Sunday, October 12, 2003


listening to: the rapture - echoes
god damnit, i nearly fell asleep on the couch at midnight, then i planned to go to bed an hour and a half ago, and WHAT THE HELL AM I STILL DOING HERE? god damn! look at my sick life. sitting here and downloading music. no care in the world for being sued.

listening to: the national - fashion coat
damn i forgot to post today. laylee is out of town in new york, and without her, i have no motivation, since she is the only person who reads this blog. okay, i know for a fact that i am not allowed to say that, after the ted blog situation. i wonder if i have a cult following. how hella funny would that be!
anyway. katherine came over tonight and we got sooooo much done on the "much finer" video. it's really that we've been working on it for a full year. she was here from like 4:30 to 10:30, and we got 1 minute and 2 seconds of the video done. wow that sounds really really bad written out. well, we did have a really short dinner break. and we didn't actually start editting until like 5.
... okay so it is as bad as it sounds. shut the fuck up. much fin3r ownz j00. i am SOOO excited about it. god damn. in fact, i think you kids(s) should get a special preview, simply for being the faithful reader(s) of mine blog fortress. please give suggestion(s). CHECK THAT SHIT.
god i love little blog circles. i love how everyone reads everyone else's blog, sort of. sometimes it seems like the people who post the most/best are the least likely to read other kids' blogs regularly. i guess that just shows who has the good life, and who is the stalker. i like my role. i made all kinds of buttons for some kids' blogs today. it was fun. well they were only for some people on doy who have had blogs but no buttons. oh well it was exciting. even more exciting was when katherine came over in the middle of it and tried to teach me how to play the beifuss song. i have never played a string instrument before though, if you don't count when i TRIED to play guitar in the fourth grade. other than that, i'm a woodwinds gal. too bad strings control me like marionettes. my heart is stuck in a cello somewhere, this is no lie. those bitches have more power over me than anything. it's unfair that i can't seem to play them. oh well, maybe i am destined for the drums like katherine wants me to be. katie said that she can't see me playing drums, though, because i'd have to be STUCK IN THE BACK and SITTING DOWN the whole damn show. maybe i could copy the violent femmes' drummer guy. he just has a couple snares, front and center, and he stands there and plays them, unless he's running around wildly. maybe he doesn't do that all the time. after all, gordon gano did have a broken foot, so he couldn't be the stage entertainment for hte evening. and what a lovely evening. i won't go into it because then i'd ahve to talk about what a damn great day it was and how it was really 2 days rolled into one long long beautiful day because elise and i accidentally stayed up all night... too bad i wasn't blogging when that shit happened. oh well, i wrote a journal entry.
man i love hte yeah yeah yeahs. i made morgan watched 2 music videos and their performance on conan today, and she actually enjoyed them. wow morgan, i am impressed with your mad taste. what sister is cooler than this one? oh yeah after i blogged last night i watched subterranean on mtv2 which is like. the only show i like. and only some of it is good. too bad. there was a really nice little streak of videos... chemical brothers (shut up, the video is really cool), the new yeah yeah yeahs, the new RAVEONETTES, libertines, ima robot, etc. it was pretty fucking awesome. i wrote down names even though the ones i liked, i already knew the band. go figure. shit all i do is talk about music. i am shutting up.
oh yeah i talked on the phone to brock about his day, which was the next best thing to actually seeing him. there's always tomorrow.
anyone up for sneaking into peaches with me on tuesday? i know i already asked... but come on, guys. this is sick.

i want comments about the video. do it:

listening to: The Liars - Mr. Your on Fire Mr.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

a couple weekends ago, katherine, brock, elizabeth, and i had a lovely time filming and kite-flying at shelby farms. we are thinking of turning it into a short movie. it would be very very nice and happy.

plus katherine is coming over later today. we hope to edit more of "much finer" and start work on another silly parody movie, but who knows? we might also be editting the kite thing. whatever happens, it'll be great of course.

last weekend i showed "untouchable face" to my friend katie. it was surprising and amazing how much of the real story she got out of the video. she saw some things that it took me forever to see, when the stuff was actually happening. so yay for movies and the power of film. ahaha.

also, the site is now at this address which i'm sure is not helpful at all since you are already there. oh well. there it is.

