Thursday, September 27, 2007

anger makes me a modern girl

i just went to the OR for lunch and got kicked out for being barefoot. "health hazard" my ass! it's more likely that i would get gangrene from their floor than that i would give them herpes or something..... well maybe that's what they meant.
either way, i'm annoyed. but i made py buy my food. hahaaa!
last night at 4am i was sinking fast... just a veritable puddle of tears. and i was writing in this little notebook that i'm supposed to have filled up by 3:30 for class today, and i just said to myself, you know what? fuck this. no more crying about this shit. and i stopped! it was kind of amazing. so i went to bed angry and enlightened instead of sad and weepy. good news, maybe.
i might post some of my little thoughts from that notebook. it's debatable.
is anyone reading this?
i've gotta go finish reading "death of a salesman." wish me luck on the quiz!


Sara St. said...

still check it every day.

katherine said...

good luck. post thoughts from the book.
i am impressed by your willpower to stop being a puddle of tears. whenever i start forming a puddle, i can't stop until its a lake.

the admiral said...

katherine, usually i am the same way. it was amazing! ....and probably somewhat specific, which helped. you know.

our friends are so beautiful.