail, all those dumb guy movies (bill&ted, strange brew, wayne's world), rocky horror, moulin rouge
35)Favorite day of the year? i dont have a fucking favorite day. i will tell you when i find one.
36)Favorite months? june n july (ahgahhahah did anyone get my gorgeous song reference? as morgan says, everything in my head is music. sad, but true)
37)Do you like to dance? not generally. it really depends who is there. which is kind of funny as i'm in a dancing performance at this very moment. it's going to go very badly. i'm starting to freak out.
38)Are you shy to ask someone out? i wouldnt know. i have never needed to and i sure as hell dont intend to.
39)Whats the stupidest thing you have ever done? care about dumb things? ahghahahaha i dont know.
40)Do you like scary or happy movies better? scary movies are never scary and they are usually just fucking funny so.
41)In person or on the phone? neither, really. i dislike people. "i just watch them until it's time to look away" which is quite true. i was thinking about that today. i like to observe people more than i like to interact with them.
42)Summer or winter? summer
43)Hugs or Kisses? neither
44)Do you want everyone to write back? wow i'm sure not sending this to anyone.
45)Who is most likely to respond? again. 'wow'
46)Say something nice about the person who sent this to you: I HATE YOU, BRITTANY.