Wednesday, July 17, 2002

we take metaphors this far

this is probably illegal, but this book hasnt actually been published yet. and who's looking? anyway, this is an excerpt from feed by m.t. anderson and. well. please read it when it comes out in october.

Violet was off someplace talking to the doctor. I say “someplace” because we were using the examination room to blow needles at an anatomical guy’s basket.
Link and Calista were standing real close by the vibrating bath, and I realized that they had probably decided to hook up. It looked like Calista was getting over Link being so stupid, which was brag, because he’s a nice guy. Quendy sat there on the table, glaring at them.
Violet came back from the doctor. She was all intense looking. She said she’d found a place she wanted to show me. I said sure, and I went wit her. We went out into the hall. Now I could hear the lights again. The shouting from the examination room was more distant. We walked for a ways through some tubes and so on. People floated by automatically on gurneys.
She walked in front of me. Her slippers went fitik, fitik, sliss, fitik on the floors. They were soft sounds, like the sounds mouths make when they open and close. I watched here from behind. When we stopped to wait for an uptube, she lifted her ankle so her heel came out of the slipper, and with her toes she slid it back and forth on the tiles without thinking about it. She massaged the floor. When the uptube was free, she settled her foot back in, and walked, fitik, fitik, sliss, fitik, right on in.
She took me up to a huge window. We stood in front of it. Outside the window, there had been a garden, like, I guess you could call it a courtyard or a terrarium? But a long time ago the glass ceiling over the terrarium had cracked, and so everything was dead, and there was moon dust all over everything out there. Everything was gray.
Also, something was leaking air and heat out in the garden, lots of waste air, and the air was rocketing off into space through the hole, so all of the dead vines in the garden were standing straight up, slapping back and forth, pulled toward the crack in the ceiling where we could see the stars.
“Whoa,” I said.
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“It’s like…,” I said. “It’s like a squid in love with the sky.”
She was only looking at me, which was nice. I hadn’t felt anything like that for a long time.
She rubbed my head, and she went, “You’re the only one of them that uses metaphor.”
She was staring at me, and I was staring at her, and I moved toward her, and we kissed. The vines beat against each other out in the gray, dead garden, they were all writhing against the spine of the Milky Way on its edge, and for the first time, I felt her spine too, each knuckle of it, with my fingers, while the air leaked and the plants whacked each other near the silent stars.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

commander venus
that dog
natalie macmaster
k's choice
black lab
dead milkmen
pj harvey
missy elliott
kasey chambers
crzy britsih reefer song
blue citrus hearts
gore gore girls
amazing plaid

early punk this person has some cool stuff.


Friday, July 12, 2002

1. What's your name: alanna
2. What do you wish your name was, instead: alanna's fine. but if i changed it, i would make it something totally weird. like skank zero.
3. How old are you:15
4. Would you ever eat sushi? probably not
5. Would you ever eat sushi off a naked body? why would i want to do that? no.
6. Have you ever considered homosexuality? yes
7. What's your sexual preference? i dont know
8. What were you in a past life? an apple haghal
9. I punch you. Quick, what do you do? lose conciousness
10. When confronted with Britney Spears, you...? suck her bone marrow
11. What's your favorite coffee? i like starbucks fraps
13. Are you my Angel? no
14. Do you consider yourself a poet? not really. i try
15. What do you wanna be when you grow up? i dont know.
16. There's a naked man in your living room. What do you do? call the police
17. How stupid do you think you are? pretty stupid. everyone's stupid.
18. How stupid do other people think you are? incredibly
19. Who do you think you are? i dont know
20. Is the Wonderbra good or bad? bad i guess. i've never owned one
22. What's your favorite fruit? apple
23. Can you feel the love tonight? definitely not
24. On a nude beach, you would...? leave
25. Make up a story with yourself, a bridge, and a rabbit: once upon a time alanna attempted to walk over the bridge but the evil rabbit troll underneath hopped out and snarled and alanna thought it was the monty python rabbit so she screamed and lost conciousness and was eaten alive.
26. What do you think about contemporary art? it depends. how contemorary is contemporary?
27. Do you like being naked? no
28. If we had proof God didn't exist, what would happen? chrisitans would freak out
29. Do you enjoy cheeze whiz? yeah
30. What's your position on virginity? some people know when the time is right. and it's different for everybody. but some people are idiots. i think i could be quite happy being a virgin forever.
31. On civil unions? yep
32. On RuPaul? you go, girl.
33. On mosquito bites? i hate them
34. On old sitcoms? i dont like sitcoms.
35. On Fran Drescher? who
36. Are you left handed or right handed? right
37. Are you smart? i dont know.
38. What's your middle name? rae
39. How many personalities do you have? a zillion
40. How many piercings do you have? two. one in each ear.
41. What was your first word? chocolate
42. Are you superstitious? it depends
43. Do you read your horoscope? if i'm bored, and it's right there.
44. Do you believe in that stuff? i dont know. it depends.
45. Can you do a cartwheel? no. i suck.
46. Do you have contact lenses? no. fucking glasses kill me half the time though.
47. Do you have a retainer or braces? braces
48. Can you drive? no
49. Do you snore? i dont know. i've never been able to ask anyone.
50. Do you drool in your sleep? i dont know
51.Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? i either lick them or lick my finger and rub it along the thing.
52. Do you keep a journal? kind of. not really right now.
53. Do you like onions? no
54. Do you like cotton candy? yes
55. What instruments can you play? oboe. recorder hahhah. the xylophone algsdhklg
56. Do you like to dance? it depends on whose company i am keeping
57. Do you like to sing? again, it depends who i'm with. i like to sing in the shower really loudly, but only when no one's home.
58. Are you any good at it? no
59. Do you like to talk on the phone? usually not.
60. Do you like where you live? yeah, but not forever.
61. Are you organized? it depends. some stuff yes. some stuff... not yes.
62. Do you sleep with socks on? no
63. Are you shy? a lot of the time. it depends.
64. Do you talk to yourself? not really.
65. Are you a morning person? no
66. Are you a virgin? yes
67. Are you proud of that? i guess so
68. Do you believe in reincarnation? yes
69. Do you believe in God? it depends
70. Do you believe in ghosts? yes
71. Do you believe in bigfoot? not really. i never thought about it.
72. How old do you wish you were? older
73. What will you name your kid(s)? i dont intend to have kids
75. Have you ever thought you were gonna die? i think so but i cant really remember. is this the same thing as thinking about suicide? i've done that plenty.
76. Where do you wanna go? somewhere
77. Where do you see yourself going? nowhere

