Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Not really an SN: so Jerel, you wanna go have some oral sex later or what?
*huge pause* Not really an SN: ...
Not really an SN: wow the chat sure stopped fast
Shogun0fTheDark: ...
Shogun0fTheDark: cmon man we went like five times yesterday
BlinkChik441: *enhanced oral pleasure*
Atea Diosa: cinnamoooooon
Not really an SN: so basically me and jerel have oral sex all day
Not really an SN: just so every body knows
Atea Diosa: oral..... pleasure?
Not really an SN: no brit
Not really an SN: it's really painful
Not really an SN: I don't think we're doing it right
BlinkChik441: hahahhhhh E A:LKFJ:SLDKFJ:SDLF
Not really an SN: note how I no longer have shame
Shogun0fTheDark: way ahead of you
Shogun0fTheDark: or...
Shogun0fTheDark: something
Not really an SN: ::brings up Bakunin somehow::
BlinkChik441: assss fuckersssssssssss

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