Sunday, February 29, 2004

the server is acting up right now, but when it comes back you should be able to check out pictures from friday's PONO NITE and last night with brittany. but for now, i've got too much work (and brandon) to be able to blog right. so you have to wait.

Friday, February 27, 2004

if everyone could please listen to "the key" by kristin hersh, it would be very much appreciated because i want to make a video for it. so if you could think about images and ideas and whatever comes into your head when you listen to it, and give me suggies, it would be very much appreciated.

listening to: pixies - subbacultcha
bare feet
Barefoot- free, rebellious, and wild, you hate
boundries and rules. You tend to be on the
crazy side and often sweep people up along with
you. You are most likely the leader of your
group of friends.
What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

last night i had an adventure with a bottle of lemonade... thank you, brett hanover.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

i think you forgot that we should be friends
i think you forgot to call me again

today/night sucks and i want to die. i'm thinking of running around in the cold outside with a camera... probably not.

listening to: 7 year bitch - the midst
anyone up for ditching this dump? with me?
many of you already know that i was not in attendance at white station today. unfortunately for me, i missed the pan-african program, and my damned oral presentation in history. this morning at about 4:15am, i was gladly starting on my last article for the engilsh project. i can't remember why, but i opened up the last one i had done, and it was ... gone. of course. not in the sense of "hello, i am the devil computer, and i just ate your damn file. sorry?" but "hello i am the text file and i am only one paragraph now." i nearly died. i looked through all the recent files and all the auto-saved stuff to see if it would resurface, but to no avail. i decided there was no way that at 4:30 i could redo that essay and finish the others. first i thought i'd just finish everything else, and just be missing an article. i decided to start printing out my history stuff in the mean time, and surprise! when i opened it, my outline was there but everything else was gone. i sat there for a minute, and then went the fuck to bed. about an hour and 15 minutes later, mom was waking us up for school. i could barely move i was so tired, but i managed to get out of bed and show her my dead files. she let me stay home to work on them, but i went back to bed because i could barely stand. guess when alanna wakes up? 2:45pm, when her cell phone starts ringing. fuck fuck. i am too afraid to open any of my other files, because i'm afraid they'll all be gone. i haven't gotten anything done and i want to die. awoeihpaoeghopwahgpiwhoe
two more articles!
one more essay!
oral presentation to tweak!
i want everyone to listen to "the key" by kristin hersh RIGHT NOW with no exceptions because it's the most beautiful song in the world ever, and it never fails to make me a little bit happy. i want to do a video to that song, if i can think of anything good enough...
GOAL: 1 hour of sleep tonight
MET: 30 minutes of accidental nappage
CURRENT CONDITION: near dead, and attempting to sustain myself with gross slimfast product
my stomach is full of waffle finally, and my head is full of sleep, and my hands are full of type type type. this is bad bad bad. i want to be beds.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

i've been looking at all these pictures of the gay marriages going on, and i'm crying again.
see for yourself.
some of you have heard this story, but i want to tell it so that i'll remember it for myself later. the other night i stayed up really late doing homework, and i walked into the kitchen where i found this rainbow "THANK YOU" note. it was from our lesbian neighbors karen and lois, who recently adopted a baby boy from russia. mom had given them some books for him, hence the note. the first paragraph was your standard "we love the books!" response, but the second was something about "thank you so much for supporting us... we're so glad to have friends like you who understand" etc. it being very late, i couldn't get it through my head that there should be anything wrong with what they are and how they live... i knew that there were things up against them, but at 2am i really couldn't understand why. i got very upset.
and now i'm looking at these pictures, which are so beautifully happy and at the same time really upsetting. i don't know.

listening to: frou frou - track 3(?)
AAGHHHHH!!! WHY!!!?!????
the pro bono video looks awful. let's all hope i forget to bring it to school tomorrow.

Monday, February 23, 2004


listening to: pixels - gigamuffin (pixies tribute)

school was yick today. therapy went surprisingly well, though. i am starving, but in a good mood.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

