today was mom's birthday. it was pretty nice. we watched grosse point blank which i had surprisingly never seen before. john cusack is still my ultimate hero. men named "john" do unspeakable things to me. we mostly waded around all day not cleaning for once. we had tortillas for dinner and gave mom her presents (some DVDs and a birdhouse, since we're already overrun with books from ALA). morgan went to a meeting with crazy hutchison for the movie he's making. morgan got the part of "sister's friend" and i'm very proud. i tried to take a nap but had no success, so i made a bit of progress in both my summer reading and daydreaming. when morgan came home, we went out for dessert at this place in overton square that i've forgotten the name of. it's french, and we couldn't eat there because they were booked up since it's bastille day. this is pretty funny since i didn't know that was an actually celebrated holiday in america. what's more funny is that my mom's birthday is the french independce day, while my dad's is the american one. ho ho ho. so we hightailed it over to melange. the real restaurant was all reserved too so we sat in the little outer smoking/bar area. i had creme brulee and coffee, which was very nice. it was discovered yet again that i am a horrifyingly slow eater.
in other news, i got to talk to brandon on the phone twice today as well as online during his lunch break. the boy takes up too much of my time.
i need to go read some more from this a passage to india mess.
listening to: sarah harmer - go to sleep
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