Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Thursday, August 09, 2001

Chaodoom: new layout
Chaodoom: it's... interesting
Chaodoom: different
Chaodoom: but i am liking the pic of the giggling faerie.
Chaodoom: "giggle giggle," says the photo
Chaodoom: "i like you, photo," says the Chao

Tuesday, August 07, 2001

someone said blogger is down.. IS THIS TRUE?

Monday, July 30, 2001

wahh i'm so mad at blogger.
and i'm really mad at tripod too. for deleting another one of my accounts.
does anyone know someplace i can host a site and like attack it with mp3s...?
things are crappy.
where is everyone?

Monday, July 16, 2001

so brittany and i MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT be going to new york and stay with my aunt phyllis for a week and oh my god it would be so much fun!!! im too anxious to explain all the things that i dont know about but well i really hope it works. and brittany found a flight for us to take and everything for $214 on northwest airlines. WAHH WE CANT WAIT AND I HAVE TO ASK MY MOM TOMORROW IN LIKE.. THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE SO THAT SHE DOESNT HAVE ANY CHOICE BUT TO SAY YES..... ;_; and its still not even definite that i could go alone but i would feel lots better with brit there of course.and tonight we went to davis-kidd and this author named nick hornby was there and we met up with the bakers -- kimberly and bill and zak -- just like last sunday except morgan's not here now because i sold her for a piece of cake in birmingham and zak just got back from france and he's grown out his hair and it looks really coolishnesses. and things of that sort. so then we went to chili's and everyone ate minus me. and they maybe thought i was anorexic but i had eaten a little before we left and.... things happened and those people are so much fun to hang out with. i was sad that morgan wasnt there just because theyre so fun and i wouldve been even more comfortable with morgan to stand behind. even though shes shorter. lol. zak plays the oboe and thats really funny because not a lot of people do. and he plays like 67043589023894 other things actually but oh well. i should go to bed because i hear like a garbage truck type thing outside and jerel is telling me to sleep and brit left and thank god nick left forever ago the poor thing. ok so im leaving. seriously. oh go check out jerel's blog because it might make him mad. ^^ oh yeah and go to laylee's page with its one beauteous post and then brittany's because hers is the longest. and shes the most uncool because shes not at blogspot. oh and nick doesnt have a pagie. and if youre feeling serious you can go to me and brit's poetry bloggie as well. right so im really leaving. night all!

Tuesday, June 26, 2001

wahhh i was so bored i decided to make a blog.... just like laylee did. wahaha so lets see. last night i made my alltime favorite forgotten cookies also called sleepytime cookies also called (by me only) bliss. they turned out quite well considering i made them. and i have now decided to eat one at this very second. mmmmmmmm ;_; ill have to post the recipe.

so last night i was talking to nick and then the wall wiggled and i sort of looked at it and THERE WAS THIS HUGE HUGE HUGE MASSIVE ROACH CRAWLING ON THE WALL!! before i knew it i had screamed slightly (and just for your information, no one came running. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A RAPIST BREAKS IN, EH?!?) and ohh god it was so disgusting. i was also standing in the chair, wondering slightly how i got there, and watching the roach horrificly. i sent a few urgent ims to nick and he was very sweet and tried to calm me down...... after a while of making fun of me. O_o OH WELL I STILL LOVE YOU THERE NICK. and then laylee made fun of me... and well it was really really horrifying. but i managed to save my cookies from the evil beasties.

i woke up a while ago when mom was banging on the windows yelling at morgan and i to wake up. she had, apparently, forgotten her house key. so it seems that these cookies have become my breakfast. blissss. i should probably have like cereal or something. so uhm morgan's making me go play something with her. if im bored enough ill like.... post some more later.

currently listening to --- "here in my head" by tori amos (this song is sooooo beautiful why the hell isnt it on an album!??!?)
current lyric--- in my head i found you there running around and following me but you dont intend it but i find that i have now more than i ever wanted to so maybe thomas jefferson wasnt born in your backyard like you have said? and maybe im just the horizon