Friday, October 10, 2003

my day was SO much better than i'd thought it would be. chemistry test wasn't bad, ap essay wasn't too bad, and surprise surprise the dbq essay was nowhere near as bad as i had thought it'd be. amazing! also, i did my algae and latin homework in homeroom and study hall. both of them were checked, what a strange coincidence. lalala. also, the 5th period english class had our lunch again and absolutely yay for that. laylee cuddled me and gave me her sandwich. i stole 25 cents from sallis and bought a hot chocolate sucker from that nice kid. he is very nice.
i can't think of anything else interesting that happened at school. today's post-school was very nice. brock and i talked to alice a lot, and sarah actually ended up taking her home. thank you, sarah! you always have to deal with my mobs. brock and i came home and hung out for a while. we decided to go to the spacebats show tonight, but only after cd shopping and dinner at harry's detour. the dinner was really nice, but it was so nice that we forgot to leave and we were there forever. the otherlands lady said that the spacebats were playing at 8, but when we got there at 8:30, after dinner, there was barely anyone there and no one was playing yet. so we abandoned that and went cd shopping. it takes me forever to decide anything so i just went with the default -- new frank black album! show me your tears came out in early september. it's pretty good, but so far i don't like it as much as his teenager of the year solo album, and of course not nearly as much as any pixies work. but it's fun. i have this and 2 other cds with him and the catholics, though this is the first i've bought for myself in that category. so i'm glad. and i love buying cds when they first come out. it makes me feel nice. to be able to say, "yeah i was a fan during that era" or something. to have artists that i will honestly go out and get all their albums, even when i haven't heard any of the new songs. i don't know. i like that. it's constant, and yet very surprising all the time. i love music so much. anyway. brock bought squirrel nut zippers and andy stochansky's solo cd. i hope he likes them, he's probably listening to one right now. he went home a while ago, very shortly after we got home. cd shopping made us go music-crazy. he wrote a huge list of bands he wants to hear taht i'm supposed to burn cds of for him, but his mom came before we had finished burning the second one. i'm excited though. i love music. sighhh.
i also bought the new issue of rolling stone, which is the special 'women who rock' one. i wish it was really a SPECIAL issue, like they put aside one specifically for that. i mean, practically all music media is about men. and if it's about women, it's about sex appeal and shit. so i am ashamed to say i own this. but missy elliott is on the cover, what could i do? no, seriously there is a really really great sleater-kinney article in here. it's really really good, except for they did a little discography chart for the band... and gave all hands on the bad one 2 stars and called the hot rock "dense, dark, totally depressing." which i don't agree with. NOT totally. jeeesus. come the fuck on. and what was that about all hands?! no way. i can't believe they gave call the doctor the best rating. oh well, i'm over it because sleater-kinney is fucking adorable. especially carrie. oh god i'm melting over here.
i hope spacebats was fun, but i don't really mind at all that we missed it. i've seen like 4 shows, and i'm sure they don't have any new material since last time. brock hadn't seen them before, and i'm only disappointed by the fact that we didn't get to see any kids tonight. and even that didn't bother me, just remembering that it's a THREE-DAY WEEKEND, and that i had an awesome time with just brock, like always. we're two siamese lobsters in a shoe.

listening to: frank black and the catholics - horrible day
(how ironic. HAHAH. this song is really good though! "it's a beautiful day. no, it's a horrible day." that sounds like me, but backwards?)
kristin hersh solo tour -- closest date is november 14 in bloomington, indiana... too bad.
last night i accidentally dozed off doing my history homework. luckily it was a somewhat light sleep, since i had the light on and everything i guess. and i wasn't prepared for sleep which effects it, i think. anyway. i had THE most beautiful dream. it was night time and everything was rainy and becca was at my house. she had the back door open, and called me over. i looked outside and there were these two gorgeous flamingoes parading through my backyard. they had this sort of pale glow in the middle of the night and the rain. oh it was beautiful. then i (thank god) woke up at 4am, did my history outline, and went back to sleep. morgan woke me up and got me pants and gave me candy earlier this morning. she is the sweetest thing.
today is going to be awful, but i found my favorite bra. woo!

Thursday, October 09, 2003

HAHAHAH dear god
this will make your day i swear to god:

