Tuesday, February 22, 2022

performance review

[[Yesterday we attempted the six-word memoir. Today we take on the six sentence paragraph. Here's the catch: you must not repeat any words in all of these six sentences--not even a, and, or the.

I have found that this exercise is easier when approaching it as a painter might. Find a subject to study and draw inspiration from it (a bowl of fruit, a melting mountain of snow, a nude model, etc. :).]]

Aldous, whose wide mouth wears many flavors, entrances enchants inspires with each waving sound. Falling effortless into clown, queen, prince, voice of a kiss finds its meandering way through almost-honesty, closest thing to true. See how meaning clothes her body? Intentions become actualized as gesture, squint, breath, weighted vibrations, spun song. She straddles beauty and terror; we adore this – held captive like the towered princess reaching toward mother horizon, untouchable.

I try writing about music but can’t not be floated away; you just must listen.

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