Monday, August 18, 2003

hello all. realized after sickenly long last post that i forgot to do a little conclusion of my summer whatnot. i guess it is appropriate now, even if we have already had a week of school. *ahem.*
so my summer. it was actually very good. i didn't regret anything that i did, but i regretted not doing a few things, like working more on movies and going to the beach and gettin me sum summah lovin.
but in all seriousness. it was quite good, really. and it actually did feel relatively long. i mean, i think back and "here and now" seems like six years ago. in a lot of ways it flew by, but in a lot of ways it was very long. i still wish i could say that i did at least one interesting thing every day, but.... maybe next year. i'm not that popular yet aoighahgaopiwha where is my cult followin?! fuck get this party started! i can't think of anything else to say about my summer yet. i'm glad that i got to see laylee and becca and kevin a little bit.... i wouldve liked to see each of them a bit more though, but i guess i don't really fit in right with them. and then of course i didn't do any camps or anything, but i never do and mom always wishes that i would. everybody made me regret not doing rhodes writing camp, even though i probably would've hated it. i should've at least gone and hung out at the pool, and i am a total loser for not doing that. i wish i'd seen more of margaret and meg, and i really wish i could get to know katherine w (she hugged me three times at becca's gig! wowza!! i LOVE hugs!!!!). i had one amazing night this summer with margaret (some of the night with meg, also) but it was like.. the friday before we started school, and i wish we'd done more. i loved the fountain days, and i loved the month when laylee spent the night with me on tuesdays. i loved the supastorm. that was a joke. i hated the power being out, but i actually really enjoyed getting to talk to brock on the phone so much that week. i loved my inbox full of brock emails. i loved everybody getting blogs. i loved helping people with their damn blogs. i am so in love with how DOY has flourished, and i'm so proud of the progress everybody on there has made, and of all the new members, and just everything about everything. this list could probably go on for 30 years, and it probably will. i think i'll add some more later.
today was incredibly hot. the high was 108 fucking degrees. and we still sat outside at lunch. hot damn. literal.
the day mostly went by pretty quickly. i got a few chances to talk to becca, which i loved. i love holding her beautiful hand on the way to fifth period. today elise was going the same direction as us, which is funny because we'd never walked with her before. in chemistry, i didn't say hi to the mystery girl... i'm ashamed of myself. she snuck into her seat while i was getting something out of my backpack, and then i didn't really make an effort to say hi after class. but neither did she... sigh. maybe it just wasn't meant to be. OF COURSE IT WAS MEANT TO BE. SHE KNOWS MY NAME AIOPHWGEPOGHWE. I WILL TALK TO HER TOMORROW. maybe.
i hate ap u.s. and i want to kill it with a stick. i really like the teacher though. i have no idea. i don't really know what's going to happen. i mean, i'm stuck in the class so. we'll see.
i had my second session of therapy today. i was like half an hour late but we still talked for almost an hour. i hadn't done my "assignments" so i have been assigned them again. it was kind of nice talking to her, but i still feel a little silly. i don't know what else to say right now. i have a headache. i don't think i'm so sick anymore. ah well.

listening to: mutant space bats of doom - operation instruction

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