just got off the phone with brock. i was doing pretty well with my history shit. i was the little engine that could. mostly because i had a goal: "when i finish this part, i am going to call brock and ask him what we're doing tomorrow!" so i did that, and we ended up listening to the whole throwing muses album over the phone. i really need to get some focus and get a life. talking to brock is always brilliant. i hate that he doesn't have a computer and his blog anymore, but the fact that it means we end up on the phone for huge portions of hte night makes me really happy. i just wish there was something productive i could pretend to do while we talked. like tonight, we listened to limbo, i babbled and recited my favorite lines, and he drew sketches for art. we also did some nice talking, of course. i love that boy. quoth katherine, "oh god. you are so lovely together." i need to stop calling him 'that boy' and shit though because i think 'boy' bothers him. it makes me wish he was violent.
today i had a stupid history test after school that i had to take because i didn't participate in the class discussion over hte chapter. i'm really ret@rd*d. i just hate how sickly stupid it is that i have this huge inability to talk like that. i don't know why. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. i should be able to scream, you know?
but laylee sent me a happy love sucker via margaret, as good luck and encouragement and laylee love in sucker form. it made my day ten times better. plus katherine w cut margaret's hair and it's very cute. i hope she likes it.
i think me and katherine d are gonna be up all night. and isn't it nice?
me: man my mom is making me look at colleges
me: this is scary
margaret: just scream "U of M" and walk away

HAHAHA. i love that girl.
no, right now i am living in this beautiful fantasy and me and everyone are all going to go to antioch and oberlin in ohio. yes. you heard me. go watch those damn image slideshows at the antioch site, and you'll understand. oh my god. and bonfire madigan is SO playing there on halloween. so they have good shows. i'm melting.
man this is so cheap and cute, it breaks my heart.
i just like looking at this antioch site because it feels like somewhere i'd actually enjoy, something i could actually do, instead of my huge terrifying-ness and intimidation every time somebody mentions college. so good.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

i'm supposed to be at macaroni grill, eating a caesar salad or something, with the latin kids. oh well. who the fuck wants to go to macaroni grill with the latin kids, and eat a damn caesar salad or something? and make stupid latin jokes and draw on the table? not me.
i really like my brandon cds so far.
anyway i'm proud of myself for having already started my homework this evening. i have done english and half of math. go alanna go! usually i am sitting on my ass about now wondering where my toes have gone.
aww katie just called me from her car, driving home from work. we had a nice little 2 minutes and 16 second conversation. how sweet is that? i love katie.
YAYYY I FINALLY GOT BRANDON'S CDS! he got mine like a week ago, and they were a week late. FINALLY i have received:
stereopathetic soul manure by beck
tigermilk by belle and sebastian
babysitters on acid by lunachicks
between here and there by the rx bandits

hahah what a strange little mix of cds. anyway, that's made my day lots better. and running through the sprinklers with brock after school.
the day was okay, simply because it wasn't yesterday. and shit wasn't falling out of the sky. i can't think of anything else exciting, except that i'm hungry so i'm going to go take a shower.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

thanks to becky's blog for this one:
i am really quite enjoying this. i'm putting in big posts from a bunch of blogs into here, and i'm sure that this takes away some of the fun for you other bored kids, but for those of you who are too lazy... here you go. and it's still fun to go do it yourself anyway.
they tell me i'm female. they usally get me wrong for these things, how odd. robin, zoe, christie, tarah, and ted link are also female. sallis, katherine, and becca are male.
brock is male with spellcheck, female with typoes.
too much fun for me to have.
bad news: becca can't come over tomorrow
good news: she is going to be at tim's!! bahhh!! i hope all goes well.
middle news: she is coming to record on thursday instead.
shit-ass news: i have a history test thing to do on thursday afternoon, and i hate ms. ervin with passion death.
brock called just as i was about to start my homework, around 7:30 or so. he had decided not to do any more of his work, so we talked until about 9:45. he made my day ten years better. i love that boy. and that is all.
i just came to blog and realized i shouldn't be.
quick today:
it sucked.
i didn't talk in the history discussion, and now i have to do a written test after school on thursday. i would've rather done that to begin with.
i got really depressed after that.

there were a couple good things that happened. allison was in our lunch today, so that was hilarious as always. brock, katherine, and i stayed after school watching "glory" for history extra credit. brock kept playing with the carpet and asking why we were there. katherine and i laughed at the cheesy shots and the terrible score. it's amazing how bad movies are.
also i wrote a not-really-a-poem sorta thing. i haven't written a real poem since sept 17, which, ironically, was the date of our LAST in-class history discussion thingie, which i also did not talk during. however, while that one was written after i died repeatedly and was all about that, this one is not. i wrote it in chemistry this morning, and it's shitty. oh well. i need to shut up and go do my homework.

becca is coming over to record tomorrow!!!

