Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

you're pimpin, baby, and you're feelin fine

after school today, brock and i drove to turtle's where i bought 2 copies of the new ani difranco album educated guess. brock wouldn't let me buy it for him, but i insisted. i think he would have just left me with both copies if it hadn't been so damn good. jenny and elizabeth were hanging at turtle's, and it was nice to see them however briefly. then we drove to walgreen's to pick up the fountain day pictures (thank god laylee found them finally!!). once we arrived home, we got snacks and studied the pictures, which turned out really nicely for the most part. they doubled the roll, which annoyed me, but it will be nice to give away the pictures to whoever wants them. brock wants to use some of them as references for art class. hooray for laylee and her mad beautiful photo skillz. i heart you, pup. at any rate. we opened our cds at the same time, and poured over the amaaaazing liner notes. they are very very cool. this album is awesome because ani did everything herself -- wrote, sang, played, recorded, and mixed every song all by her lonesome. she never ceases to amaze me. le sigh. and the album is GREAT. i can tell i'm going to love it, and i can't wait to. so far i will recommend that everyone download "bliss like this," "company," and "oragami." or just go ahead and listen to the whole album, see if i care.
anyway. brock and i were very happy birds. but he had to go home. and then i died.
on a more cheerful note, we decided to re-try Happy Tuesday because it never really got started before that shit fell through. and it will be easier now that brock can drive. WOO. boy howdy. we should just have Music Appreciation class once a week, and i am not joking. we will sit around and listen to cds and look at lyrics and liner notes and beautiful things and discuss. open invitation only.
i started to scan the fountain day pictures, but i'm not done yet because the scanner was acting like a bitch. it took me forever to get as many done as i did... and you can see those few here. and i'm REALLY sorry i still ahven't finished my weekend post... i'm so fucking behind!!!! gahhh!!
then again, it's 12:45am and i have a history test tomorrow i've barely studied for. hoorah!
becca, my hot tittie lover with the sweetest honey and oats lotiony smell, has a head full of flowers and a purely pink torso. ask anyone. i love her so dearly, we will be married in the days ahead.
today-- beautiful ani listening day + fountain day pictures!
wednesday-- study party with margaret feat. fooood
thursday-- andrew bird show! you bitches better be there.
friday-- les mis, muthafucka.
saturday-- GOD ONLY KNOWS.
someday-- marry becca, laylee, brock, etc.
truly i need to see hedwig before it goes away. and next weekend will be bollywood. ho hum. a pirate's life more me.

listening to: andrew bird - ides of swing

Saturday, January 03, 2004

have you ever noticed how many songs talk about someone named 'jenny'? they have always seemed to be in abundance. so when i sit down and try to make a mix of jenny songs, i can only think of four. dear god, help me. it can be a title or any reference in the song, but i'm looking for the jennys.

listening to: sleater-kinney - jenny

Saturday, December 06, 2003

today fucking sucked. not for any one particular reason, but everything about school was bad. by the end of the day i was so damn depressed. we had a short spice girls dance party in the parking lot after school, but even that didn't really fix stuff. i came home alone and sat around feeling dumb. brittany called, which was the best part of the afternoon. i told her to come to becca's show, and we just talked, and it was nice. then i tried to call laylee because i was sad. i forgot she was at that thing thing. stupid me. i called brock to ask him to bring me blank video tapes so that i could film becca's show. we didn't talk very long after that so i ended up nearly taking a couple naps. i was really tired from my week of bad sleeping habits, so i guess that is good. then morgan went over to eileen's, and mom and i watched the beginning of "the crow." aha. basically it was a fucking awful day, afternoon, and early evening. i got dad to drive me to java at 8. brock had already arrived; i think he forgot that he was supposed to call me when he got there. i was still in a sad little mood, even though i was excited about the show. i shmoozed around and played with the many varieties of magic 8-balls with sallis, kevin, brock and cuddled laylee for a while. brock and i made the mistake of leaving our place on the couch to get drinks. in reality, this should not have taken any time at all. but the BITCH WOMAN FROM HELL was working tonight, and she totally ignored us for like 15 minutes. so we lost our places to elise's friend laura and some guy from ridgeway. elise and some guy eric got there, and completely avoided me and brock. it was really hilarious, if you think about it. then brittany and her entire family showed up, which was also hilarious. brock, alice, lauren h, brittany, and i played with chess pieces during daniel's poetry reading. i thought that becca had asked him to do all funny stuff, but apparently not. i think that is better considering the nature of becca's set, but i am not too impressed with most of his stuff. so becca came on, and she was of course AMAZING. i love all the new songs. the show tonight was really intense, really different from last time. with that, she had played the songs for a (partially, at least) similiar crowd so many times before that we had all developed a pattern. becca was very big on eye contact and grins and it was adorable and very fun. so even if the nature of the song was sad, you had a great fucking time anyway. with this show, most of the songs were things that she hadn't played for audiences and most of them were very sad and very beautiful. the show turned out very intense, which i thought was really awesome, especially considering my state. i would rather see someone totally into her music and sad sad than happy and cute, even though both are great. it's so impressive how becca has evolved and matured since just august. i know she was anxious about how the shit went down, but i don't think she had any reason to be. the only things that disappointed me were that i wished the set was longer, and that some people who were supposed to come didn't show up. margaret, christie, jenny, elizabeth, robin, etc -- where the fuck were you?! spacebat ass!??!!?! fuck that!
i can't really talk. after becca's set and generally hanging out-ness, katherine, alice, lauren, tarah, brock and i went over to hi-tone to see the tail end of the mutant spacebats show. i danced like a mutha, and it was the most upbeat part of my whole fucking day. dancing can make everything better for me. it was just so good. then svetlana was there and tried to grind with brock again. for fuck's sake. i really hate her. stupid ho. alice had to be home my midnight, so i got home around 11:45. now i've been hanging out, and talking to hannaH, and making mp3s of becca's show. ask her if you can hear them. plus evan williams's copies are probably better.

