Sunday, September 05, 2010

can you see the means without the end in the random frantic action

violent dream. beat up (or maybe just verbally abused?) brandon's girlfriend, then went to someone's house where i got shot, then went off and proceeded to slice up my own tongue.
last night i just sat at home after my horrible day and moped by myself. i ended up hanging out with my parents, who were watching wonderfalls and drinking dad's beer of the month club beer. more correctly, my dad drank the whole huge 9.3% bottle by himself, except for the half glass i snatched for myself. i got jealous and started drinking white russians. we proceeded to get more ridiculous until we were all talking to the tv and dad could hardly follow the show. brock appeared suddenly while we were standing in the backyard pointing mom's ipad at the invisible stars. it almost feels like true fall...
blah blah blah. in the end, i was up till 6am yet again. and cutting my own hair, which looks awful. i need something

listening to: amanda palmer - astronaut


morgiepoo said...

Stop staying up until 6 AM!!! Go to bed by 2 at least, young lady! I hope drinking the beer and white russians was at least fun. Sometimes hanging out with the rents is fun.

morgiepoo said...

Stop staying up until 6 AM!!! Go to bed by 2 at least, young lady! I hope drinking the beer and white russians was at least fun. Sometimes hanging out with the rents is fun.