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Find your emotion!

Find your emotion!

Which Kiss are You?

Which Kiss Are You?

Where is my Mind?
You're smart, shy, and often nonsensical. You have dreams of being famous, and you're quirky enough that you just might pull them off. Some would call you a genius, others would call you insane, but in reality you're pretty well-adjusted. Take a vacation once in a while- it'll help take your mind off of your troubles.
Which Pixies song are you?

Sunday, July 07, 2002

nickandjerel: i couldnt imagine having a comdom without a tshirt
katherine dohan on uniforms:
kat09987: i think ill wear sweater vests to school next year, over my snazzy white polo shirt

Saturday, July 06, 2002

Laylee2000: and i bought 2 superfuzzy black piloows today
Laylee2000: like your dog. only in pillow form

Friday, July 05, 2002

i'm a naughty girl.
again i can't stop thinking about suicide.
about the perfect timing.
about who will find me first and i can see their faces.
i know they'd get over it.
i have planned sixteen different set-ups.
but i still don't have that kind of courage
and i'm already disappointing them enough.
no, it's not your fault
that the subject has even come up in my head again.
it's me.
my need for someone.
it doesn't even matter
that you brought forth a few tears
hidden for so long.
or that you think it's funny
how upset i get
over something that you can't see.
don't worry though.
right now i'm too tired to be dangerous.
good night.
you won't remember anything tomorrow.

Which Willy Wonka character are you?

made by

Thursday, June 27, 2002

JiveBassist: i knew from the start that you and laylee both loved the mad bunnie humpin

Saturday, June 22, 2002

elise's phone number is 754-7650
brittany's new number is 662-893-3342
GleeRainstar: my parents are such tyrants
GleeRainstar: they're telling me i have to wear a bra to tai chi or i can't go

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

What Pattern Are You?

Which Rock Chick Are You?

Which John Cusack Are You?

Take the Which They Might Be Giants member are you? Quiz!

I am the Cheshire Cat!

You're the epitome of insane. Either you're very smart, or you're too damn stupid. The world is your playground, and everything -- and everyone -- in it is a toy for you to play with. People should be scared of you, but because you're so affable, they aren't. Tough for them.

How Gay Are YOU?

How Gay Are YOU?

You've got a lot to say, and you'll talk until it's all out, and for

some reason, no one tries to shut you up. I guess you actually

make sense most of the time. Almost everyone likes you, and

it's not just because you're cheap. Haha. Cheap as in thrifty, of

course. You get a bit depressed now and then, but who doesn't?

You seem to have a little anger built up inside, but who doesn't?

You like to stare at people through their bedroom window while

they're changing, but who doesn't? You sick bastard.
Which Smashing Pumpkins album are you?

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

i'm so confused. i'm furious with nick and very sad.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

I was captive
in a speeding man-made oven
We were roasting
cooking toasty
well done in our seats
Sun full of fierce fire
burning through our skins
boiling all our blood and
bringing beads of sweet to sighing foreheads
She sang out
giving me chills
under my skin
and I was less and more
and I was so cold

Thursday, May 09, 2002

i rode home through the rain
under an umbrella made of a tree
and let me just tell you:
never use a tree for an umbrella
if you want to stay dry,
but if you want the water
in your hair and over your eyes
filtered through the leaves
and sliding dored to your mouth.
when i got home i was so cold
it was love
i refused to be made dry

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

You are Heavy Metal!

Angry, sad, and disillusioned, you are Heavy Metal. You are the embodiment of the darkness of the human heart. Your main themes are sadness, anger, and hopelessness. You are frequently misunderstood by others and many link you to devil worship. However, those willing to look through the shell of darkness and anger find you to be very intelligant, poetic, and artistic. Too bad your inclination to look for the beauty in darkness and your general attitude of frustration with humanity as a whole tends to send most people running for the nearest exit. But despite that, you wouldn't have it any other way.

Take the what music genre are you quiz by PsychosisX!