listening to: becca bobango - morning sickness

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

today wasn't awful. i felt really dumb all day. probably because of shitty grades i've been getting. and then something else. i don't know what but it made me feel really stupid too. plus i finally remembered to make up my history map test, but as climbed out of the stairwell, ervin was walking away down the hall. so i ran back down the stairs. i can't believe i'm so stupid. again. aggugh.
oh yeah, it was MIXITUP day at lunch. they've been promoting it for like two weeks. it's supposed to be this day where you sit with a different group of people than your normal one. to promote tolerance or something. as if that isn't silly enough, my ret@rd*d school made it worse. when you walked into the cafeteria, you were given a little square of colored paper and you were asked to sit at a table that matched the color. you didn't have to, or anything, but rather than promoting just the concept of sitting with someone new, you were basically forced to. it was such a piece of shit. anyway, our regular table (minus nisha, praise god) sat at the color table that brock and katherine had been assigned to. there were two girls sitting there already, and we talked to them a little. one of them's name is linda and i asked to see her bag, so that i could read the pins. she had ones for atom and his package, pedro the lion, coheed and cambria... i was really impressed but she just sort of shrugged or something. it made me wonder if she actually liked the bands, or if someone just gave her the pins. also, mark fucking bolding sat down next to sallis. ho is that for awkward? poor sallis. i couldn't tell if the rest of the people that ended up there usually sat together or not. so i guess we mixed it up a little, but it was mostly awkward, and mostly me and brock talking. oh well. it seemed like the day was pretty awkward for everyone. or cruel, in some instances. it just seems like the popular people were kind of like "ooh let's mix it up and sit with the unpopular people!" the cafeteria was still segregated black/white though, pretty much. except for this asian kid sitting at a table with some black guys. he looked absolutely miserable. even more miserable was this white kid sitting with some black guys... he was so miserable, he was reading the newspaper. a lot of people were only participating because they though they'd get in trouble if they didn't. you could tell. the whole idea made me really sad. kids shouldn't be forced into an activity like this, and we weren't, so most people didn't even try to do it, not even student council. the ones who DID seemed to be mocking the whole concept. i think i did a better job of scaring away kids than i did making a new friends. i am not a racist or a sexist or anything. i sit with the kids i know because they're the kids i know i like. i don't sit with them because we're all middle class whities. and anyway i didn't like mark fucking bolding before he sat down, and i didn't like him anymore when lunch was over. however i waved at jo. that was a new experience. ahhahahaha.
therapy yesterday was okay. the office was locked when we got there and we waited outside for like 10 minutes. we nearly left, but lady happened to be walking by when mom knocked one last time. it was fortunate, i guess. she's asked mom to sit in for all our sessions recently. it's sort of intimidating but i think what she's trying to do is make it more comfortable for me to talk in front of more than one person, or something. or maybe just more comfortable with mom. well, there's some kind of point to it, i know that much. first we talked about the dad/blog thing and she had me leave to talk to mom alone for a few minutes. that was strange, we've never done that before. then we talked about how to fix shit, etc. lady said i can bring dad in any time i want, and try to work on issues better in a session. that might help, if we had something concrete to deal with. rather than just me being constantly pissed off at his ness. then she asked about my report card, and how things in history discussion went, and how my college research is going, and if i've done anything to get on my way to driving. mostly it's okay. i sounded really okay. pretty hilarious after one of the worst weeks of my life. at the very end she asked if i had anything else to say. i tried to say what a bad week i'd had, but it felt really unimportant suddenly, and there were no words that fit it right. she asked if i was stressed or sad or what? and i had no idea how to say it, so i was basically like "eahoig" and that was the end. plus mom was still there, that definitely affected things. it's harder to talk like that.
we came home, i got some ice cream, and then the parentals and i sat down for a Talk. i don't really want to go into it, but dad agreed not to look at my blog again. i made him tell me a few details, so if you're interested: he looked for it specifically on google, it didn't just happen to pop up. he has been reading it every day for the past few weeks, and before that more irregularly. he doesn't understand the privacy issue.
end. as the conversation was breaking up, he told me that brock and brandon had called ("oh, her male entourage!" quoth mom). i was afraid to call back brock because it was like 9:30. which isn't that late, but still. margaret would've been asleep, come on. there was something really really nice about talking to brock on the phone last night. i can't really put my finger on it. i feel like our relationship sort of fell out for a few weeks, but we are getting back to where we were, and i'm really glad. i couldn't stand it if brock went away. it'd be nice to think he thought the same.

listening to: rasputina - the new zero

Saturday, October 18, 2003

listening to the new distillers album. i was really enjoying this song and it felt all great and whatnot until i looked at the title and realized she's screaming "TELL ME SOMETHING. WILL I DIE WILL I DIE ON A ROPE?" and something about bleeding from the neck.
the whole album is a little like this... i want to read the lyrics, because normally brody is clever and i like them. but i feel like if i do that with this album, i won't like the songs anymore. how shitty is that. i'm very put out. someone else come do it for me and tell me whether it is okay to read them of not.

listening to: the distillers - die on a rope

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

YAYYY I FINALLY GOT BRANDON'S CDS! he got mine like a week ago, and they were a week late. FINALLY i have received:
stereopathetic soul manure by beck
tigermilk by belle and sebastian
babysitters on acid by lunachicks
between here and there by the rx bandits

hahah what a strange little mix of cds. anyway, that's made my day lots better. and running through the sprinklers with brock after school.
the day was okay, simply because it wasn't yesterday. and shit wasn't falling out of the sky. i can't think of anything else exciting, except that i'm hungry so i'm going to go take a shower.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

yesterday i actually made something of a decent attempt to clean my room. it was insane. you can see the floor. and there's sheets on the bed, too. well, i know I'M impressed.
katie came over just after 4:30, right after i got out of the shower. it was pretty nice timing. i was all wet when we hugged, though hahaha. we sat around for a while and i didn't really know what to say at first. we looked at movie showings, and eventually made plans to see a 7:30 showing of "school of rock" with brock and his brother wesley. unfortunately, brock had gotten sick, so he couldn't come hang out otherwise like i had wanted. so mom dropped off me and katie at last chance, where i got the purple tape by the pixies, and she got interpol due to my recommendation. i'm really glad she liked it because otherwise i would've felt guilty. also, she gave me a tegan and sara album that she didn't like, but i haven't gotten around to listening to it yet. plus i don't know where i've put it. it's probably still on the floor under the newspapers. then we went and ate at pie in the sky. mmmm. i had a beautiful root beer and managed it all the way through the movie, and home again. bravo alanna. i also called katherine and invited her and leah to the movie, because i knew katherine had wanted to see it. i wasn't actually sure i was going to like it, but it was the only thing i wanted to see at paradiso, which is next to brock's house and therefore easier for him to get a ride to.
so katie and i got there first, because my dad must be early for everything. plus he had ordered our tickets online, so we didn't even have to stand in line. instead, we played around like tourists next to the fountain. damn the fact that there's a fountain and fake balconies in that movie theatre. then brock and wesley got there, and ordered food and whatnot. somehow in between there, brock lost his and wesley's tickets and he had to buy some more. i really don't know how that happened. he probably dropped them into his huge ACID beverage and they melted. go figure.
we were somewhat late by the time we got into the theatre. i guess me and katie should've gone ahead and saved seats, because the only place with six seats together was the third row. they got there eventually, and it was really fun getting to wave to them across the theatre and whatnot.
anyway i was very surprised that i liked the movie so much. i usually hate jack black, and it seemed like a dumb concept anyway. but i, yes, i am now every other critic of this movie, liked it, even though i shouldn't have. as everyone has said, it's a formulaic silly little flick that you're not supposed to like but you DO and it's AWESOME and FUN and i recommend it. one of the best parts is that they actually know what they're talking about. there was not one place on the soundtrack that induced me to cringing -- lots of ramones, the clash, and even JONATHAN FUCKING RICHMAN!! (oh you KNOW i danced in my seat. and brock sang with me. it was beautiful, you KNOW it.) not one artist's name was mentioned that made me go "what?! noooo that kid is shit!" in fact, i loved reading the stickers and whatnot all over the movie. finding little names like PATTI SMITH and LUNACHICKS just made me too happy for words. it really wasn't fair.
ANYWAY. after the movie we stood around and talked for a bit. i sang and air-guitared violent femmes all the way outside, and probably got some nasty looks. ah well. i enjoyed myself. mom and dad picked me up and katie, and we went home and listened to our new cds and watched music videos i have downloaded. i showed katie "get up" and "untouchable face" which i think she liked. it was uncanny how much of the real story she got out of elise's video. wow, i was impressed. i guess either we did a good editting job, or katie just had some kind of insight. i don't know, but it was pretty amazing. so we ended up just kind of chillin and talking until 4am or so. it was very very very nice. i love katie.
we woke up and had donuts. mmmmmm. we also watched this absolutely nuts-oid movie called "the hole" which was chinese, if i remember right. it was part of this series of movies that chinese filmmakers did about what the year 2000 was going to be like. in this one, there was this insane epidemic which turned people into human roaches. absolutely nuts. it was longer than it needed to be, i think. but every shot really took its time... like you'd sit there and watch the guy lie there in his underwear for like 3 minutes. it was an interesting movie, at any rate, and the last shot was really really beautiful. so i'm glad we saw it.
then we hung out some more. et cetera. katie went home. i did homework. got depressed. you know the drill. except for the last part of sunday, it was a pretty damn nice weekend.