i saw "red paint" again tonight, and i thought it went quite well. bravo to the cast... especially morgan and william. bitches. you're hott.
friday: so i ended up applying to 5 AP classes. i obviously don't plan to take all of them. but yeah. it's crazy. anyway. after school, mom picked me up so that we could go get my permit. but she was a little late, and that place was crowded as hell. i didn't feel like i'd studied enough that i was confident i'd pass. and what's the point of being at that damned place forever if you're going to have to come back very soon? so we left, and i came home. i sat around for a while, and napped in morgan's bed until like 5:30. i'd been waiting to hear from some people about doing the pro bono video, and we finally made plans to meet at audoban park, although it was way too dark to film anything. dad drove me there after he took morgan to theatreworks, but we drove around for half an hour and could NOT find my damn friends. at this point, i was sure that the night was going to be horrible but it got a lot better. evenutally i met up with alice, LA, and allison at ck's where i had some grilled cheese and nice. by that time, i'd heard that poor brock was in a small wreck although when i called, he was still there and couldn't talk.
the four of us went to super target and tried on bras, which was super fun only that it's impossible to find something that fits. where is laylee? where is my bra-shopping with laylee day? at any rate, we ran around super target and got icees. then somehow we got horribly lost and ended up in fucking eads. some woman in the car next to us, at the end of walnut grove, tried to hit on us. we got to shelby farms, but were terrified and left for galloway gardens to lay on the golf course. we rolled down a hill about 203597 times before laying out a blanket to cuddle on. alice, LA, and i were very snuggly but allison was ... not. i don't think she had fun at ALL that night, and she kept trying to go home. it was bad, and i don't think she wants to hang out with us again. plus she kind of killed the mood, but i tried not to pay attention to it. at home, eileen was spending the night. we tried to watch "lost in translation" but we all fell asleep on the couch.
saturday: i woke up, and talked to mom for a while. she is really good to talk to, and i should start doing that more. i never talked to katherine, so we didn't get to go drum shopping yet. which is upsetting, but i think we're going to ask robin about her dad's old set this week. woo! at any rate. i can't really remember what happened during the day, except for seeing morgan and eileen a bit. i cleaned, and at 3, alice, LA, and brock came to pick me up. we grabbed the camera and high-tailed it over to overton park where we filmed the pro bono video. we had a lot of ideas, but only ended up doing one of them -- the one that no one is going to pay attention to on the announcements. oh well, we can do some more maybe. it took us forever to do just this little 30 second video, so knows. when we finished, we were STARVING so we went to wendy's. sallis called me, and i'm sad that i couldn't see him at all this weekend. baby love, forgive me... anyway, i got home around 6:15. morgan, eileen, and amelia were cuddling on the sofa watching "blue citrus hearts" and mom and dad were getting ready to go out to eat. this was bad. i had to clean my room, and then i'd be alone at home with no ride to becca's for our super sleepover night of death. i was upset. i talked to sallis on the phone for a while as i cleaned, but i don't think he's big on phones and he didn't stick around. then i switched off talking to laylee and becca for forever. finally, kevin said he'd pick us up, which i felt horrible about. the boy is a sweet sweet thing. laylee and i got to becca's around 10, where we watched "the cell" on becca's lovely green couch and talked all night. it's really crazy thinking that in all the time we've known each other, the three of us have never hung out alone... i wish we'd done it before now. i had a nice time, though.
sunday: so i'm apparently a massive cover hog. i slept in the middle of becca's futon and caused damage to the population of the world. we woke up at 11am, and laylee had to leave pretty much right away. that was sad. becca and i had breakfast, which was toast and hot chocolate from powder that william made himself. we talked to becca's mom, which i really enjoyed. then my mom came to pick me up. and that's about all. i'm avoiding homework. alack alack.

Friday, February 20, 2004


one thing about me staying up to finish work-- no matter how late it is, after i finish brushing my teeth, i MUST clean something in the surrounding bathroom area. it never fails.

Thursday, February 19, 2004


this is my new contest.
what classes do i take next year?!
YOU decide!
(but do it quickly because my AP apps are due tomorrow...)

japanese 1
ap psychology
ap latin
ap english
honors english
ap statistics
honors pre-cal
honors physics ("the most poetic of the sciences" according to my mother)

pick five!
prove you love me!
well, mom forgot about taking me to the dmv today. so i'm still over 6 months away from the world of driving.
at any rate, today was a lot better than i thought it'd be. even though i stayed up until 2am finishing my homework that i didn't start until 11pm, i was not tired at all today, except for about 20 minutes in 7th period. i think today was just so good because of yesterday's afternoon/evening of NICE THINGS, and of course the beeeeautiful weather. we sat outside on the "grass" for lunch. it was so nice.
after school, alice, brock, and i went to backyard burger. this has become a weekly ritual, apparently. and i like it very much. those kids are very good post-school talkers, and i lub em. i wish i could do nice things every day... life would just be a lot better. i believe that wholeheartedly, too. bitches.
i got to davis-kidd around 4, and by 5 i still hadn't been picked up. i was really nervous that my mom had already come and i hadn't been there, and that i was being left to rot and die. i tried to work on as much homework as i could in the meantime, though. who should show up while i was gazing horrifically at an AP psychology application, but the dear sir sallis! even though he was only there for a few minutes, and during most of that time i was borrowing his cell phone, it was quite good to see him. i love the boy, and i really wish i got to see him more often.
so, mom was simply running late, due to a detour in spain, and eventually picked me up at like 5:30. she bought a milk chocolate with caramel bar for me and morgan as an apology. it was a damn good apology. we each had a piece and sat in pure silence for two whole minutes, just savoring that damn chocolate. it was a beautiful moment. my family-- lovers of chocolate, if nothing else.

listening to: the simpsons