Monday, February 02, 2004

11pm and i have NOT STARTED MY HOMEWORK. i don't know if i've ever waited this long, truly. and i have an AP U.S. test tomorrow, isn't that sick? ohhh it's just my brilliance. it's a nice night, in all honesty. i was at school till 5 working on the pro bono biweekly newsletter with tarah. we are god's editors. look out. i talked to brandon for a long time online. i also talked with sallis and becca, and wrote an article for the pro bono for tarah. then i got offline to work, but lo and behold, brandon called. actually, the phone rang in my bedroom and i couldn't hear it, so i missed it, and had to call him back. at any rate, we talked for an hour and 15 minutes on the nose and it was really nice. i love that piece of puppy lump. he needs to come closer.
as it is, i should go study for history. or do my math. or at least pretend.

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