Monday, September 29, 2003


so last night, during my insomnia, i was listening to elliott smith's album figure 8. whenever i've listened to it before, i've enjoyed it and everything. but dear god. after listening to throwing muses five times and pixies at least once yesterday, it seemed so........ BLAND. and i just thought to myself... why listen to anything if it's not amazing? why should i ever listen to a song that doesn't feel like it could change the world? i only want to listen to songs that never cease to amaze me. otherwise, what is the point?
and it made me really happy. and eventually i fell asleep.

brock called me awhile ago. i was in the shower, though, because while i was doing my history homework, i suddenly realized that my clothes were gone and i had written throwing muses lyrics all over myself in purple sharpie. it's mostly gone, after the shower. my tit still says 'slut' and my stomach has lyrics from "buzz" and my left leg has lyrics from "shark" and etc. it's really funny. the most obvious ones, on my arm and my chest are gone, though. i wonder if they will be at all visible at school tomorrow.
i called brock back when i got out of the shower, and we talked for awhile, and i avoided homework. he misses his computer, of course. he is worried about the ap art saturdays class that he is going to apply for. in the long run, it will be a great thing, but 4 hours every saturday afternoon for 5 months? that's a long time. and that's a lot of time to devote to something. but he's serious, so it's good. plus he's an amazing artist, as previously stated, so that's even better. one of these days i'll film some of his things and put them on the computer and make everyone marvel over their amazingness.
i should probably finish my homework. but right now i love my blog. and frank black. *rape*

listening to: degrassi!?

Sunday, September 07, 2003

(this post was actually written late at night a few days ago, but blogger keeps going down when i try to post it.)