Monday, October 06, 2003

i thought therapy was going to be hell today, and it WASN'T. yayyyy. it went a lot better than i expected, and i actually said some shit that was on my mind, like getting depressed yesterday. i don't know if she understood this one thing i said, which was really important to me that she understand, but it was near the end and mom was in there so i couldn't fix it. either she didn't understand, or she killed my meaning in life. HAHA. how funny would that be?
but she did mention again that she talks to me like one of her adult clients, as opposed to one of her other teenaged ones. and she makes me feel better about some things, so i feel like it's worthwhile that i'm still going. today she said "you're going to hate me when this is all over" which i loved. and every time we have to make another appointment she asks if i want to keep coming back, which is very nice. i make the appointments myself, not like with orthodontists or somebody. i don't know. it's going okay.

listening to: "the big lebowski" on comedy central

Sunday, October 05, 2003

yesterday i actually made something of a decent attempt to clean my room. it was insane. you can see the floor. and there's sheets on the bed, too. well, i know I'M impressed.
katie came over just after 4:30, right after i got out of the shower. it was pretty nice timing. i was all wet when we hugged, though hahaha. we sat around for a while and i didn't really know what to say at first. we looked at movie showings, and eventually made plans to see a 7:30 showing of "school of rock" with brock and his brother wesley. unfortunately, brock had gotten sick, so he couldn't come hang out otherwise like i had wanted. so mom dropped off me and katie at last chance, where i got the purple tape by the pixies, and she got interpol due to my recommendation. i'm really glad she liked it because otherwise i would've felt guilty. also, she gave me a tegan and sara album that she didn't like, but i haven't gotten around to listening to it yet. plus i don't know where i've put it. it's probably still on the floor under the newspapers. then we went and ate at pie in the sky. mmmm. i had a beautiful root beer and managed it all the way through the movie, and home again. bravo alanna. i also called katherine and invited her and leah to the movie, because i knew katherine had wanted to see it. i wasn't actually sure i was going to like it, but it was the only thing i wanted to see at paradiso, which is next to brock's house and therefore easier for him to get a ride to.
so katie and i got there first, because my dad must be early for everything. plus he had ordered our tickets online, so we didn't even have to stand in line. instead, we played around like tourists next to the fountain. damn the fact that there's a fountain and fake balconies in that movie theatre. then brock and wesley got there, and ordered food and whatnot. somehow in between there, brock lost his and wesley's tickets and he had to buy some more. i really don't know how that happened. he probably dropped them into his huge ACID beverage and they melted. go figure.
we were somewhat late by the time we got into the theatre. i guess me and katie should've gone ahead and saved seats, because the only place with six seats together was the third row. they got there eventually, and it was really fun getting to wave to them across the theatre and whatnot.
anyway i was very surprised that i liked the movie so much. i usually hate jack black, and it seemed like a dumb concept anyway. but i, yes, i am now every other critic of this movie, liked it, even though i shouldn't have. as everyone has said, it's a formulaic silly little flick that you're not supposed to like but you DO and it's AWESOME and FUN and i recommend it. one of the best parts is that they actually know what they're talking about. there was not one place on the soundtrack that induced me to cringing -- lots of ramones, the clash, and even JONATHAN FUCKING RICHMAN!! (oh you KNOW i danced in my seat. and brock sang with me. it was beautiful, you KNOW it.) not one artist's name was mentioned that made me go "what?! noooo that kid is shit!" in fact, i loved reading the stickers and whatnot all over the movie. finding little names like PATTI SMITH and LUNACHICKS just made me too happy for words. it really wasn't fair.
ANYWAY. after the movie we stood around and talked for a bit. i sang and air-guitared violent femmes all the way outside, and probably got some nasty looks. ah well. i enjoyed myself. mom and dad picked me up and katie, and we went home and listened to our new cds and watched music videos i have downloaded. i showed katie "get up" and "untouchable face" which i think she liked. it was uncanny how much of the real story she got out of elise's video. wow, i was impressed. i guess either we did a good editting job, or katie just had some kind of insight. i don't know, but it was pretty amazing. so we ended up just kind of chillin and talking until 4am or so. it was very very very nice. i love katie.
we woke up and had donuts. mmmmmm. we also watched this absolutely nuts-oid movie called "the hole" which was chinese, if i remember right. it was part of this series of movies that chinese filmmakers did about what the year 2000 was going to be like. in this one, there was this insane epidemic which turned people into human roaches. absolutely nuts. it was longer than it needed to be, i think. but every shot really took its time... like you'd sit there and watch the guy lie there in his underwear for like 3 minutes. it was an interesting movie, at any rate, and the last shot was really really beautiful. so i'm glad we saw it.
then we hung out some more. et cetera. katie went home. i did homework. got depressed. you know the drill. except for the last part of sunday, it was a pretty damn nice weekend.