god i've been totally neglecting my blog this week.... my eyes are falling out right now, but i really wanted to post about the tori/bed show. on monday we woke up early, picked up elise, and drove to atlanta. we made it in less than 7 hours, when we had been anticipating 8. we ate at chick-fil-a and played spot-the-tori-fan. we got to the show relatively early, which was nice because parking was incredibly difficult. the show was in an outdoor amphitheatre in the middle of this park. we had pretty good seats -- they were the best ones left when dad ordered them. elise and morgan got shirts right as we entered, and dad got the new ben folds EP. he's doing this thing where he just releases a bunch of EPs in a row instead of albums, which i think is really really stupid because i loathe EPs. i think whoever invented EPs is an idiot asshole. why the fuck would i want to buy an EP which is the equivalent of less than half an album, or contains a few songs already on an LP plus a couple obscure tracks that the band didn't like enough to put on the real record. what the fuck. who wants to waste money on that shit. so fuck ben folds' EP idea, because i think it's shit. i wouldn't buy 5 damn ben folds EPs when i could just buy 2 albums. and anyway i wouldn't buy his albums in the first place, so there's no issue here. anyway. elise got a green ben folds shirt that says "rock this bitch" and morgan got the tori amos lottapianos tour shirt, which is very cute. after i show i got the "crazy" tori shirt, which is nice but i actually saw somebody with a shirt i would've liked better. i should've checked out the other booth. ah well. ANYWAY. so once we found our seats and got settled in we barely had to wait at all before ben folds came out, very unceremoniously. i liked his nonchalance about the whole thing he seemed very geek, which i like as well. but he was also a total performer -- he managed to have a rockstar stance, even sitting/standing at the piano bench. something i'm still trying to figure out whehter i liked or not: he was solo, so it was just him and the piano obviously. sometimes he'd try to get the audience to sing the horn parts or something on the songs, and teach them to us before the song and then sort of try to cue us in when the time came. it was fun and all, i guess, but i hate that it was an imitation of hte studio versions of the songs. if he wanted saxophone, why didn't he bring along his saxophonist friends? the more i think about it the more it bugs me. the crowd was obviously NOT there for ben folds... there was a lot of chitchat during his set, and through the whole thing people were still coming in and out. it really bugged me that people were being so disrespectful, and elise kept saying "I HATE THIS CROWD!" when people weren't incredibly enthusiastic about singing the horn bits, or hearing certain songs or something. i thought that was very silly. what can you expect from a crowd wanting to see tori amos? i don't think that a lot of tori fans are big ben folds fans, and for a lot of people those are two very different kinds of music. ben folds is, in a lot of ways, totally opposite from tori. as stated, he's a total geeky little performer guy and he stood on the piano and tried to make us sing along and all that. his lyrics are nice, but very opposite from tori's style (and i'm sorry, i absolutely love her lyrics). same with his piano skillz. he played for about an hour, and it was nice, but i really don't like him any more than i did before the show.... which isn't all that much. i, like most of the kids there, know a few ben folds songs but am not that greatly intruiged by them. he's a whiny white guy, what else is there to say? elise said that his set was very good, and i trust her because she knew every song he played. i can't find a list of the songs right now, but they should put one up at this site soon. anyway. bravo, ben folds. you were a funny kid.
we didn't have to wait long at all before tori came onstage. before she entered, there was a ‘voiceover' kinda deal of "wampum prayer" before the band came in. they started to play before tori flittered out onto the stage wearing ... well she looked like a little flame from where we were. she was in orange and yellow...? i remember how it looked in my head, but i can't translate it into real colors, oddly enough. she opened with "a sorta fairytale" which seemed so very obvious, but i didn't really mind. she played a LOT from scarlet's walk. in the past when i've seen bands/artists promoting their new album, they don't tend to play THAT much material from it. in fact, she didn't play anything from choirgirl... it was like when ani played nothing from not a pretty girl when i saw her at new daisy. oh well, it was okay. unlike with the ani situation, choirgirl is NOT my favorite album, by far. the set was really good, though as i said, a little too much scarlet for me. i wish i could've seen her a few years ago... oh well, too bad for me. i wish i was older. i won't go into it right now because then i'd just get depressed about missing the entire riot grrrl movement. ohhhh. anyway. the way they were set up, tori had one main piano and she could turn around on the bench(?) and play another piano, or a keyboard. sometimes she played two different ones at once, and it was quite awesome. there were times when just the band would be playing and she sort of supported herself on the two pianos, with her back to the audience... like i've read, a tori show is a very magical experience. i loved hearing different versions of familiar songs -- she played some classic solo ones with the band, and some classic band ones solo, so change is good. the lighting was very high-tech, also. i really love lighting at shows, because i think that even if it's cheap as shit, it can be really powerful. no lighting is nice too, but you know what i mean. it's just so very *rockstar* and i love that kind of thing. i'd love to do lights for a muisican. or be a roadie. or be in a fucking band. where is my damn band? somebody come over and bring any sick excuse for an instrument that you have got. anyway i guess it would be really sickening for me to go through the whole set list, when you can read it here. elise knew about 7 songs, i think, not counting the covers -- "i'm on fire" by bruce springsteen, "nights in white satin" by the moody blues, and an improv break into "feel the earth move" by carole king, in the middle of tori's song "take to the sky." i think elise would've at least recognized some more songs if she'd been listening to the albums we played in the car all the way to atlanta, but that's not my problem. the last song of the set was "precious things" which was amazing of course. that's a really intense song, and as it turns out, even more so live, what with tori grabbing her crotch and singing/playing a lot more fiercely than the album version. i think on the first few listens to that song, it's really easy to miss the anger, which is such the driving force for the song. oh and also during "father lucifer" (SO glad she played that!) she gave the finger to the "girls who eat pizza and never gain weight" which i loved, because it's a great line, even though it made me feel silly for being skinny. hahaa oh well. she left the stage briefly, and of course returned shortly, with two songs for an encore. first she played "god" which also felt a little obvious. she also fucked up one of the lines, which was amusing, and later in the song, instead of "god, sometimes you just don't come through," sang "tori, sometimes you just don't come through, girl." that was amusing. then she played "mary" and left the stage again. i'm very glad she came back for a second encore, because i think "mary" would've been a very disappointing close for hte evening. she came back and played an uber-long version of "space dog" featuring the andromeda improv opener, which made me REALLY happy. i'd sort of vibed for her to play that all night. that and "doughtnut song" which she played directly after. and right after THAT, as the final song, she played "your cloud" (which is the song that reprsents Memphis on teh scarlet's walk album) so i think i was just sending subliminal messages to tori through that end bit. it was a sweet little close. all in all, she'd only played one song i didn't know -- a b-side called "tombigbee" which i quite enjoyed. 8/24 songs from scarlet which has been my least favorite album, actually, but maybe i'll appreciate it more after having heard/seen some of it live. i have much better appreciation for the song "nights in white satin" now that i have heard tori's version. well okay. maybe not appreciation. but tori can make anything sound sincere, genuine, and beautiful (instead of the world's cheesiest piece of shit song ever). i was SO glad that she played "bells for her," also, because i'd really been in the mood for that one in the car on the way to atlanta earlier that day. also the way she ennunciates "blaaaan-ket" in the live version is so lovely. oh tori i hardly knew ye. why did you go and leave me? she played only 3 songs from pele which really is my favorite album, i think, even thoguh all the critics say it is the most "challenging" and "difficult" one. they like to generalize it because it's the one that was made after tori broke up with an important boyfriend, the way that they generalize jagged little pill into being so intensely angry. fucking critics. i'd be the best critic ever. not really, because my reviews would end up being exactly like this. i like that tori's b-sides are just as important as her album tracks. most of them are b-sides because they didn't want to be on the albums, according to tori. she played 4 of those, and i was proud to know 3 of them. the tori audience is, as i have discovered, NOT a dancing one. maybe it was just the venue or something, but we remained in our seats the whole time. i would've liked to stand for part of the time, maybe, but i would've been blocking the view for kids behind me and i didn't want to be rude. maybe we were just in the wrong part of the crowd, or something. but the dancing mostly consisted of rocking back and forth in one's seat. the amphitheatre sported 2 huge-screen TVs on either side of the stage, and they had quite a few nice close-ups of tori looking incredibly elfish and beautiful. i really enjoyed her solo set (3 songs) in the middle of the show, but i thought the band was great fun to watch. the bassist sometimes played this crazy thing that looked like a tiny upright bass.... no idea what that was. and sometimes the drummer played with mallets, rather than sticks. he also could play the bongos with one hand and the maracas with the other, which probably isn't that great, but impressed the hell out of me.
the show was amazing, and i'm so glad we went. it was really strange getting in the car afterwards, where we'd actually been listening to "father lucifer" on boys for pele and sort of thinking "wow this voice was just a human flame on that stage." or maybe it was just really late and i was tired. we stopped at some gas station to eat food and change into our uniforms before falling asleep on the long trip back to memphis. and at school, i wasn't even that tired. imagine that.

listening to: tori amos - the doughnut song
(dear god, go download this song. okay at least read the lyrics. it's amazing.)

Sunday, August 31, 2003

i truly need to marry frank black. i bought his cd last night. speaking of, last night/yesterday post-school was absolutely beautiful. school itself was pretty shit, and i was not in the best mood. they changed my schedule. not too drastically, but now i have study hall in 4th period and jennings in 7th, which i do NOT like at all. that means that i have to think after history. i loved having c lunch and then only one class after that. so i'm depressed now. AND becca doesn't have lunch with me, brock, katherine d, and sallis anymore. they fucked up her whole schedule but couldn't manage to slip her into any of my classes. it's way too depressing to think about.
obviously i had a not-great day, except for that the mystery girl was my lab partner and that was very nice. i pretended to know what i was doing. i think i must come off to her as much more confident and way smarter than i am. i've been doing really well on the worksheets in there, and she... has not. oh well, she still talks to me for lack of other things to do. i want to talk to her about music but i don't know how to bring it up. oh well maybe i'll randomly make her a mix.
allison and i both made 75s on the angela's ashes test. allison's theory is that ms. wexler hates blacks and punks. we'll never win. however, i made a 93 on the grapes of wrath test. (wexler couldn't weasel her way out of that one -- it was scantron.) i think my algae test went okay, also. i'm doing pretty good in there so far. i need to shut up about school now before i die.
so after school i was left all alone in our normal spot for like 15 minutes in the rain. it was really depressing as well. i remembered that allison had told me about everyone going to el mezcal, by davis-kidd, after school and sort of invited me only i was thinking about it as one of those "you can come if you want" kind of things that are just open to everyone and i never go. but i was sitting there alone and i realized that that was where everyone was. and i was lonely, so i got dad to take me over there. nice ole dad. so i had a nice non-lunch (not my fault that i actually FINISHED my bagel for once, at real lunch!) with allison, elizabeth, lauren henry and her sister, brock, jenny, katherine w, nisha, meg, and christie. afterwards, allison organized brock, jenny, and me into power ranges, which elizabeth filmed on her digi. then elizabeth took allison back to her home, which is in the Forest Lakes ghetto, in the middle of a forest, on an otter, in a lake. quite snazzy. then she was going to take everyone else home, but we were like "let's doo something!" only brock had told his mom that we were going to be at my house, so she took us there. i thought that she was then going to leave with jenny, but no! it was happy and everyone came into our hell hole house and had a partay. we looked at the old 6th grade grahamwood yearbook and watched some movie things and had something of a BRA meeting (too bad katherine d wasnt there). jenny's mom and brother ross came to get her, and we showed them some film stuff. she told jenny that if she didn't want to leave, she could stay longer so that was very happy and she did. at some point elise called and an hour or so later, she and robin showed up. a little while after that, jenny got hungry so we went to taco bell/starbucks to find some food. i called margaret, so she, christie, katherine w, and ronnie met up with us there. we loitered in the parking lot and it was too much fun. it felt very movie, because of the huge amount of people, and i was very hyper. brock's mom had to come get him at 9:15 because she wanted to sleep, and she refuses to go to bed until he gets home. a little while after that, christie, katherine, and margaret took ronnie home. while they were away, the rest of us walked across the street to walgreens. we hung out in the makeup aisle for a really long time and i felt out of place, so i walked over to the diapers and called laylee. she didn't pick up, though. then i walked around alone for a while and played with the dancing hamsters. eventually, christie called and told us that they were at turtle's. we walked over there which was somewhat silly, because that meant that we'd have to later walk the 10 minutes back to the car at 10pm down poplar... oh well, that's life and no one listens to moi. but only two cars honked at us, so i guess life is good. we hung out at turtle's for a bit, and i bought frank black's 'teenager of the year' which i do not regret at all. margaret got yeah yeah yeahs (YAYYY) and lucinda williams (i think). there was this GREAT little girl listening to headphones and rapping. i smiled at her but it probably freaked her out. that's life though. so christie piled everyone, minus katherine and margaret, into her car and drove us back to elizabeth's and elise's cars, where we then disolved into Midtown and East Memphis cars and went our separate ways.
the night was really great, but there were actually a lot of things that just got sort of grated my nerves. it was like that even more when i got home and got online... it's kind of hard to explain how i had such a great time and yet still gt annoyed at shit constantly. i think it had to do with the fact that there were so many people, so somebody could do something slightly annoying while 2 other people were doing something happy so i ended up mostly okay. that was basically it. the end.
i woke up at 11am today and spent all day on and off the phone with brock. (i also got to talk to becca briefly, and she is going to come record tomorrow. yayyy!) he got over here eventually, in the early evening, armed with watercolor paper and paints. brock, morgan, and i sat around watching old school 90s music videos while he messed with paints, and listened to shirley q. liquor, and ate some brownies. mom kept offering to take us somewhere, but we never thought of anything. at one point we went back to my room hoping to call someone and get out of the house for a while, but we got kind of distracted. eventually brock called margaret while i got out of my pajamas, but she didn't answer and he didn't leave a message. then we sat on my window ledge for a bit until we fell out, naked, because we were drunk, followed by our heroin junkie friends and some coppas. luckily we landed in my pool. but my glasses got damn wet. unfortunately, our heroin friends drowned and died, but brock and i managed to get back into the house. he decided that sitting on the window ledge had hurt his back anyway, so he lay on my bed and i lay on the window ledge. we talked for a long time and it was tres beautiful. it was a really nice night, and i'm very glad i got to see him. i wish he could've been here longer, but i always do. his mom came far too early, at around 9 again. i loaded him off with all his birthday gifts from last weekend, and as he was walking out the door he said "maybe i'll call your later." it was very post-sex and quite hilarious. unfortunately, he was "too tired" to do that when he got home so it didn't happen. bastard. men are all the same.

listening to: frank black - freedom rock
(did i mention how GREAT teenager of the year is? i will seriously make copies for any of you guys you want it, because it is amazing. dear god, PLEASE let me burn it for you.)

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

today was one of those days that when you look back on it, you could make it sound REALLY good because there were several really nice little moments. but unfortunately you didn't pay enough attention to them at the time and they didn't seem like that big of a deal. so it doesn't really add up. i was thinking about doing another list of happy momentos but i so did that a post ago. well.
i flitted all around school before homeroom this morning. i did my happy jump thingie on elise and sallis's shoulders. (to me it's happy. it probably isn't to anyone else. i've never had anyone do it to me, so i hope it isn't painful.... alack! someone tell me if it is.) i also ended my day with happy jump thingie into laylee and kevin. reading "the scarlet letter" for english has become a homeroom activity... but at least it feels like i make progress with a chapter a day ho ho ho. in chemistry, i didn't get the chance to say hey to the mystery girl until after class, but we walked along together until she split for band. there was a little bit of silent space, which i didn't MIND exactly but i hated not having something to say. i'm new with this meeting people thing. especially when i am not the more shy person. help help help me out here.
we had a fire drill in third period. that was super exciting. allison and i just stood around and she sang her theme song to her not-tv show. "THIS IS THE ALLISON FORD SHOW, YOU BITCH ASS HO!" and somebody's car alarm went off for about 40 years while we stood on the practice field. excitement out the frame. in algae, we took a word problems test. i kept that mutha for the whole period and i was probably the last person to turn it in. so i hope that i did okay. for some reason i like to do okay in math. i was sad because i didn't have my regular walk to fifth period with becca, i don't know where she was. but i saw tarah for about 2 seconds, which was really nice since i nevah evah see her. latin was hilarious as always. it was really funny when we checked homework, because meg had copied mine and she answered the first question. and ms. lafon was like "MEG YOURE A GENIUS." and she was like "i know." whahahaha. funny to me anyway.
lunch was great because allison's fifth period class took a test so they had c lunch with us. she was hilarious as always. there was much throwing of food and genius wittiness by allison and myself. we're punk as fuck, i don't know how we do it. lunch felt long today, too. before history, i danced around the classroom and sang devo. i was incredibly hyper. we did a roleplay kinda thing today with the british vs. the colonists which was funnish. i worked up my nerve to go talk to ms. ervin after school today, but it's a wednesday so she was off at faculty junt. she's very intimidating, but i like her. elizabeth turner joined study hall fun today, but mr. myers or whoever reassigned seats. sad face. elizabeth and margaret sit in the same row, a couple back from me. so we're not too far apart. sometimes the ms. reagin's theatre class is on the stage (i have no idea why) but they close the curtains. today i could hear kevin doing some skit with his big loud funny voice. ohhh that was happy. then when i went outside after school, becca, laylee, and kevin were standing in a little row. and all at once they told me that they were leaving but all at once laylee grabbed my shirt from the middle, becca kissed my left cheek, and kevin kissed my right palm. it was beautiful and every day should be so lovely. lalala in heaven.
i've concluded that i'm shrinking. or maybe brock is growing impossibly tall. but last year katherine made me feel like i was shrinking, so i don't know. brock said i probably just have very bad posture, which was so comforting you know. but i love after-school time with brock and robin and lauren henry and allison. it's just like old times. le sigh.
i got a package from brandon. 3 cds - Kaytee Bodle, Atom and his Package's A Society of People Named Elihu and Hamn's Hamn the Man!
notes-- what i listened to of kaytee is okay, i like some songs a lot more than others. it's just 18 songs that brandon downloaded and put onto a cd, because i don't think she has her own.
hamn is brandon's band. this is a five-track EP featuring only 2 songs that i recognized - "From AIDS To Caviar" and "Gothica/Hats Off To Strap-Ons"
i am so in love with atom. this is my fourth atom and his package cd. it's really good - his second album, from 1997. in some ways it's a lot more fun in just a completely goofy way, if that's possible. maybe it's just the fact that he was younger and just starting out and whatnot. so i get this cd and i go to check out atom's website. and it says that his last show EVER is in philly on friday night. i'm devestated. atom, i hardly knew thee. i hope that he starts a new career right away because i don't know if i can hold up. well i still have one more album to buy. and a couple EPs. and all the merch.

listening to: kaytee bodle - shook me off

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Concerts are:
-not being able to see over the barricade of tall guys in front of me and my friends helping me push to where i can see
-red x on my hand indicating that i'm a minor and i can't go up to the bar
-a woman wearing a tight white nurse dress clutching her ass with her boyfriend's hand
-covering my own embarrassing body head to toe until i am music head to toe
-a stage cast in glittering fluorescent filtered light shedding smoke to the music
-my thighs touching when i sway
-just bodies and music
-so many people with one connected mind
-intensely quick roadies running out to fix the shit
-the drummer and the bassist singing strong even though they don't have mics
-eyeing the beautiful girl with the nose ring and the beautiful boy with pink hair
-seeing the stage more clearly than the people right next to me even though there's a huge cloud of smoke in between me and the performers
-thinking that the rhythm guitarist just made eye contact with me
-scissorkicks and swing moves and those great jumps that rock bands do
-the musician actually glowing on stage, and that is no metaphor
-remembering that the music comes from people and not photographs, that they wear clothes and have expressions
-falling in love with them for being real and having the strength to make so much sound
-the drum pound pounding right in my head and the guy is practically standing now, he's playing so hard
-finding escape and relief in the mixed smell of cigarettes and pot clinging to my clothes and skin for days after my ears start to work properly again
-a slight reverb in my ear making me think that more people are singing than there are. i think i can hear ghosts.
-touching my neck to hear my own bones vibrating to the hum of the sound and when i scream i feel it bursting through my throat because in here i can be the loudest
-all of my bones shaking with little solid stale water flying down my spine
-learning a new beat from the bass pounding my weak heart and it's trembling with sound
-not just that i want to marry the bassist that got him into my heart. he shattered my pulse and if someone were to check, i'd be pronounced physically unfit
-pumping blood coursing through my whole body and shaking up all my veins and teaching me to dance
-so loud that i can't hear myself think and this is what i have been looking for every time i turned on the stereo or put on headphones
and this is just what i need

help me add more to this list because it isn't long enough and help me fix this because i can't express this very well.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

i know what god wants

today was ok for the most part. ms. haughton, my latin teacher, noticed for the first time that i wasn't in uniform. she took me into the hall and asked me about things and she told me to rethink my decision to appeal and all this. it was ridiculous. if i was braver i would have said something more intelligent/intelligible. in other uniform news, i am SO SICK of hearing people (guys especially) tell me how it doesn't matter and that you can do more damage from 'the inside' anyway. i can't even go into the ridiculousness of that.
oh yeah, by the way, zak baker joined hardcore club after morgan and brittany and i told him how we hated it and how awful it was. and he won't tell us what he did to get into it. probably because he doesn't want us to tell his parents or something, is what i guess. and he asked again today about the hunter thompson video. i was like 'it sucks' and he was like 'i dont care!' but then we had to start rehearsing. in rehearsal news, he's beautiful. in performance news, i play something/someone different in every scene, but that's really typical. it's not relaly like you're suppposed to keep up with who we are. in the scene that we just started to work on today and we're going to do some more with tommorow, i am the famous surrealist poet robert desnos. i think that i am one of the characters, with (two) lines because i was so bad at the little game we did at one of the auditions that the chorus is going to be doing while the surrealists do the surreal thing. or maybe bill thinks i'm a poet haha? i'm nervous about having actual lines to memorize. also, bill said that we would be getting a sense of what part of artaud we were playing by what we had to do in different scenes and i am just completely lost, i swear to god. in the first scene in which we resurrect artaud, i have two lines about flesh and bone and all this. and, later, a line about "so the stillness of the night silences all obscenities." also i am one of lot's daughters (from the bible), in this painting and that is really horrifying. it's also my last scene. i'm going to shut up about the play now. i remember, rereading some things i said about synesthesia, how much i went on and on about nothing.
yesterday a girl named feagin in my seventh period class came up and asked me about why i wasn't wearing the uniform and we talked through.. the whole class. (people were finishing their projects that they were supposed to have finished on friday.) she's a freshman and she asked for my screen name. today we chatted a bit and i found out that she has pretty awesome taste in music (bright eyes, elliott smith, ani difranco, aimee mann, tool, a whole lot of shit i can't remember) and she made a chat with me and a few of her friends who go to white station, one of whom was the girl that used to be in my math class, that i talked to for a milisecond at davis-kidd and who has waved to me in the hall a few times (sam[antha]) point being that that was very cool and coincidental. in other news on the social frontier, i am feeling like a total r*t@rd at this moment. i swear, i feel like i should stop talking to people altogether. yes, i love sharing my music and taste with the world but, of course, i am never recognized for it and everyone else on the planet just is. because i know how to pick my friends. it's like becca's friend who was in the homecoming court that likes bikini kill becuase becca introduced it to her because laylee introduced it to HER because i introduced it to laylee. ditto with rasputina and margaret earthman the cheerleader. and today becca herself (as you can read on her blog, if you know where it is. i don't think i'm supposed to link though) was just randomly talked to by three completely awesome people just sitting at starbucks because she radiates coolness. that and she had a sleater-kinney sticker on her backpack. and they talked about bikini kill, rasputina, and bonfire madigan. katherine dohan is on the morning announcement staff and they played L'Trimm's "cars that go boom" for the song of the day when i discovered that several of katherine's friends had heard the song through her and. there's the usual, of course. i don't know i'm all jealous i guess. that and i know that when they get "famous" or at least they all turn out as really great musicians that i will be sitting around in some shit job and envying the hell out of them because i dropped oboe and never picked up guitar/bass/drums/piano/triangle/cowbell.

Monday, September 16, 2002

been rubbing a bad charm with holy fingers

so weekend. on friday, brittany and i had wanted to do something but she stayed home for waiting Button Boy to get online or call her or something along the lines of communication, which he did not. by the time i think she may have wanted to do something, i had made plans to go out with elise, robin, and brock. however, they never came to pick me (or brock) up. apparently elise and robin went on a walk and lost track of time or something. i went to bed fairly early.
on saturday, the first thing i did in the morning was listen to our lovely Launch radio station so i suggest that you should to. it's pretty good. i can't exactly perfect it because i'm trying to only rate songs that we've done previously for music log. at some point, margaret graves called and asked if i was going to the cooper-young festival. no, i had not left yet at 1pm because brittany couldn't get a ride and i couldn't get in touch with laylee. margaret and i met at java cabana and watched part of Mutant Space Bats of Doom's show or whatever theyre called. i think that's about right. the band is bennett foster, zak baker, linton holiday, and hunter deacon. ask me about getting some stills, since i filmed a bit of it. (a very little bit.) but still. i found laylee, becca, katherine, and meg but i didnt really keep up with them. when i first saw laylee she hugged me HUGE and philip jacobson stared. it made me very happy. we were everywhere. margaret and i were trying to get some hardcore club footage. katherine was JUST ABOUT to go over and interview them (with my lovely questions) but they fucking left. it was terrible. of course, laylee and becca went with them so there went the party. we should have stalked them, i'm so serious. so we got a few random people to say "i hate the hardcore club" and that was great enough in itself. margaret and i sat in java cabana for a while and just talked and that was really nice. that makes me want to hang out with her (and meg and katherine warren and christie and heather) more often. at some point we walked to felix to meet my mom, who took us to auditions for the upcoming play, the momo's curse (by our own voice) at theatreworks. margaret said she really enjoyed the auditions (which are not real auditions) but that she thought she'd done a terrible job dancing. i can't say if it's true or not because i didn't see her (ehoaoeieowooiwi i'm terrible). her dad picked her up, and my mom dropped morgan and i back off at cooper-young festival for an hour because i wanted to see if anyone i knew was still there, which they were not. except for zak, who morgan talked to. it might have been more interesting if i had remembered to bring the camera that time but i had not. and then maybe if we'd had anything to eat besides cokes (in bottles!) but we did not. mom picked us up on tanglewood (we'd been sitting there watching this great dog jump practically over his fence) and we ate backyard burger. mom said that elise had called, wanting to know if i could come with them to cooper-young and mom said they were probably already there but i hadnt seen them obviously. when we got home, i called kevin's cell (amusing that they'd be together. jesus i really do treat them like they're married.) and he was just pulling up at elise's house, so i talked to her and she invited morgan and i to come watch the royal tennenbaums with her, brock, and kevin at his house. i accepted of course and it was gala event. for those of you who care, elise's hair is now Super Blond. after the movie (which i loved for the third time) kevin drove us home because he's the sweetest thing. i stayed up too late just sitting around online.
sunday when i woke up, we went to the second auditions for momo's curse. katherine was there and that was happy. afterwards i sat around online a good bit and then did my homework. the end.
today... well this week at school is spirit week so today was Wear What You Want Day. i was going to wear the uniform because it would have been ghastly funny but i don't have one. so i just wore jeans (surprise, surprise) and my bob & doug mckenzie shirt because they are my idols. margaret gave me back my comet gain cd. meg has my sleater-kinney one beat, becca still has doolittle by the pixies (which i desperately miss), and elise STILL has dig me out by sleater-kinney. margaret was reenacting her massive fall from this morning, at lunch today, with my backpack. and when she slung it over her head and made it fly she brutally crushed my comet gain cd case but thats ok becuase i'm sure there's an extra one somewhere. also at lunch, ted link came and sat down at our table but he only talked to sam (jazz band drummer guy that i think katherine warren likes) so that was really crazy. actually hardcore was brought up somehow and he said that he'd STARTED IT! meg asked if we could make a documentary about it but i dont think he heard and that completely sucks.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

and when you're near, no sky was ever quite as clear

i stayed home from school today. my throat is murderous. morgan, brittany, and i spent the weekend shooting and editting footage for the "get up" (song by sleater-kinney) video that morgan is directing. i would upload five seconds of it for you, i really would, but there is no server right now. so instead. you can download the song here and imagine all the great things we are doing with it.
in other news, i'm probably going to have to wear the uniform. i am very pissed off but i am glad that i at least tried.
in other other news, i just listened to the plumb cd and i like it even less than i did when i first got it.
if anyone knows where to get nice, free blog layouts/skins/templates/whatevers... please direct me. thank you.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

she didn't leave until the last flame died

yesterday mom and i went to maggie's pharm. then dad and i went to legba records and last chance records. i am in love with all three of those places. i am in love with midtown. forever. maggie's pharm has candles and incense and smelly stuff and earrings and greeting cards and all these things. legba records is pretty small, it didn't take long to go through all their cds. they have a bigger vinyl selection. apparently, the guy who runs the store (who IS the staff) was acknowledged by the white stripes before a concert they did. wow. he saw me eyeing this signed promotional sleater-kinney poster on the wall and told me that he'd gotten the new album in just that day. and he sold it to me early!! it doesn't come out until tuesday! i also got the first sleater-kinney album, which i had never seen until yesterday and it was really cheap too, for a new cd. the nice man also gave me a FREE. SIGNED. SLEATER-KINNEY POSTER, which i am going to get framed, i swear to god. i also picked up a couple other free posters. (mary timony, yeah yeah yeahs, mecca normal, and something for laylee.) then we went to last chance records which was just this little room literally CRAMMED with stuff. much more unorganized than legba. they had a huge vinyl section too, but many more cds. they also had a bunch of different sections, including a seperate 'punk' section. the first thing that caught my eye was the brand new bonfire madigan 88 ep which you can only get online. so i had to buy it of course but it was too expensive, for just five songs. then i started looking for a cd for laylee's birthday (because turtle's had sold what i wanted to get her.) during that, i accidentally found back to go by the third sex and the need's first album. i have literally never seen those and i just had to get them. of course, now i am eternally in debt to my father because i also got one more gift cd. if you are laylee you should probably not read this, but i couldn't find ANYTHING that you want. i am hoping that you have gotten them already or at least some money to buy those cds with. i'm sorry. i could have gone to another store to get one of those but 1. i had already spent all my money and more 2. i already had a gift. and i'm going to burn you all these things that i got. the woman behind the counter at last chance was awesome. she told me that she has both of the need's albums, and that she listens to the other one more. she told me that she was going to order that one too so that i could come buy it. or somebody could. she also said she'd order team dresch but i told her i had both those albums, so i don't know if she's still planning to do that. when i got home i called brittany but her mom said that she was in town (meaning memphis) with her dad at some karate thing. that made me mad because if she'd called before she left, we could have done something and she could have spent the night. she got back home like five minutes later and called me back. her parents didnt want to drive her back in, and my parents didnt either. so i don't get to give her the rest of her present (i already gave her signed books over the summer) and i don't get to see laylee at all. anyway later last night i went to kevin's house (morgan actually came too). him, his friend eddie, elise, lauren, morgan, and i watched monty python and the holy grail and pulp fiction. it was an ... interesting double feature. i'd seen pulp fiction once and monty python about a million billion times. it was nice getting to see kevin, elise, and lauren again and eating all of kevin's chex mix. today i listened to a cd by the dead milkmen that heather hyden loaned me and i really like it. it's their Best Of cd, but it's incredibly short! (less than a half hour.) and that is remotely annoying no matter how much i like it.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

rain falls on everyone

i just realized that i haven't even talked about school yet. so uh. let's see. monday was the first day - a half day. it was sick. everyone, as in EVERYONE that i laid my eyes on, was wearing uniforms. if you don't know, uniforms consist of white, grey, or dark green collared, button-down, tucked-in polo shirts and black, khaki, or navy "slacks" with belts for guys. for more details go here. and also, if you don't know, my friends and i have been complaining and protesting uniforms since they day the board voted. and for your information, i am the only person i know who is not wearing them. yes. i guess i have turned into a rebel. the first day, i wore jeans and my sleater-kinney shirt. a girl standing with madison young told me that she liked my shirt, but i don't know if she actually likes s-k or if she just liked the fact that i wasn't wearing the uniform. no random people have said anything about it except for a guy who just read my shirt out loud as i passed by on the second day ("the dishes.") and i have no idea what that statement was supposed to do. some people that i talk to ask him why i'm not wearing it ("why should i?! i don't want to") or how i'm not wearing it ("i just didn't wear it.") or if i've got exempt ("uhh... not yet.") and i think the main reason none of my teachers have said anything yet is because it isn't going to be enforced until september 3, according to the newspaper and the board. actually, my homeroom teacher mr. starron, on the first day, said to me while giving me my schedule, "you know that's not uniform." and i told him that i knew. then during his lovely Beginning Of The Year speech, he said (OBVIOUSLY directed at me) that he would not tolerate students not wearing the uniform and that he wouldn't let us in class if we weren't wearing it. so when i was leaving class, he stopped me and said "make sure you wear the uniform tomorrow." and i told him that i didn't believe in it. i'm very proud of myself for that. i think the thing with me not wearing the uniform makes me somewhat braver because i'm openly me ALL the time and people can see it. and i can't get away with being shy or anything because i'm sticking out like a sore thumb. and it's what they expect of me now, too. like they used to expect me to be so quiet and good and whatever and now i'm like. a juvenile delinquent. aside from s-k and the dishes, i've worn my ani difranco shirt and this black polo i bought to be ironic, but i don't think anyone got it. they just thought i forgot that we couldnt wear black or something. katherine asked me if i was caving in. so much for sarcasm. my geography teacher finally realized today that i wasn't wearing the uniform and i thought it was funny because today i was wearing the most blendie shirt.
browning: are we not wearing the uniform today?
me: no
browning: are we ever going to wear it?
me: no
browning: why not?
me: i don't believe in it and my parents don't believe in it.
and i couldn't tell if she was getting at something or if she hates me now or anything because she was just smiling away the whole time.
it's very nice because i can actually look forward to seeing some people at school. i have faces to look for in the halls and people to sit with at lunch. people that i actually LIKE and i'm really looking forward to getting to know them really well. another thing too is that a lot of these people seem very music-oriented so i can't wait to slap them with my tastes and borrow some CDs. in fact, last night i burned both albums by the pixies for both meg and brock. i have no idea how they will handle it, but brock said he likes to listen to things he's never heard of and i know that meg has heard bands she likes mention the pixies because everyone loves them. including me. don't know about you, but i am un chien andalusia.

Homeroom - Starron - 25 - with crappy people and a mean teacher
Unified Geometry Honors - Underwood - 224 - with nobody that i really know. becca foerhing
Pre-AP English - Douglas - 034 - katherine dohan, margaret graves
Geography Honors - Browning - 35 - nobody really. amanda trenshaw
Latin II Honors - Haughton - 11 - meg kerr, nina verevkina, ima paydar, melissa tuttle, dan ying liu, jenny luo, frankie blalock, hunter thompson
Etymology - Blankinship - 14 - meg, melissa, frankie
Biology Honors - Tate - 226 - heather hyden

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

laylee on the song "get up" which she just downloaded from.. wherever the link is down there on the right someplace. ahahha

BlinkChik441: i dledthe song!!!!!!!
BlinkChik441: lololl
BlinkChik441: the get up thhinggggggn
BlinkChik441: fcucccckk
BlinkChik441: youuuuu
Biting Flame: waeghwagepoaihwe
Biting Flame: im trying to fix the poll
BlinkChik441: whoa this is weird
BlinkChik441: shes like a dying goat
Biting Flame: i dont actually know whats wrong
BlinkChik441: shes like having a seizure
BlinkChik441: hahah
BlinkChik441: the song
BlinkChik441: lol
Biting Flame: hagwpohgawopiahagwh
BlinkChik441: lolol
BlinkChik441: whoa thats just flat out UNATTRACTIVE
BlinkChik441: diude shes like a goman= goat/woman
BlinkChik441: muahahahahaha
BlinkChik441: GOMAN GOMAN
BlinkChik441: how doyou liek the GOMAN ALANNA GREGORY PANTS?!??MAHHAHA
Biting Flame: what are you talking about laylee
Biting Flame: god dammit
Biting Flame: what song
BlinkChik441: GETUP
BlinkChik441: from ur website
BlinkChik441: shesa fucking goatwoman!!!!!!
Biting Flame: O.O WHAT
Biting Flame: WHY
BlinkChik441: hahah
BlinkChik441: have you heard the fuckign song!?
Biting Flame: -_- yes
BlinkChik441: can you possibly really not know what the fuck im tlaking about?!
BlinkChik441: ahaha